

Mikas 6



1 Klausykite, ką sako Viešpats: “Susirinkite, bylinėkitės kalnų akivaizdoje, kalvos tegirdi jūsų balsą!”

2 Girdėkite, kalnai, Viešpaties bylą, jūs, tvirtieji žemės pamatai, Viešpaties bylą su Jo tauta­Izraeliu:

3 “Mano tauta, ką tau padariau ir kuo apsunkinau? Paliudyk prieš mane.

4 Aš juk išvedžiau tave iš Egipto šalies, iš jos vergijos išpirkau tave; pasiunčiau Mozę, Aaroną ir Mirjamą išlaisvinti tave.

5 Mano tauta, atsimink, ką buvo sumanęs Balakas, Moabo karalius, ir ką jam atsakė Balaamas, Beoro sūnus. Pagalvok, kas vyko nuo Šitimų iki Gilgalo, kad pažintum Viešpaties teisumą”.

6 Su kuo man ateiti pas Viešpatį, nusilenkti aukštybių Dievui? Ar ateiti su metinių veršių deginamosiomis aukomis?

7 Ar Viešpats priims tūkstančius avinų ir daugybę aliejaus? O gal man atiduoti savo pirmagimį už nusikaltimus, savo kūno vaisių už savo nuodėmę?

8 Tau, žmogau, Jis pasakė, kas gera ir ko Viešpats reikalauja iš tavęs: teisingai elgtis, būti gailestingam ir vaikščioti nuolankiai su Dievu.

9 Viešpaties balsas šaukia miestui (išmintinga yra bijotis Tavo vardo): “Klausykite skeptro ir To, kuris jį paskyrė!

10 Ar dar tebėra nedorėlio namuose nedorybės turtai ir pasibjaurėtinai sumažintas saikas?

11 Ar laikyti nekaltais tuos, kurie naudoja neteisingas svarstykles ir apgaulingus svarsčius?

12 Turtuoliai pilni smurto, gyventojai kalba melą ir apgaulę.

13 Taigi ir Aš tave, Izraeli, bausiu dėl tavo nuodėmių!

14 Tu valgysi, bet nepasisotinsi­ liksi alkanas. Ką sutaupysi, to neturėsi, o jei ką išsaugosi­karai sunaikins.

15 Tu sėsi, bet nepjausi; spausi alyvas, bet nesitepsi aliejumi; spausi vynuoges, bet negersi vyno.

16 Jūs vykdote Omrio ir Ahabo nuostatus ir elgiatės pagal jų patarimus. Todėl sunaikinsiu tave, o tavo gyventojai taps pajuoka. Jūs kentėsite mano tautos paniekinimą”.




Exploring the Meaning of Micah 6

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff

In Micah 6:1-4, the Lord speaks of all that He has done for Israel, getting them out of Egypt where they were slaves. In Micah 6:5, he relates how He protected them from Balak, king of Moab (in Numbers 22-24).

Then, in Micah 6:6-8, the Lord asks, rhetorically, how the people should worship Him: “With calves of a year old?” and then goes on with a reference to the idol Moloch, “shall I give my firstborn for my transgression?” Obviously these external acts do no good at all without internal repentance and a stopping of any transgressions.

Then He answers the question. Micah says, “He has told thee oh man, what is good,” and continues the stirring, familiar words; "do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God". 1

Micah 6:9 is about humility. It's a really important idea that started to be a problem for humankind all the way back in the story of the Garden of Eden. To eat of the tree of “the knowledge of good and evil” is to take to oneself the right/ability to decide which is which, and not listen to what God says about it. To walk “humbly” is to listen to God. That’s the meaning of “hear ye the rod and who has appointed it.”

Micah 6:10-11 points out that there is still some falsification with these people. The lean ephah is a cheating on the amount of liquid in a pitcher, and liquids refer to truth. Stones are used as weights to balance a scale that weighs out a purchase of food, and deceitful stones will cheat the buyer. Food means a form of good.

In Micah 6:12, 13, the rich mean people who, because they know a lot about natural things, believe they are also wise about spiritual things. 2 Here they are wicked and love the life of evil and falsity, nor can they be changed.

Then, in Micah 6:14-16, the chapter ends with a list of the problems such people will face. To eat, in the good sense, is to take in good. However, the gifts given by people who are immersed in evils and falsities turn out to be false gifts. People try to get things that will make them happy, but it doesn’t happen. Olives and their oil mean good, and grapes and their juice mean truth. 3

What are the laws of Omri? Omri was one of the wickeder kings of Israel, and Ahab was the wickedest king of all. To follow them means desolation and reproach.

In some ways, this chapter is a lot like many others in the books of the prophets. And yet, for centuries it has stood out, because it contains one of the Word's most powerful, concise, statements of how we should live: "Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God."

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. See Arcana Coelestia 2895

2. See Heaven and Hell 365.

3. Regarding olives and olive oil, seeArcana Coelestia 986. For the signification of grapes their juice, Apocalypse Explained 918.



Micah 6:5



5 O my people, remember now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of the LORD.