

Исход 29



1 И вотъ, что ты долженъ сдјлать надъ ними, дабы посвятить ихъ во священники Мнј: возьми одного тельца изъ воловъ, и двухъ овновъ, безъ порока,

2 и хлјбовъ прјсныхъ, и прјсныхъ лепешекъ, смјшениыхъ съ елеемъ, и блиновъ прјсныхъ помазанныхъ елеемъ; изъ муки пшеничной сдјлай ихъ.

3 И положи ихъ въ одну корзину, и принеси ихъ въ корзинј, и тельца, и двухъ овновъ.

4 Аарона же и сыновъ его поставь у дверей скиніи собранія, и омой ихъ водою.

5 И возьми одежды, и облеки Аарона въ хитонъ и въ верхнюю ризу, и въ ефодъ, и въ наперсникъ, и опояшь его поясомъ ефода.

6 И возложи ему на голову кидаръ, а на кидаръ укрјпи діадиму святыни.

7 И возми елей помазанія, и возлей ему на голову, и помажь его.

8 И приведи также сыновъ его, и облеки ихъ въ хитоны.

9 И опояшь ихъ поясомъ, Аарона и сыновъ его, и возложи на нихъ шапки, и будетъ имъ принадлежать священство по уставу вјчно; и наполни руки Аарона и руки сыновъ его.

10 И вели привести тельца предъ скинію собранія; и пусть возложитъ Ааронъ и сыны его руки свои на голову тельца.

11 И заколи тельца предъ лицемъ Іеговы, у дверей скиніи собранія.

12 Возми крови тельца, и возложи перстомъ твоимъ на роги жертвенника; а всю кровь вылей у основанія жертвенника.

13 Возми тукъ, покрывающій внутренности, и перепонку съ печени, и обј почки и тукъ, который на нихъ, и воскури на жертвенникј.

14 А мясо телъца и кожу его и нечистоты его сожги на огнј внј стана. Это жертва за грјхъ.

15 Потомъ возми одного овна, и пусть возложатъ Ааронъ и сыны его руки свои на голову овна.

16 И заколи овна, и взявъ крови его, покропи на жертвенникъ со всјхъ сторонъ.

17 Разсјки овна на части, вымой внутренности его и голјни его, и положи на разсјченыя части его и на голову его.

18 И сожги всего овна на жертвенникј. Это всесожженіе, благоуханіе успокоенія; это жертва Іеговј.

19 И возми другаго овна, и пусть возложатъ Ааронъ и сыны его руки свои на голову овна.

20 Заколи овна, и взявъ крови его, возложи на край уха Ааронова, и на край праваго уха сыновъ его и на большой палецъ правой руки ихъ, и на большой палецъ правой ноги ихъ; и покропи кровію на жертвенникъ со всјхъ сторонъ.

21 Возми крови, которая на жертвенникј, и елея помазанія, и покропи Аарона и одежды его, и сыновъ его, и одежды сыновъ его съ нимъ: такимъ образомъ будутъ освящены, онъ и одежды его, и сыны его и одежды ихъ съ нимъ.

22 Возми отъ овна тукъ, и курдюкъ, и тукъ, покрывающій внутренности, и перепонку съ печени, и обј почки, и тукъ, который на нихъ, и правое плечо, (потому что это овенъ для наполненія рукъ),

23 и одинъ круглый хлјбъ, и одну лепешку на елеј, и одинъ блинъ, изъ корзины съ опрјсноками, которая предъ Іеговою.

24 И положи все на руки Аарону и на руки сынамъ его, и принесите это потрясая предъ лицемъ Іеговы.

25 И возми это съ рукъ ихъ, и сожги на жертвенникј со всесоженіемъ, въ благоуханіе успокоенія предъ Іеговою; это жертва Іеговј.

26 Также отъ овна наполненія рукъ, который за Аарона, возми грудь, и принеси ее потрясая предъ лицемъ Іеговы: и это будетъ твоя доля.

27 И освяти грудь приношенія, которая потрясаема была, и плечо возношенія, которое было возносимо отъ овна наполненія рукъ, который за Аарона и который за сыновъ его.

28 Сіе предоставляется Аарону и сынамъ его въ участокъ вјчный отъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ; ибо это возношеніе должно быть отъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ при благодарственныхъ жертвахъ ихъ, возношеніе ихъ Іеговј.

29 А священное облаченіе Аароново послј него перейдетъ къ сынамъ его, чтобы въ немъ помазывать ихъ и наполнять руки ихъ.

30 Семь дней долженъ облачаться въ него священникъ, изъ сыновъ его, заступающій его мјсто, который будетъ входить въ скинію собранія для служенія во святилищј.

31 Овна же наполненія рукъ возми, и свари мясо его на мјстј святомъ.

32 И пусть съјдятъ Ааронъ и сыны его мясо овна сего, также и хлјбъ изъ корзины у дверей скиніи собранія.

33 Пусть съјдятъ сіе тј, надъ которыми совершено очищеніе для наполненія рукъ ихъ и для посвященія ихъ; а посторонній не долженъ јсть сего, ибо это святыня.

34 Если останется мяса наполненія рукъ и хлјба до утра; то сожги остатки на огнј: не должно јсть сею; ибо это святыня.

35 Такъ поступи съ Аарономъ и съ сынами его во всемъ, какъ Я повелјлъ тебј; семь дней наполняй руки ихъ.

36 И тельца за грјхъ приноси каждый день для очищенія, и жертву за грјхи совершай на жертвенникј, для очищенія его, и помажь его для освященія его.

37 Семь дней очищай жертвеиникъ; и освяти его, и будетъ жертвенникъ святыня великая; все прикасающееся къ жертвеннику будетъ свято.

38 Вотъ что будешь ты приносить на жертвенникј: два агнца однолјтнихъ на день непрерывно.

39 Одного агнца приноси поутру, а другаго агнца приноси подъ вечеръ.

40 И десятую часть ефы пшеничной муки, смјшанной съ четвертью гина битаго елея, а для возліянія четверть гина вина съ однимъ агнцемъ.

41 Другаго овна приноси подъ вечеръ, съ приношеніемъ, подобнымъ утреннему, и съ такимъ же возліяніемъ, въ благоуханіе успокоенія. Это жертва Іеговј.

42 Это всесожженіе непрерывное въ роды ваши предъ дверьми скиніи собранія предъ Іеговою, гдј буду открываться вамъ, чтобы говорить съ тобою.

43 Тамъ буду открываться сынамъ Израилевымъ, и освятится мјсто сіе славою Моею.

44 И освящу скинію собранія и жертвенникъ: также Аарона и сыновъ его освящу, дабы они священнодјйствовали Мнј.

45 И буду обитать среди сыновъ Израилевыхъ, и буду имъ Богомъ.

46 И узнаютъ, что Я Іегова, Богъ ихъ, Который вывелъ ихъ изъ земли Египетской, чтобы Мнј обитать среди ихъ. Я Іегова, Богъ ихъ.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 10262

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10262. 'A hin' means how far things are joined together. This is clear from the meaning of 'a hin' - which was a liquid measure, at this point a measure of oil - as the extent to which things are joined together. 'Oil' means the Lord's celestial Divine Good, which is the essential power that binds all things together in heaven; consequently the measure of the oil means how far things are joined together, and the fullness of their being joined together. The reason why the Lord's celestial Divine Good is the essential power that binds all things together is that it is the essential being (ipsum esse) of the life that all things have. For that Divine Good imparts life to all things through the Divine Truth emanating from itself; and it imparts life in accordance with the specific character of whatever receives it. Angels are recipients; so too are people in the world. The truths and forms of good they have form their specific character, and this conditions the reception that takes place within them, and so conditions any joining together.

[2] Two measures which were used for sacred purposes are mentioned in the Word; one was for liquids, which was called the hin, the other was for dry substances, which was called the ephah. The hin served to measure oil and wine, and the ephah to measure flour and fine flour. The hin, used for oil and wine, was divided into four, whereas the ephah was divided into ten. The reason why the hin was divided into four was in order that it might mean that which binds things together; for 'four' means a joining together. But the reason why the ephah was divided into ten was in order that it might mean reception, the nature of which was indicated by the numbers; for 'ten' means much, all, and what is complete.

'Four' means a joining together, see 8877, 9601, 9674, 10136, 10137.

'Ten' means much, all, and what is complete, as 'a hundred' does, 1988, 3107, 4400, 4638, 8468, 8540, 9745, 10253.

[3] The fact that the hin was used for the oil and wine in the sacrifices, and was divided into four, whereas the ephah was used for the flour and fine flour, which were for the minchah in the sacrifices, and that it was divided into ten, becomes clear in Exodus 29:40; Leviticus 5:11; 23:13; Numbers 15:3-10; 28:5, 7, 14. From these verses it is evident that 'a hin' means the extent to which things are joined together, and 'an ephah' the amount of reception. Furthermore the oil served to bind the fine flour together, and the fine flour to receive the oil; for a minchah consisted of oil and fine flour.

[4] In addition there were other measures that were used for ordinary purposes, both for dry substances and for liquids. The measures for dry substances were called the homer and the omer, and the measures for liquids the cor and the bath. A homer contained ten ephahs, and an ephah ten omers, whereas a cor contained ten baths, and a bath ten smaller parts; regarding all these, see Exodus 16:36; Ezekiel 45:11, 13, 24.

[5] But where the new temple is dealt with in Ezekiel a different division of the ephah and the bath occurs. There the ephah and the bath are divided not into ten but into six, and the hin corresponds to the ephah, as is evident in the same prophet, in Ezekiel 45:13-14, 24; 46:5, 7, 11, 14. The reason for this is that in those places the subject is not celestial good and its ability to bind things together, but spiritual good and its ability to do so; and the numbers 'twelve', 'six', and 'three' have their correspondence in the spiritual kingdom, because they mean all and, when used in reference to truths and forms of good, mean all aspects of truth and good in their entirety. The fact that these are meant by 'twelve', see 3272, 3858, 3913, 7973, also by 'six', 3960(end), 7973, 8148, 10217; and in like manner 'three', by which from beginning to end, thus what is complete, is meant, and - in respect of real things - all, 2788, 4495, 5159, 7715, 9825, 10127. The reason why these numbers imply similar things is that larger numbers are similar in meaning to the simple ones which when multiplied produce them, 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973.

[6] Since 'a hin' also means how far something is joined to spiritual truth, a third part of a hin of oil was taken for the minchah in the sacrifices of a ram, and a third part of wine for the drink offering, Numbers 15:6-7; for spiritual good is meant by 'a ram', 2830, 9991. From all this it is again plainly evident that numbers are used in the Word to mean real things. What other reason could there be for the numbers used so often in Moses, Ezekiel, and elsewhere to specify amounts and measures?

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 5291

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5291. 'And let him take up a fifth part of the land [of Egypt]' means which are to be preserved and then stored away. This is clear from the meaning of 'taking up a fifth part' as that which implies something similar to taking tenths. In the Word 'taking tenths' means preserving remnants, and preserving remnants is a gathering together and then storing away of forms of truth and good. For remnants are the forms of good and truth that the Lord has stored away in the interior man, see 468, 530, 560, 561, 661, 1050, 1906, 2284, 5135, and 'tenths' is used in the Word to mean remnants, 576, 1738, 2280, and so also is 'ten', 1906, 2284. And the number five, which is half of ten, is likewise used to mean the same. Half or twice any number when used in the Word holds the same meaning as the number itself. Twenty for example holds the same meaning as ten, four the same as two, six the same as three, twenty-four the same as twelve, and so on. A multiplication of a number also holds the same meaning. A hundred or a thousand for example holds the same as ten; seventy-two and also a hundred and forty-four hold the same as twelve. Therefore what it is that composite numbers hold within them may be seen from the simple numbers of which they are the products. What the more simple numbers hold within them may be seen in a similar way from their integers. Five for example may be seen from ten, two and a half from five, and so on. In general it should be recognized that multiples hold the same meaning as their factors, yet more completely, while quotients hold the same meaning as their dividends, yet less completely.

[2] As regards the number five specifically, this has a dual meaning. First, it means that which is little and consequently something; second, it means remnants. It receives its meaning of that which is little from its relationship with other numbers meaning that which is much, namely a thousand and a hundred, and therefore ten also. For 'a thousand' and 'a hundred' mean that which is much, see 2575, 2636, and so therefore does 'ten', 3107, 4638, as a consequence of which 'five' means that which is little, and also something, 649, 4638. But 'five' means remnants when it has a connection with ten, 'ten' in this case meaning remnants, as stated above. For all numbers used in the Word have spiritual realities as their meaning, see 575, 647, 648, 755, 813, 1963, 1988, 2075, 2252, 3252, 4264, 4495, 4670, 5265.

[3] Anyone who does not know that the Word has an internal sense which is not visible in the letter will be utterly astonished by the idea that spiritual realities too are meant by the numbers used in the Word. The specific reason for his astonishment is his inability to use numbers to give shape to any spiritual idea, when yet the spiritual ideas known to angels present themselves as numbers, see 5265. The identity of those ideas or spiritual realities to which numbers correspond can, it is true, be known; but the origin of such correspondence remains hidden, such as the origin of the correspondence of 'twelve' to all aspects of faith, the correspondence of 'seven' to things that are holy, as well as that of 'ten' and also 'five' to forms of good and truth stored up by the Lord within the interior man, and so on. Even so, it is enough if people know simply that such a correspondence does exist and that by virtue of that correspondence each number used in the Word denotes something present in the spiritual world, consequently that what is Divine has been inspired into them and so lies concealed within them.

[4] Examples of this are seen in the following places where 'five' is mentioned, such as the Lord's parable in Matthew 25:14 and following verses about the man who, before going away to a foreign country, placed his resources in the hands of his servants. To the first he gave five talents, to the second two, and to the third one. The servant who received five talents traded with them and earned five talents more. In a similar way the one who received two earned two more; but the servant who received one hid his master's money 1 in the earth. The person whose thought does not extend beyond the literal sense knows no other than this, that the numbers five, two, and one have been adopted merely to make up the story told in the parable and that they entail nothing more, when in fact those actual numbers hold some arcanum within them. The servant who received the five talents means those people who have accepted forms of good and truth from the Lord and so have received remnants. The one who received the two talents means those who at a more advanced stage in life have linked charity to faith, while the servant who received the one means someone who receives faith alone devoid of charity. Regarding this servant it is said that he hid his master's money 1 in the earth - the reason for this description being that the money 1 he is said to have received means in the internal sense truth which is the truth of faith, 1551, 2954; but faith that is devoid of charity cannot earn any interest, that is, it cannot be fruitful. These are the kinds of matters that numbers hold within them.

[5] Much the same is contained in other parables, such as the parable in Luke 19:12 and following verses regarding someone who journeyed to a far country to receive a kingdom. He gave his servants ten minas and told them to trade with these until he came back. When he returned the first said, 'Sir, your mina has earned ten minas'. He said to him, 'Well done, good servant; because you have been faithful over a very little, be over ten cities'. The second said, 'Sir, your mina has made five minas', and to him too he said, 'You also, be over five cities'. The third had kept his mina stored away in a handkerchief. But the master said, 'Take the mina from him and give it to him who has ten minas'. Here in a similar way 'ten' and 'five' mean remnants, 'ten' rather more, 'five' somewhat less. The one who kept his mina stored away in a handkerchief describes those who acquire the truths of faith but do not join them to the good deeds of charity, so that these truths do not gain interest or become fruitful at all.

[6] The same meaning exists in other places where the Lord uses these numbers, such as the place where He refers to what one of those invited to a supper said,

I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going away to test them. Luke 14:19.

Also in the place where He refers to what the rich man said to Abraham,

I have five brothers; send [Lazarus] to speak to them, lest they come into this place of torment. Luke 16:28.

And in the place where He talks about ten virgins, five of whom were wise and five were foolish, Matthew 25:1-13. The following words spoken by the Lord in a similar way contain such numbers,

Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division; for from now on there will be in one house five divided; three against two, and two against three. Luke 12:51-52.

And the following details given in the historical narrative also contain such numbers - the Lord fed five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes; He commanded them to sit down in groups of a hundred and groups of fifty; and after they had eaten they collected twelve baskets of broken pieces, Matthew 14:15-21; Mark 6:38 and following verses; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:5-13.

[7] It is hardly credible that the numbers included in such details, since these belong to a historical narrative, have a spiritual meaning. That is, five thousand, the number of people, has a spiritual meaning; so does five, the number of loaves, as well as two, the number of fishes. A hundred, and likewise fifty, the numbers of people sitting down together, each have a spiritual meaning; and so lastly does twelve, the number of baskets containing broken pieces. Though it may seem incredible, every detail holds some arcanum. Every single thing occurred providentially, to the end that Divine realities might be represented by them.

[8] In the following places too 'five' means things of a similar nature in the spiritual world, and it corresponds to such in both senses, the genuine sense and the contrary one: In Isaiah,

Gleanings will be left in it, as in the shaking of an olive tree, 2 two or three berries on the top of the [highest] branch, four or five on the branches of a fruitful tree. Isaiah 17:6-7.

In the same prophet,

On that day there will be five cities in the land of Egypt which speak in the lips of Canaan and swear to Jehovah Zebaoth. Isaiah 19:18.

In the same prophet,

One thousand at the rebuke of one, at the rebuke of five you are fleeing, until you remain like a flagstaff on top of a mountain, like a signal upon a hill. Isaiah 30:17.

In John,

The fifth angel sounded, at which point I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key of the pit of the abyss. It was given the locusts which were coming out from there, that they should not kill the people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads, but that they should torment them five months. Revelation 9:1, 3, 5, 10.

In the same book,

Here is intelligence, if anyone has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits; and there are seven kings. Five have fallen; and one is, the other has not yet come. And when he comes he must remain a short time. Revelation 17:9-10.

[9] The number five holds a similar representative meaning in the following places,

The valuation for a man or for a woman was determined by their ages - between one month and five years, and between five years and twenty years. Leviticus 27:1-9.

If a field was redeemed, one-fifth was to be added. Leviticus 27:19.

If tithes were redeemed, again one fifth was to be added. Leviticus 27:31.

The firstborn who were in excess [of the Levites] were to be redeemed for five shekels [each]. Numbers 3:46-end.

The firstborn of an unclean beast was to be redeemed with the addition of one-fifth. Leviticus 27:27.

In the case of any wrongs that were done one-fifth was to be added as a penalty. Leviticus 22:14; 17:13, 15; Numbers 5:6-8.

Anyone who stole an ox or one of the flock, and who slaughtered it or sold it, had to restore five oxen for an ox, and four of the flock for one of the flock. Exodus 11:1.

[10] The fact that the number five contains some heavenly arcanum, as does ten also, is evident from the cherubs referred to in the first Book of Kings,

In the sanctuary Solomon made two cherubs of olive wood, each ten cubits high. The wing of one cherub was five cubits, and the wing of the other cherub five cubits; ten cubits from the tips of the wings of one to the tips of the wings of the other. Thus a cherub was ten cubits; both cherubs were the same size and same shape. 1 Kings 6:23-25.

The same fact is evident from the lavers around the temple, and also from the lampstands, described in the same book,

Five bases for the lavers were placed on the right side of the house, 3 and five on the left side of the house. 3 Also, five lampstands were placed on the right, and five on the left in front of the sanctuary. 1 Kings 7:39, 49.

The bronze sea was ten cubits from one brim to the other, and five cubits high, and thirty cubits in circumference. 1 Kings 7:13.

All this was prescribed so that holy things might be meant spiritually not only by the numbers ten and five but also by thirty, for although geometrically this number giving the circumference is not right for the stated diameter, it nevertheless implies spiritually what is meant by the rim of a vessel.

[11] All numbers mentioned in the Word mean things existing in the spiritual world, as is clearly evident from the numbers used in Ezekiel, where a new land, a new city, a new temple, and a detailed measuring of these by the angel are described; see Chapters 40-43, 45-49 [sic.]. Numbers are used in these chapters to describe practically every sacred object, and therefore anyone unacquainted with what those numbers hold within them can know scarcely anything about the arcana present there. The number ten and the number five occur there in Ezekiel 40:7, 11, 48; 41:2, 9, 11-12; 42:4; 45:11, 14, in addition to the multiplications of such numbers, namely twenty-five, fifty, five hundred, and five thousand. As regards the new land, the new city, and the new temple mentioned in those chapters, these mean the Lord's kingdom in heaven, and therefore His Church on earth, as is clear from every detail mentioned there.

[12] All the references above to 'five' have been gathered together for the reason that here and in what follows the subject is the land of Egypt, where, in the seven years of abundance, a fifth part of the corn was to be gathered and preserved for use in the succeeding years of famine. This demonstrates that 'the fifth part' means the forms of good and truth which a person has received from the Lord, who has stored them away and preserved them in that person for future use when there is a famine, that is, when there is an absence and deprivation of goodness and truth. For unless the Lord stored away in a person such forms of good and truth, there would be nothing to raise him up in a state of temptation and vastation and consequently to make it possible for him to be regenerated, so that he would be left without any means of salvation in the next life.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. or silver

2. The Latin means fig tree, but the Hebrew means olive tree, which Swedenborg has in other places where he quotes this verse.

3. literally, beside the shoulder of the house towards the right/left

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.