

예레미야서 51



1 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시되 보라, 내가 멸망시키는 자의 마음을 일으켜 바벨론을 치고 또 나를 대적하는 자 중에 처하는 자를 치되

2 내가 타국인을 바벨론에 보내어 키질하여 그 땅을 비게 하리니 재앙의 날에 그를 에워 치리로다

3 활을 당기는 자를 향하여 갑주를 갖추고 선 자를 향하여 쏘는 자는 그 활을 당길 것이라 그 청년들을 아끼지 말며 그 군대를 진멸하라

4 무리가 갈대아인의 땅에서 죽임을 당하여 엎드러질 것이요 그 거리에서 찔림을 당한 자가 엎드러지리라 하시도다

5 대저 이스라엘과 유다가 이스라엘의 거룩하신 자를 거역하므로 죄과가 땅에 가득하나 그 하나님 만군의 여호와에게 버림을 입지 아니하였나니

6 바벨론 가운데서 도망하여 나와서 각기 생명을 구원하고 그의 죄악으로 인하여 끊침을 보지 말지어다 이는 여호와의 보수의 때니 그에게 보복하시리라

7 바벨론은 여호와의 수중의 온 세계로 취케 하는 금잔이라 열방이 그 포도주를 마시고 인하여 미쳤도다

8 바벨론이 졸지에 넘어져 파멸되니 이로 인하여 울라 그 창상을 인하여 유향을 구하라 혹 나으리로다

9 우리가 바벨론을 치료하려 하여도 낫지 아니한즉 버리고 각기 고토로 돌아가자 그 화가 하늘에 미쳤고 궁창에 달하였음이로다

10 여호와께서 우리 의를 드러내셨으니 오라 ! 시온에서 우리 하나님 여호와의 일을 선포하자 !

11 화살을 갈며 방패를 굳게 잡으라 ! 여호와께서 메대 왕들의 마음을 격발하사 바벨론을 멸하기로 뜻하시나니 이는 여호와의 보수하시는 것 곧 그 성전의 보수하시는 것이라

12 바벨론 성벽을 향하여 기를 세우고 튼튼히 지키며 파숫군을 세우며 복병을 베풀어 방비하라 이는 여호와께서 바벨론 거민에 대하여 말씀하신 대로 경영하시고 행하심이로다

13 많은 물가에 거하여 재물이 많은 자여, 네 탐람의 한정, 네 결국이 이르렀도다

14 만군의 여호와께서 자기로 맹세하시되 내가 진실로 사람을 황충같이 네게 가득히 하리니 그들이 너를 향하여 소리를 높이리라 하시도다

15 여호와께서 그 권능으로 땅을 지으셨고 그 지혜로 세계를 세우셨고 그 명철로 하늘들을 펴셨으며

16 그가 목소리를 발하신즉 하늘에 많은 물이 생기나니 그는 땅 끝에서 구름이 오르게 하시며 비를 위하여 번개하게 하시며 그 곳간에서 바람을 내시거늘

17 사람마다 우준하고 무식하도다 금장색마다 자기의 만든 신상으로 인하여 수치를 당하나니 이는 그 부어 만든 우상은 거짓이요 그 속에 생기가 없음이라

18 그것들은 헛 것이요, 망령되이 만든 것인즉 징벌하시는 때에 멸망할 것이나

19 야곱의 분깃은 이같이 아니하시니 그는 만물의 조성자요 이스라엘은 그 산업의 지파라 그 이름은 만군의 여호와시니라

20 여호와께서 가라사대 너는 나의 철퇴 곧 병기라 내가 너로 열방을 파하며 너로 국가들을 멸하며

21 내가 너로 말과 그 탄 자를 부수며, 너로 병거와 그 탄 자를 부수며,

22 너로 남자와 여자를 부수며, 너로 노년과 유년을 부수며, 너로 청년과 처녀를 부수며,

23 너로 목자와 그 양떼를 부수며, 너로 농부와 그 멍엣소를 부수며, 너로 방백들과 두령들을 부수리로다

24 그들이 너희 목전에 시온에서 모든 악을 행한대로 내가 바벨론과 갈대아 모든 거민에게 갚으리라 여호와의 말이니라

25 나 여호와가 말하노라 온 세계를 멸한 멸망의 산아 ! 보라, 나는 네 대적이라 나의 손을 네 위에 펴서 너를 바위에서 굴리고 너로 불 탄 산이 되게 할 것이니

26 사람이 네게서 집 모퉁이 돌이나 기촛돌을 취하지 아니할 것이요 너는 영영히 황무지가 될 것이니라 여호와의 말이니라

27 땅에 기를 세우며 열방 중에 나팔을 불어서 열국을 예비시켜 그를 치며 아라랏과 민니와 아스그나스 나라를 불러모아 그를 치며 대장을 세우고 그를 치되 사나운 황충같이 그 말들을 몰아오게 하라

28 열국 곧 메대인의 왕들과 그 방백들과 그 모든 두령과 그 관할하는 모든 땅을 예비시켜 그를 치게 하라

29 땅이 진동하며 고통하나니 이는 나 여호와가 바벨론을 쳐서 그 땅으로 황무하여 거민이 없게 할 경영이 섰음이라

30 바벨론의 용사는 싸움을 그치고 그 요새에 머무르나 기력이 쇠하여 여인같이 되며 그 거처는 불타고 그 문빗장은 부러졌으며

31 보발군이 달려 만나고 사자가 달려 만나서 바벨론 왕에게 고하기를 그 성읍 사방이 함락되었으며

32 모든 나루는 빼앗겼으며 갈밭이 불탔으며 군사들이 두려워하더이다 하리라

33 만군의 여호와 이스라엘의 하나님이 이같이 말씀하시되 딸 바벨론은 때가 이른 타작마당과 같은지라 미구에 추수 때가 이르리라 하시도다

34 바벨론 왕 느부갓네살이 나를 먹으며 나를 멸하며 나로 빈 그릇이 되게 하며 용같이 나를 삼키며 나의 좋은 음식으로 그 배를 채우고 나를 쫓아내었으니

35 나와 내 육체에 대한 잔학이 바벨론에 돌아가기를 원한다고 시온 거민이 말할 것이요 내 피 흘린 죄가 갈대아 거민에게로 돌아가기를 원한다고 예루살렘이 말하리라

36 그러므로 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시되 보라, 내가 네 송사를 듣고 너를 위하여 보수하여 그 바다를 말리며 그 샘을 말리리니

37 바벨론이 황폐한 무더기가 되어서 시랑의 거처와 놀람과 치솟거리가 되고 거민이 없으리라

38 그들이 다 사자같이 소리하며 어린 사자같이 부르짖으며

39 열정이 일어날 때에 내가 연회를 베풀고 그들로 취하여 기뻐하다가 영영히 잠들어 깨지 못하게 하리라 여호와의 말이니라

40 내가 그들을 끌어 내려서 어린 양과 수양과 수염소가 도수장으로 가는 것 같게 하리라

41 슬프다 세삭이 함락되었도다 온 세상의 칭찬 받는 성이 빼앗겼도다 슬프다 바벨론이 열방중에 황폐되었도다

42 바다가 바벨론에 넘침이여, 그 많은 파도가 그것에 덮였도다

43 그 성읍들은 황폐하여 마른 땅과 사막과 거민이 없는 땅이 되었으니 그리로 지나가는 인자가 없도다

44 내가 벨을 바벨론에서 벌하고 그 삼킨 것을 그 입에서 끌어 내리니 열방이 다시는 그에게로 흘러가지 아니하겠고 바벨론 성벽은 무너지리라

45 나의 백성아 ! 너희는 그 중에서 나와 각기 나 여호와의 진노에서 스스로 구원하라

46 그러므로 보라, 날이 이르리니 내가 바벨론의 조각한 신상들을 벌할 것이라 그 온 땅이 치욕을 당하겠고 그 살륙 당한 모든 자가 그 가운데 엎드러질 것이며

47 하늘과 땅과 그 중의 모든 것이 바벨론을 인하여 기뻐 노래하리니 이는 파멸시키는 자가 북방에서 그에게 옴이니라 여호와의 말이니라

48 바벨론이 이스라엘 사람을 살륙하여 엎드러뜨림 같이 온 땅 사람이 바벨론에서 살륙을 당하여 엎드러지리라 하시도다

49 칼을 면한 자들이여, 서지 말라 행하라 ! 원방에서 여호와를 생각하며 예루살렘을 너희 마음에 두라

50 이방인이 여호와의 집 성소에 들어가므로 우리가 책망을 들으며 수치를 당하여 부끄러움이 우리 얼굴에 덮였도다

51 그러므로 여호와께서 가라사대 보라, 날이 이르리니 내가 그 조각한 신상을 벌할 것이라 상함을 입은 자들이 그 땅에서 신음하리라

52 가령 바벨론이 하늘까지 솟아 오른다 하자 그 성을 높이어 견고히 한다 하자 멸망시킬 자가 내게서부터 그들에게 임하리라 여호와의 말이니라

53 바벨론에서 부르짖는 소리여, 갈대아인의 땅에 큰 파멸의 소리로다

54 이는 여호와께서 바벨론을 황폐케 하사 그 떠드는 소리를 끊으심이로다 그 대적이 많은 물의 요동함같이 요란한 소리를 발하니

55 곧 멸망시키는 자가 바벨론에 임함이라 그 용사들이 사로 잡히고 그들의 활이 꺽이도다 여호와는 보복의 하나님이시니 반드시 보응하시리로다

56 만군의 여호와라 일컫는 왕이 이같이 말씀하시되 내가 그 방백들과 박사들과 감독들과 관장들과 용사들로 취하게 하리니 그들이 영영히 자고 깨지 못하리라

57 만군의 여호와가 이같이 말하노라 바벨론의 넓은 성벽은 온전히 무너지겠고 그 높은 문들은 불에 탈 것이며 백성들의 수고는 헛될 것이요 민족들의 수고는 불탈 것인즉 그들이 쇠패하리라 하시니라

58 유다 왕 시드기야 사년에 마세야의 손자 네리야의 아들 스라야가 왕과 함께 바벨론으로 갈 때에 선지자 예레미야가 그에게 말씀을 명하니 스라야는 시종장이더라

59 예레미야가 바벨론에 임할 모든 재앙 곧 바벨론에 대하여 기록한 이 모든 말씀을 한 책에 기록하고

60 예레미야가 스라야에게 이르되 너는 바벨론에 이르거든 삼가 이 모든 말씀을 읽고

61 말하기를 여호와여, 주께서 이 곳에 대하여 말씀하시기를 이 땅을 멸하여 사람이나 짐승이 거기 거하지 못하게 하고 영영히 황폐케 하리라 하셨나이다 하라

62 너는 이 책 읽기를 다한 후에 책에 돌을 매어 유브라데 하수 속에 던지며

63 말하기를 바벨론이 나의 재앙 내림을 인하여 이같이 침륜하고 다시 일어나지 못하리니 그들이 쇠패하리라 하라 하니라 예레미야의 말이 이에 마치니라


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 10042

Prostudujte si tuto pasáž

/ 10837  

10042. 'And you shall take one ram' means the good of innocence in the internal man. This is clear from the meaning of 'a ram' as the good of innocence and charity in the internal man, dealt with below. Since sacrifices and burnt offerings of rams and lambs are referred to in this chapter, the general meaning of the living creatures offered in sacrifices and burnt offerings must be stated. Those creatures were oxen, young bulls, and he-goats; rams, she-goats, and he-kids; and he-lambs, she-lambs, and she-kids of she-goats. Anyone who does not know what these creatures serve to mean cannot possibly know what is meant by a sacrifice or burnt offering of any of them in particular. It should be recognized that all living creatures on earth serve to mean things such as reside in the human being, which in general consist in affections present in his will and in thoughts present in his understanding, and so consist in forms of good and in truths; for forms of good belong to the will and truths to the understanding. And since those things consist in forms of good and in truths they also consist in love and faith; for all aspects of love are called forms of good, and all matters of faith are called truths.

[2] The reason why these different kinds of living creatures serve to mean such things lies in representatives in the next life, where creatures belonging to many genera and countless species appear. Such creatures there are wholly lifelike appearances corresponding to spirits' and angels' affections and thoughts. The truth of this is evident also from the visions of the prophets spoken of in places throughout the Word; for all the things that were seen by the prophets are such as appear in heaven before angels' eyes. This explains why mention in the Word is so often made of beasts or animals, each of which serves to mean something belonging to one of the categories of things residing in the human being. As to his outward self the human being is no more than an animal; but his inward self makes him different. By means of his inward self both this inward self and his outward self can be raised towards heaven and up to God, and can as a consequence receive faith and love. This is why animals were used in sacrifices and burnt offerings. The person who knows nothing of all this cannot possibly know the reason why it was commanded to offer young bulls, rams, or he-lambs on one occasion, oxen, she-goats, and she-lambs on another, and he-goats, he-kids, and she-kids of she-goats on yet another. What other reason could there be for these differences? For the meaning of animals or beasts in the Word as forms of good or evils present with a person, and also truths or falsities, see 142, 143, 246, 714, 715, 776, 1823, 2179, 2180, 2781, 3218, 3519, 5198, 7523, 7872, 9090; and for their use in sacrifices on account of that meaning, 1823, 2180, 2805, 2807, 2830.

[3] So far however as sacrifices and burnt offerings of those creatures are concerned it should be recognized that,

1. Representative worship among the Jewish and Israelite nation consisted first and foremost in sacrifices and burnt offerings.

2. Sacrifices and burnt offerings in general served to mean the regeneration of a person by means of the truths of faith and forms of the good of love received from the Lord, and in the highest sense the glorification of the Lord's Human.

3. Everything belonging to worship - all the different things constituting it, thus worship in all its variety - was represented by the sacrifices and burnt offerings; and this is why it was decreed that different kinds of living creatures should be used.

[4] But to deal with these considerations in detail,

1. Representative worship among the Jewish and Israelite nation consisted first and foremost in sacrifices and burnt offerings

This is clear from the fact that they were used for every sin and all guilt, and also for every consecration and admission to office, besides being used daily, on every sabbath, at each new moon, and at every feast; and for this reason the altar was the holiest object of all. Every other act of worship among that nation grew out of an occasion for sacrifice, which explains why it says in Daniel, when the abolition of representative worship is the subject, that the sacrifice and the offering will cease, Daniel 9:27, and the continual [sacrifice] will be removed, Daniel 8:10-13; 11:31; 12:11. In particular 'the continual' means the sacrifice that was offered daily, and in general all worship. But see what has been shown already on these matters,

Sacrifices in general mean all representative worship, 923, 2165, 6905, 8680, 8936.

The altar was the chief representative of the Lord and consequently of worship, 2777, 2811, 8935, 8940, 9388, 9389, 9714, 9964.

The ancients before Eber knew nothing about sacrifices, 2180.

Sacrifices were established in Eber's time, existing from then on among the Hebrew nation, and consequently among the descendants of Jacob, and why they did so, 1128, 1343, 2180, 2818.

Sacrifices were not commanded, only permitted, 2180.

[5] 2. Sacrifices and burnt offerings in general served to mean the regeneration of a person by means of the truths of faith in the Lord and forms of the good of love to Him, both received from the Lord

This is clear from the fact that all aspects of worship have regard to purification from evils and falsities, the implantation of truth and good, and the joining together of these, thus to regeneration since by means of those three a person is regenerated. This explains why sacrifices and burnt offerings were offered for every sin and all guilt; and it says, when they were offered, that it was expiated and would be pardoned, Leviticus 4:20, 26, 31, 35; 5:6, 10, 13, 18; 6:7; 7:7; 10:17; 14:18-19; 15:30-31; 16:6, 24; 17:11. The pardoning of sins, expiation, propitiation, and redemption are nothing other than purification from evils and falsities, the implantation of goodness and truth, and the joining together of these, which is regeneration, 9076, 9452-9454, 9937, 9938. The whole process of regeneration is also described by the specific observances belonging to each sacrifice and burnt offering, and a clear view of that process emerges when the internal sense is used to unfold the representative elements of it, 10022.

[6] In the highest sense sacrifices and burnt offerings serve to mean the glorification of the Lord's Human

This is so because all the ritual observances belonging to worship that were established among the Israelite and Jewish nation had regard solely to the Lord; thus more than all else the sacrifices and burnt offerings - by which in general everything belonging to worship was represented, as shown above - had regard to Him. Furthermore the only source of human regeneration is the Lord, 9486, 9487, 9506, 9715, 9809, 10019. When therefore the Word deals with human regeneration the subject in the highest sense is the glorification of the Lord's Human; for the regeneration of a person is an image of the glorification of the Lord, 3138, 3212, 3296, 3490, 4402, 5688. Glorifying His Human implies making it Divine, whereas regenerating a person implies making him heavenly, in order that what is Divine and the Lord's may dwell in him.

[7] 3. Everything belonging to worship - all the different things constituting it, thus worship in all its variety - was represented by the sacrifices and burnt offerings; and this is why it was decreed that different kinds of living creatures should be used

This is clear from all the different situations for which sacrifices and burnt offerings were prescribed - for sins committed through error, and for sins not committed through error; for every trespass and uncleanness, whether on the part of a priest, the whole congregation, a leader, or any ordinary person 1 ; for cleansing from leprosy; for purification after childbirth; for consecration of the altar, the tent of meeting, and everything in it; for the cleansing of these when Aaron went once a year into the holy of holies; for the admission of Aaron and his sons to the priestly office; for the consecration of Nazirites; and in general at the three feasts, at each new moon, on the sabbaths, and morning and evening 2 every day; and in addition votive offerings and free-will offerings.

[8] Since sacrifices and burnt offerings were prescribed for so many different situations and they represented all the different things constituting worship, it was also decreed that different kinds of creatures should be used - young bulls, oxen, and he-goats; rams, she-goats, and he-kids; and he-lambs, she-lambs, and she-kids of she-goats. Sacrifices and burnt offerings of young bull, ox, and he-goat represented the purification and regeneration of the external or natural man; those of ram, she-goat, and he-kid represented the purification and regeneration of the internal or spiritual man; and those of he-lamb, she-lamb, and she-kid of the she-goats represented the purification and regeneration of the inmost or celestial man. For there are three degrees that follow in order in a person, namely celestial, spiritual, and natural, see 9992, 10005, 10017; and if a person is to be regenerated the things that are internal and those that are external must be regenerated, see the places referred to in 9325(end).

[9] But what is meant specifically by the sacrifice and burnt offering of a ram that are referred to in the present chapter is clear from places in the Word where sacrifices and burnt offerings of rams are described or where a ram is mentioned. From those places it is evident that 'a ram' means the good of innocence and charity in the internal man, and that a sacrifice and burnt offering of it mean purification and regeneration of the internal man, and so the implantation of the good of innocence and charity there. This meaning of 'a ram' is clear from the following places: In Isaiah,

All the flocks of Arabia will be gathered to you, the rams of Nebaioth will minister to you; they will come up with acceptance on My altar. Isaiah 60:7.

This refers to the Lord, and to heaven and His Church. 'The flocks of Arabia' are all the forms of good belonging to the internal man, 'the rams of Nebaioth' are the forms of the good of innocence and charity there, 'flocks' being forms of good that belong to the internal man, see 8937, 9135, 'Arabia' a place where good exists, 3268, and 'Nebaioth' those there who are governed by that good, 3268, 3686, 3688.

[10] In Ezekiel,

Arabia and all the princes of Kedar, [these were] the merchants of your hand through [the trading of] small cattle, and rams, and he-goats. Ezekiel 27:21.

This refers to Tyre, by which is meant the Church where cognitions or knowledge of good and truth exist, 1201. 'The merchants' are those who possess them and pass them on, 2967, 4453; 'cattle' are forms of the good of love, 'rams' forms of the good of charity, and 'he-goats' forms of the good of faith. In the Word reference is made to 'flocks', 'small cattle' 3 , and 'members of the flock', for which the original language has distinct and separate terms. By 'flocks' internal things in general are meant, by 'members of the flock' the same things in particular, and by 'small cattle' inmost things in particular. But by 'herds' external things are meant. In Jeremiah,

I will cause them to come down like small cattle to the slaughter, like rams with he-goats. Jeremiah 51:40.

'Small cattle', 'rams', and 'he-goats' here have much the same meaning.

[11] In Ezekiel,

Thus said the Lord Jehovih, Behold, I am judging between members of the flock and members of the flock 4 , between rams, and between he-goats. Ezekiel 34:17.

'Between members of the flock and members of the flock' stands for between those with whom interior things of good and of evil are present. 'Between rams and between he-goats' stands for between those with whom charity and consequently faith are present and those with whom truths of faith without charity are present. 'Rams' here have the same meaning as 'sheep', rams being male sheep. For the meaning of 'sheep' as those with whom charity and consequently faith are present, see 4169, 4809; and for that of 'he-goats' as those with whom truths that are called the truths of faith are present but without charity, 4169(end), 4769. The ram and the he-goat in Daniel 8:1-end have the same meaning, as do the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25:32-end.

[12] In Moses,

If a soul has sinned through error he shall bring his guilt offering to Jehovah, a ram without blemish out of the flock. Leviticus 5:15, 18; 6:6.

By sacrifices of rams is meant purification of the internal man and the implantation of the good of innocence there; for sin committed through error is sin owing to ignorance that has innocence within it, and the innocence of ignorance belongs to the internal man.

[13] In the same author,

At new moons they were to offer two young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs, and afterwards a he-goat of the she-goats. The same thing was to be done every day during Passover, and also on the day of the firstfruits. Numbers 28:11, 15, 19, 22, 27, [Numbers 28:30.]

All this was done in order that the purification of the whole person - the external, the internal, and the inmost - might be represented. The purification of the external man was represented by the sacrifice and burnt offering of the young bulls, of the internal by those of the ram, and of the inmost by those of the lambs. And since purification was represented, so too was the implantation of the good of innocence; for a young bull is the good of innocence in the external man, a ram that good in the internal man, and a lamb that good in the inmost man, as has been stated above. The reason why the last of the creatures was a he-goat was that 'a he-goat' means the truth of faith in the external man, and the truth of faith there is last and lowest, 9959. Since the forms of good and the truths present with a person follow one another in this order, therefore also the gifts of the princes of Israel when the altar and the tent of meeting were anointed were a young bull, a ram, and a lamb for burnt offerings, and a he-goat of the she-goats for a sacrifice, Numbers 7:15-17, 21-23, 27-29, 33ff.

From all this it may now be recognized that 'a ram' means the good of innocence and charity in the internal man.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, any soul

2. literally, between the evenings

3. The expression small cattle describes animals belonging to a flock.

4. i.e. between good ones and bad ones

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia # 4453

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/ 10837  

4453. 'Carry on trade throughout it, and have possessions in it' means matters of doctrine which, because they are comunicated, would accord with one another. This is clear from the meaning of 'carrying on trade" as acquiring cognitions for oneself and also communicating them, dealt with in 2967 - 'carrying on trade throughout the land' therefore meaning entering into the cognitions of good and truth which Shechem the son of Hamor and his city mean; and from the meaning of 'having posession of a land make one and accord with one another. The reason why 'carrying on trade' means acquiring cognitions for oneself and also communicating them is that in heaven, where the Word is perceived, which in general is the acquisition and communication of cognitions, and specifically the reality meant my whatever commodity is mentioned. For example, if gold is mentioned, the good of love and wisdom is understood, 113, 1551, 1552; if silver, the truth that belongs to intelligence and faith, 1551, 2048, 2954. If mention if made of sheep, rams, kids, or lambs with which people traded in ancient times, the kinds of things meant by sheep, rams, kids and lambs are understood; and so on.

[2] As in Ezekiel,

Say to Tyre, one that dwells upon the entrances of the seas, that she is the trader of the peoples to many islands: Tarshish was your merchant because of the abundance of all riches; silver, iron, tin, and lead, they exchanged for your wares. Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, they were your traders in the souls of men - and they gave vessels of bronze for your commerce. The sons of Dedan were your traders; many islands were the merchandise of your hand. Syria was your merchant in the multitude of your handiworks; Judah, and the land of Israel, they were your traders. Wheat of Minnith, and pannag, and honey, and oil, and balm they exchanged for your commerce. Damascus was your merchant in the multitude of your handiworks, because of the multitude of all riches - in the wine of Helbon, and the wool of Zahar. Dan and Javan traded with yarn for your wares. Dedan was your trader in chariot cloaks. 1 . The Arab and all the princes of Kedar were the merchants of your hand, in lambs, and rams, and goats; in these were they your merchants. The traders of Sheba and Raamah, they were your traders in the best of every spice; and by means of every precious stone and gold they provided your tradings. Haran and Canneh and Eden, the traders of Sheba; Asshur, Chilmad, was your trader. These were your traders in choice wares - balls of violet, and embroidered garments; and treasure-chests of precious garments, bound cords, and objects made of cedar were among your merchandise. The ships of Tarshish were your squadrons in your merchandise from which you have been filled and made exceedingly honoured in the heart of the seas. Ezekiel 27:1-25.

[3] From here and many other paces in the Word it may be seen that tradings, commerce, merchandise, and wares mean nothing other than undertakings involving cognitions of good and truth. For what connection can the prophetical Word have with the trading activities of Tyre unless they mean things that are spiritual and celestial? That being so, it is quite clear not only that things other than wares are meant by 'wares' but also that the nations mentioned by name there mean people among whom these other things reside. It is also clear that no one can know what is meant by any of them except from the internal sense - what is meant by Tarshish, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, the sons of Dedan, Syria, Judah, Israel, Dan, Javan, Dedan, the Arab, Shebah, Raamah, Haran, Canneh, Eden, Asshur, and Chilmad. Nor can one know what is meant by their wares - by silver, iron, tin, lead, vessels of bronze, wheat, minnith, pannag, honey, oil, balm, the wine of Helbon, the wool of Zahar, yarn, chariot-cloaks, lambs, rams, goats, spices, precious stones, gold, balls of violet embroidered garments, bound cords, and objects made of cedar. These and others like them mean the goods and truths of the Church and of the Lord's kingdom, and the cognitions of those goods and truths. It is because Tyre means cognitions, 1201, that Tyre is the subject at this point in Ezekiel. And because such 'wares', that is, goods and truths, exist in the Church and the Lord's kingdom, the land of Canaan, which means the Church and the Lord's kingdom, was from most ancient times so named from a word meaning wares or merchandise, for this is what the name Canaan means in the original language. From all this one may now see what is meant by 'carrying on trade throughout the land'.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally garments of liberty for the chariot - possibly garments with loose sleves.

/ 10837  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.