

Hoseas 14



1 Samaria skal bøte fordi det har vært gjenstridig mot sin Gud; for sverdet skal de falle, deres små barn skal knuses, og deres fruktsommelige kvinner opskjæres.

2 Vend om, Israel, til Herren din Gud! For du er falt ved din misgjerning.

3 Kom med [ydmyke] ord og vend om til Herren! Si til ham: Forlat all misgjerning og ta imot det gode vi kan yde - la oss betale med okser, med våre leber*! / {* d.e. med vÃ¥r takk og pris som offer; SLM 51, 19; 119, 108.}

4 Assur skal ikke hjelpe oss, på hester vil vi ikke ride, og vi vil ikke mere si til våre henders verk: Vår Gud! For det er hos dig den farløse finner miskunnhet.

5 Jeg vil læge deres frafall, jeg vil elske dem av hjertet; for min vrede har vendt sig fra dem.

6 Jeg vil være som dugg for Israel; han skal blomstre som en lilje, og han skal slå røtter som skogen på Libanon.

7 Hans skudd skal brede sig vidt utover, og hans løv skal skinne som oljetreet, og dufte skal han som Libanon.

8 De som sitter i hans skygge, skal atter avle korn og blomstre som vintreet; minnet om ham skal være som Libanons vin.

9 Efra'im! Hvad har jeg mere med avguder å gjøre? Jeg vil bønnhøre ham og se til ham; jeg er som en grønn cypress, det skal vise sig at din frukt kommer fra mig.

10 Hvem er vis, så han skjønner dette, forstandig, så han merker sig det? For Herrens veier er rette, og de rettferdige ferdes på dem, men overtrederne snubler der.





Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph, by Januarius Zick

Ephraim was the second son born to Joseph in Egypt and was, along with his older brother Manasseh, elevated by Jacob to the same status as Joseph’s brothers. Thus when the tribes of Israel are named, Ephraim and Manasseh are named as patriarchs along with their uncles – Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun and Benjamin -- but Joseph is not. According to Swedenborg, Ephraim represents the intellectual aspect of the church, the part that explores and understands what is true – especially the true ideas that can be drawn from the Bible. Manasseh, meanwhile, represents the affectional aspect of the church, the part that feels and loves and cares. This plays into the best-known story of Ephraim’s life. When Jacob was old and nearing death, Joseph brought his two sons to be blessed. He presented Manasseh to Jacob’s right hand as the elder, and Ephraim to Jacob’s left hand. But Jacob crossed his hands and gave Ephraim the primary blessing. According to Swedenborg, Manasseh was the elder son because ultimately, what we love makes us who we are; our loves form our lives. So our loves are the most central, leading aspect of our human existence, with our intellect playing a secondary role. But as we develop, we need to reverse those. We can use our intellect to understand what is good and right and force ourselves to do it, even when our desires are for what’s selfish. If we stick to that out of a determination to follow the Lord and be good people, the Lord will eventually remove the selfishness from our hearts so we can truly love what is good. By having Jacob bless Ephraim above Manasseh, the Lord is telling us that we have to put our intellect first to pursue our spiritual journey.



Isaiah 43:20



20 The animals of the field shall honor me, the jackals and the ostriches; because I give water in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people, my chosen,