

신명기 28



1 네가 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 삼가 듣고 내가 오늘날 네게 명하는 그 모든 명령을 지켜 행하면 네 하나님 여호와께서 너를 세계 모든 민족 위에 뛰어나게 하실 것이라

2 네가 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 순종하면 이 모든 복이 네게 임하며 네게 미치리니

3 성읍에서도 복을 받고, 들에서도 복을 받을 것이며

4 네 몸의 소생과, 네 토지의 소산과, 네 짐승의 새끼와, 우양의 새끼가 복을 받을 것이며

5 네 광주리와, 떡반죽 그릇이 복을 받을 것이며

6 네가 들어와도 복을 받고, 나가도 복을 받을 것이니라

7 네 대적들이 일어나 너를 치려하면 여호와께서 그들을 네 앞에서 패하게 하시리니 그들이 한 길로 너를 치러 들어왔으나 네 앞에서 일곱 길로 도망하리라

8 여호와께서 명하사 네 창고와 네 손으로 하는 모든 일에 복을 내리시고 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 주시는 땅에서 네게 복을 주실 것이며

9 네가 네 하나님 여호와의 명령을 지켜 그 길로 행하면 여호와께서 네게 맹세하신 대로 너를 세워 자기의 성민이 되게 하시리니

10 너를 여호와의 이름으로 일컬음을 세계 만민이 보고 너를 두려워하리라

11 여호와께서 네게 주리라고 네 열조에게 맹세하신 땅에서 네게 복을 주사 네 몸의 소생과, 육축의 새끼와, 토지의 소산으로 많게 하시며

12 여호와께서 너를 위하여 하늘의 아름다운 보고를 열으사 네 땅에 때를 따라 비를 내리시고 네 손으로 하는 모든 일에 복을 주시리니 네가 많은 민족에게 꾸어줄지라도 너는 꾸지 아니할 것이요

13 여호와께서 너로 머리가 되고 꼬리가 되지 않게 하시며 위에만 있고 아래에 있지 않게 하시리니 오직 너는 내가 오늘날 네게 명하는 네 하나님 여호와의 명령을 듣고 지켜 행하며

14 내가 오늘날 너희에게 명하는 그 말씀을 떠나 좌로나 우로나 치우치지 아니하고 다른 신을 따라 섬기지 아니하면 이와 같으리라

15 네가 만일 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 순종하지 아니하여 내가 오늘날 네게 명하는 그 모든 명령과 규례를 지켜 행하지 아니하면 이 모든 저주가 네게 임하고 네게 미칠 것이니

16 네가 성읍에서도 저주를 받으며, 들에서도 저주를 받을 것이요

17 또 네 광주리와, 떡반죽 그릇이 저주를 받을 것이요

18 네 몸의 소생과, 네 토지의 소산과, 네 우양의 새끼가 저주를 받을것이며

19 네가 들어와도 저주를 받고, 나가도 저주를 받으리라

20 네가 악을 행하여 그를 잊으므로 네 손으로 하는 모든 일에 여호와께서 저주와 공구와 견책을 내리사 망하여 속히 파멸케 하실 것이며

21 여호와께서 네 몸에 염병이 들게 하사 네가 들어가 얻을 땅에서 필경 너를 멸하실 것이며

22 여호와께서 폐병과, 열병과, 상한과, 학질과, 한재와, 풍재와, 썩는 재앙으로 너를 치시리니 이 재앙들이 너를 따라서 너를 진멸케 할 것이라

23 네 머리 위의 하늘은 놋이 되고 네 아래의 땅은 철이 될 것이며

24 여호와께서 비 대신에 티끌과 모래를 네 땅에 내리시리니 그것들이 하늘에서 네 위에 내려서 필경 너를 멸하리라

25 여호와께서 너로 네 대적 앞에 패하게 하시리니 네가 한 길로 그들을 치러 나가서는 그들의 앞에서 일곱 길로 도망할 것이며 네가 또 세계 만국 중에 흩음을 당하고

26 네 시체가 공중의 모든 새와 땅 짐승들의 밥이 될 것이나 그것들을 쫓아 줄 자가 없을 것이며

27 여호와께서 애굽의 종기와, 치질과, 괴혈병과, 개창으로 너를 치시리니 네가 치료함을 얻지 못할 것이며

28 여호와께서 또 너를 미침과, 눈멂과, 경심증으로 치시리니

29 소경이 어두운데서 더듬는 것과 같이 네가 백주에도 더듬고 네 길이 형통치 못하여 항상 압제와 노략을 당할 뿐이니 너를 구원할 자가 없을 것이며

30 네가 여자와 약혼하였으나 다른 사람이 그와 같이 잘 것이요 집을 건축하였으나 거기 거하지 못할 것이요 포도원을 심었으나 네가 그 과실을 쓰지 못할 것이며

31 네 소를 네 목전에서 잡았으나 네가 먹지 못할 것이며 네 나귀를 네 목전에서 빼앗아감을 당하여도 도로 찾지 못할 것이며 네 양을 대적에게 빼앗길 것이나 너를 도와 줄 자가 없을 것이며

32 네 자녀를 다른 민족에게 빼앗기고 종일 생각하고 알아봄으로 눈이 쇠하여지나 네 손에 능이 없을 것이며

33 네 토지 소산과 네 수고로 얻은 것을 네가 알지 못하는 민족이 먹겠고 너는 항상 압제와 학대를 받을 뿐이리니

34 이러므로 네 눈에 보이는 일로 인하여 네가 미치리라

35 여호와께서 네 무릎과 다리를 쳐서 고치지 못할 심한 종기로 발하게 하여 발바닥으로 정수리까지 이르게 하시리라

36 여호와께서 너와 네가 세울 네 임금을 너와 네 열조가 알지 못하던 나라로 끌어가시리니 네가 거기서 목석으로 만든 다른 신들을 섬길 것이며

37 여호와께서 너를 끌어 가시는 모든 민족 중에서 네가 놀램과, 속담과, 비방거리가 될 것이라

38 네가 많은 종자를 들에 심을지라도 메뚜기가 먹으므로 거둘 것이 적을 것이며

39 네가 포도원을 심고 다스릴지라도 벌레가 먹으므로 포도를 따지 못하고 포도주를 마시지 못할 것이며

40 네 모든 경내에 감람나무가 있을지라도 그 열매가 떨어지므로 그 기름을 네 몸에 바르지 못할 것이며

41 네가 자녀를 낳을지라도 그들이 포로가 되므로 네게 있지 못할 것이며

42 네 모든 나무와 토지 소산은 메뚜기가 먹을 것이며

43 너의 중에 우거하는 이방인은 점점 높아져서 네 위에 뛰어나고 너는 점점 낮아질 것이며

44 그는 네게 꾸일지라도 너는 그에게 뀌지 못하리니 그는 머리가 되고 너는 꼬리가 될 것이라

45 네가 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 순종치 아니하고 네게 명하신 그 명령과 규례를 지키지 아니하므로 이 모든 저주가 네게 임하고 너를 따르고 네게 미쳐서 필경 너를 멸하리니

46 이 모든 저주가 너와 네 자손에게 영원히 있어서 표적과 감계가 되리라

47 네가 모든 것이 풍족하여도 기쁨과 즐거운 마음으로 네 하나님 여호와를 섬기지 아니함을 인하여

48 네가 주리고 목마르고 헐벗고 모든 것이 핍절한 중에서 여호와께서 보내사 너를 치게 하실 대적을 섬기게 될 것이니 그가 철 멍에를 네 목에 메워서 필경 너를 멸할 것이라

49 곧 여호와께서 원방에서 땅 끝에서 한 민족을 독수리의 날음 같이 너를 치러 오게 하시리니 이는 네가 그 언어를 알지 못하는 민족이요

50 그 용모가 흉악한 민족이라 노인을 돌아보지 아니하며 유치를 긍휼히 여기지 아니하며

51 네 육축의 새끼와 네 토지의 소산을 먹어서 필경은 너를 멸망시키며 또 곡식이나 포도주나 기름이나 소의 새끼나 양의 새끼를 위하여 남기지 아니하고 필경은 너를 멸절시키리라

52 그들이 전국에서 네 모든 성읍을 에워싸고 네가 의뢰하는 바 높고 견고한 성벽을 다 헐며 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 주시는 땅의 모든 성읍에서 너를 에워싸리니

53 네가 대적에게 에워싸이고 맹렬히 쳐서 곤란케 함을 당하므로 네 하나님 여호와께서 네게 주신 자녀 곧 네 몸의 소생의 고기를 먹을 것이라

54 너희 중에 유순하고 연약한 남자라도 그 형제와 그 품의 아내와 그 남은 자녀를 질시하여

55 자기의 먹는 그 자녀의 고기를 그 중 누구에게든지 주지 아니하리니 이는 네 대적이 네 모든 성읍을 에워싸고 맹렬히 너를 쳐서 곤란케 하므로 아무 것도 그에게 남음이 없는 연고일 것이며

56 또 너희 중에 유순하고 연약한 부녀 곧 유순하고 연약하여 그 발바닥으로 땅을 밟아 보지도 아니하던 자라도 그 품의 남편과 그 자녀를 질시하여

57 그 다리 사이에서 나온 태와 자기의 낳은 어린 자식을 가만히 먹으리니 이는 네 대적이 네 생명을 에워싸고 맹렬히 쳐서 곤란케 하므로 아무 것도 얻지 못함이리라

58 네가 만일 이 책에 기록한 이 율법의 모든 말씀을 지켜 행하지 아니하고 네 하나님 여호와라 하는 영화롭고 두려운 이름을 경외하지 아니하면

59 여호와께서 너의 재앙과 네 자손의 재앙을 극렬하게 하시리니 그 재앙이 크고 오래고 질병이 중하고 오랠 것이라

60 여호와께서 네가 두려워하던 애굽의 모든 질병을 네게로 가져다가 네 몸에 들어붓게 하실 것이며

61 또 이 율법 책에 기록지 아니한 모든 질병과 모든 재앙을 너의 멸망하기까지 여호와께서 네게 내리실 것이니

62 너희가 하늘의 별같이 많았을지라도 네 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 순종치 아니하므로 남는 자가 얼마되지 못할 것이라

63 이왕에 여호와께서 너희에게 선을 행하시고 너희로 번성케 하시기를 기뻐하시던 것 같이 이제는 여호와께서 너희를 망하게 하시며 멸하시기를 기뻐하시리니 너희가 들어가 얻는 땅에서 뽑힐 것이요

64 여호와께서 너를 땅 이 끝에서, 저 끝까지 만민 중에 흩으시리니 네가 그 곳에서 너와 네 열조의 알지 못하던 목석 우상을 섬길 것이라

65 그 열국 중에서 네가 평안함을 얻지 못하며 네 발바닥을 쉴 곳도 얻지 못하고 오직 여호와께서 거기서 너의 마음으로 떨고 눈으로 쇠하고 정신으로 산란케 하시리니

66 네 생명이 의심나는 곳에 달린 것 같아서 주야로 두려워하며 네 생명을 확신할수 없을 것이라

67 네 마음의 두려움과 눈의 보는 것으로 인하여 아침에는 이르기를 아하, 저녁이 되었으면 좋겠다 할 것이요 저녁에는 이르기를 아하, 아침이 되었으면 좋겠다 하리라

68 여호와께서 너를 배에 실으시고 전에 네게 고하여 이르시기를 네가 다시는 그 길을 보지 아니하리라 하시던 그 길로 너를 애굽으로 끌어가실 것이라 거기서 너희가 너희 몸을 대적에게 노비로 팔려하나 너희를 살 자가 없으리라


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 9277

Prostudujte si tuto pasáž

/ 10837  

9277. 'In like manner you shall do with your vineyard, with your olive grove' means that this is to be so with spiritual good and with celestial good. This is clear from the meaning of 'vineyard' as the spiritual Church, dealt with in 1069, 9139, and so spiritual good, which is the good of charity towards the neighbour, since this good constitutes the spiritual Church; and from the meaning of 'olive grove' as the celestial Church, and so celestial good, which is the good of love to the Lord, since this good constitutes the celestial Church. What the spiritual Church and its good are, and what the celestial Church and its good are, and also what the difference is, see 2046, 2227, 2669, 2708 (end), 2715, 2718, 2935, 2937, 2954, 3166, 3235, 3236, 3240, 3246, 3374, 3833, 3887, 3969, 4138, 4286, 4493, 4585, 4938, 5113, 5150, 5922, 6289, 6296, 6366, 6427, 6435, 6500, 6647, 6648, 7091, 7233, 7474, 7977, 7992, 8042, 8152, 8234, 8521.

[2] The fact that 'olive grove' means the celestial Church and so celestial good is clear from places in the Word in which 'the olive tree' is mentioned, such as in Moses,

You will plant and dress vineyards, but you will not drink wine or gather [the fruit], for the worm will devour it. You will have olive trees within all your borders, but you will not anoint yourself with oil, because your olive tree will be shaken bare. Deuteronomy 28:39-40.

This describes the curse if other gods were worshipped and if statutes and judgements were not kept. 'Olive trees within all the borders' are forms of the good of celestial love within the whole Church, which come from the Lord through the Word. 'Not being anointed with oil' stands for nevertheless remaining untouched by that good. 'The olive tree will be shaken bare' stands for a warning that this good will perish. Something similar occurs in Micah,

You will tread olives but not anoint yourself with oil, and tread the new wine but not drink wine. Micah 6:15.

[3] In Amos,

I struck you with blight and mildew; your very many gardens, and your vineyards, and your fig trees, and your olive trees the caterpillar devoured. Yet you did not return to Me. Amos 4:9.

'Vineyards' stands for forms of the good of faith, 'olive trees' for forms of the good of love. Being punished for not welcoming those forms of good is meant by the caterpillar devouring the olive trees. In Habakkuk,

The fig tree will not blossom, neither will there be any produce on the vines; the olive crop will fail, 1 and the field will not produce food. Habakkuk 3:17.

'The fig tree' stands for natural good, 'the vine' for spiritual good, 'the olive' for celestial good, and 'the field' for the Church. In Zechariah,

Two olive trees are beside the lampstand, one on the right of the bowl and one on the left of it. These are the two sons of pure oil, standing beside the Lord of the whole earth. Zechariah 4:3, 11, 14.

'Two olive trees beside the lampstand' stands for celestial and spiritual good, which are to the right and to the left of the Lord. 'The lampstand' means the Lord in respect of Divine Truth.

[4] In the Book of Judges,

Jotham said to the citizens of Shechem who made Abimelech king, The trees went out to anoint a king over them; and they said to the olive tree, Reign over us. But the olive tree said to them, Shall I stop producing my oil 2 which God and men honour in me, and go to sway 3 over the trees? And the trees said to the fig tree, You come [and] reign over us. But the fig tree said to them, Shall I stop producing 4 my sweetness and my good fruit, and go to sway 3 over the trees? Then the trees said to the vine, You come [and] reign over us. But the vine said to them, Shall I stop producing 4 my new wine, cheering God and men, and go to sway 3 over the trees? And all the trees said to the thornbush, You come [and] reign over us. And the thornbush said to the trees, If you are in truth anointing me as king over you, come and take refuge 5 in my shade. But if not, let fire come out of the thornbush and devour the cedars of Lebanon. Judges 9:7-16.

None can know what is implied specifically by the things said here unless they know what 'the olive tree', 'the fig tree', 'the vine', and 'the thornbush' mean. 'The olive tree' means the internal good of the celestial Church, 'the fig tree' the external good of that Church, 4231, 5113, 'the vine' the good of the spiritual Church, but 'the thornbush' spurious good. The things that are said therefore imply that the people, who are 'the trees' here, did not want celestial good or spiritual good to 'reign over them', but spurious good, and that the people chose the spurious in preference to celestial or spiritual good. The 'fire' coming out of the spurious good is the harmfulness of evil cravings, 'the cedars of Lebanon' which it would devour being the truths of good.

[5] Since 'the olive tree' was a sign of the good of love received from the Lord and offered to the Lord, the cherubs in the middle of the house or temple were made of olive wood, as were the doors to the sanctuary, 1 Kings 6:23-33. For 'the cherubs', and also 'the doors of the sanctuary', were signs of the Lord's protection and providence, guarding against access to Him except through the good of celestial love. This was why they were made of olive wood. All this shows why it was that the tabernacle and the altar were anointed with oil, also the priests, and at a later time the kings, and why it was that olive oil was used in lamps. For 'oil' was a sign of the good of love from the Lord, see 886, 3728, 4582, 4638, and 'anointing' was a sign that they should accordingly represent the Lord.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, the work of the olive will lie (i.e. prove false)

2. literally, Shall I cause my fatness to cease

3. literally, move myself

4. literally, Shall I cause to cease

5. literally, come and trust

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia # 4638

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/ 10837  

4638. Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins means the final period of the old Church and the first of the new. The Church is the Lord's kingdom on earth; 'the ten virgins' are all who belong to the Church, that is to say, both those who are governed by good and truth, and those who are under the influence of evil and falsity. 'Ten' in the internal sense means remnants, also that which is full and complete, and so means all, while 'virgins' means those who belong to the Church, as in other places in the Word.

[2] Who took their lamps means spiritual things which have what is celestial within them, or truths that have good within them, or what amounts to the same, faith that has charity towards the neighbour within it, and charity that has love to the Lord within it. For 'oil' means the good of love, dealt with below; but 'lamps that have no oil in them' means those same things when there is no good within them.

[3] They went out to meet the Bridegroom means their reception.

Five of them however were wise, but five were foolish means that one group of them possessed truths which had good within them, and another group possessed truths which did not have good within them. The former are 'the wise', but the latter 'the foolish'. In the internal sense 'five' means some, in this case therefore a group from within the whole.

Taking their lamps the foolish did not take oil with them means that they did not have within their truths the good of charity, 'oil' in the internal sense being the good of charity and love.

Whereas the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps means that they did have within their truths the good of charity and love - 'vessels' being matters of doctrine concerning faith.

[4] While the Bridegroom was tarrying they were all drowsy and went to sleep means delay, and therefore doubt. In the internal sense, 'being drowsy' means becoming, because of the delay, inattentive to things of the Church, while 'going to sleep' means nurturing doubt, in the case of 'the wise' doubt that goes with an affirmative attitude of mind, but in the case of 'the foolish' doubt that goes with a negative one.

At midnight there was a shout means the period of time which is the final one of the old Church and the first of the new. In the Word when the subject is the state of the Church this period is called 'night'. 'A shout' means a change taking place.

Behold, the Bridegroom is coming; go out to meet Him means judgement, that is to say, a time of being accepted or rejected.

[5] Then all those virgins were roused and they trimmed their lamps means the preparation of all, for those whose truths do not have good within them believe themselves to be no less accepted than those whose truths do have good within them. Indeed they imagine that faith alone saves and are unaware of the fact that no faith can exist where no charity does so.

But the foolish said to the wise, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out means their desire for that good to be communicated from others to their own empty truths, that is, to their own hollow faith. For those who are in the next life communicate to one another every spiritual or celestial thing they possess, though only through good.

[6] But the wise replied, saying, Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you means that no communication of it is possible because the small amount of good they have would be taken away from them. For in the next life, when good is communicated to those whose truths are devoid of good, they take away good so to speak from those who do have it and then keep it to themselves. They do not communicate it to others but defile it, which is why no good is communicated to them. My own experience of these people will be seen at the end of Chapter 37 below.

[7] Go rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves means meritorious good. Those who boast of having this kind of good are meant by 'those who sell'. Also, more than all others in the next life, people whose truth has no good within it think that they have earned merit through every deed they have performed which to all outward appearance looked like good, though inwardly it was evil, as the Lord says of them in Matthew, Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by Your name, and by Your name cast out demons, and do many mighty works in Your name? But then I will confess to them, I do not know you; depart from Me, you workers of iniquity! Matthew 7:22-23.

And in Luke,

Once the Householder has risen up and shut the door, then you will begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But He replying will say to you, I do not know where you come from. Then you will begin to say, We ate in your presence and we drank; and You taught in our Streets. But He will say, I tell you, I do not know where you come from; depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity! Luke 13:25-27.

This describes what those meant here by the foolish virgins are like, and that is why the following words referring to them occur in this parable - they 'came also, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he replying said, Truly, I say to you, I do not know you'.

[8] While they were going to buy however, the Bridegroom came means their perverse approach.

And those who were ready went in with Him to the wedding feast means that those who were governed by good, and from this by truth, were accepted into heaven. Heaven is likened to a wedding feast by virtue of the heavenly marriage, which is a marriage of good and truth, and the Lord to the Bridegroom because these people are joined to Him, while the Church is therefore called the Bride.

And the door was shut means that no others can enter.

[9] Afterwards the remaining virgins came also, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us means that they wish to enter on the basis of faith alone without charity, and of works in which the life of the Lord is not present, only selfish life.

But He replying said, Truly, I say to you, I do not know you means rejection. In the internal sense 'not knowing them' means that they lack any charity towards the neighbour, and are not joined through such charity to the Lord. Those who are not so joined to Him are said 'not to be known' by Him.

[10] Watch therefore, for you do not know the day, nor the hour, in which the Son of Man will be coming means an eagerness to live according to the commandments constituting a person's faith, meant by 'watching'. The actual time of acceptance, which is unknown to a person, and his state then, are meant by 'you do not know the day, nor the hour, in which the Son of Man will be coming'. One who is governed by good, that is, whose deeds conform to the commandments, is called 'wise', but one who has a knowledge of the truth, yet does not act in accordance with this, is called 'foolish', as they are elsewhere by the Lord in Matthew,

Everyone who hears My words and does them I will liken to a wise man. But everyone hearing My words and not doing them will be likened to a foolish man. Matthew 7:24, 26.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.