

Leviticus 18:12



12 ἀσχημοσύνη-N1--ASF ἀδελφή-N1--GSF πατήρ-N3--GSM σύ- P--GS οὐ-D ἀποκαλύπτω-VF--FAI2S οἰκεῖος-A1A-NSF γάρ-X πατήρ-N3--GSM σύ- P--GS εἰμί-V9--PAI3S



Explanation of Leviticus 18

Napsal(a) Henry MacLagan

Verses 1-5. The man of the church is instructed that he ought not to live according to the evils and falsities of the merely natural man, nor of the corrupted church; but that the Lord who is Good and Truth conjoined, or rather united, ought to be worshiped.

Verse 6. Therefore, generally, man is forbidden to profane good or truth by conjoining them with evil or falsity

Verses 7-25. Nor, in particular, ought he to profane them by any illegitimate conjunctions whatever, which are described in a series, and by which the corrupted church is defiled, and is incapable of properly realizing either good or evil

Verses 26-30. On the contrary, the man of the Spiritual Church must live according to the laws of Divine Order and avoid abominations, lest he too should become corrupt, be entirely separated from genuine good and truth, and be altogether incapable of that obedience to the Lord which is the result of the heavenly marriage of good and truth from Him.



Jeremiah 48:28



28 You inhabitants of Moab, leave the cities, and dwell in the rock; and be like the dove that makes her nest over the mouth of the abyss.