

Malaquias 3:7



7 Desde os dias de vossos pais vos desviastes dos meus estatutos, e não os guardastes. Tornai vós para mim, e eu tornarei para vós diz o Senhor dos exércitos. Mas vós dizeis: Em que havemos de tornar?



Momentaneous salvation


'Momentaneous salvation from immediate mercy' is represented by the fiery flying serpent in the church in Isaiah 14:29. This serpent symbolizes people who adhere to the doctrine of salvation by faith alone.

It is worth looking at Divine Providence 340 to gain some more perspective on this passage: "This kind of evil is on the wing in the church whenever it believes in instant salvation by direct mercy, because this (a) leads to the destruction of religion, [because it leaves out the need for real, sustained repentance] (b) makes people feel safe, and (c) blames God for damnation.