

エレミヤ書 37



1 ヨシヤのゼデキヤはエホヤキムコニヤに代って王となった。バビロンの王ネブカデレザルが彼をユダの地の王としたのである。

2 彼もその家来たちも、その地の人々も、預言者エレミヤによってられた言葉に聞き従わなかった。

3 ゼデキヤ王はセレミヤのユカルと、マアセヤの祭司ゼパニヤを預言者エレミヤにつかわして、「われわれのために、われわれのに祈ってください」と言わせた。

4 エレミヤは民の中に出入りしていた。まだ獄屋に入れられなかったからである。

5 パロの勢がエジプトから出て来たので、エルサレムを攻め囲んでいたカルデヤびとはその情報を聞いてエルサレムを退いた。

6 その時、主の言葉預言者エレミヤに臨んだ、

7 イスラエルのはこう言われる、あなたがたをつかわしてわたしに求めたユダの王にこう言いなさい、『あなたがたを救うために出てきたパロの勢はそのエジプトに帰ろうとしている。

8 カルデヤびとが再び来てこのを攻めて戦い、これを取ってで焼き滅ぼす。

9 はこう言われる、あなたがたは、「カルデヤびとはきっとわれわれを離れ去る」といって自分を欺いてはならない。彼らは去ることはない。

10 たといあなたがたが自分を攻めて戦うカルデヤびとの全を撃ち破って、その天幕のうちに負傷者のみを残しても、彼らは立ち上がってでこのを焼き滅ぼす』」。

11 さてカルデヤびとの勢がパロの勢の来るのを聞いてエルサレムを退いたとき、

12 エレミヤは、ベニヤミンの地で民のうちに自分の分け前を受け取るため、エルサレムを立ってその地へ行こうと、

13 ベニヤミンのに着いたとき、そこにハナニヤのセレミヤのでイリヤという名の番兵がいて、預言者エレミヤを捕え、「あなたはカルデヤびとの側に脱走しようとしている」と言った。

14 エレミヤは言った、「それはまちがいだ。わたしはカルデヤびとの側に脱走しようとしていない」。しかしイリヤは聞かず、エレミヤを捕えて、つかさたちのもとへ引いて行った。

15 つかさたちは怒って、エレミヤを打ちたたき、書記ヨナタンのの獄屋にいれた。このが獄屋になっていたからである。

16 エレミヤが地下の獄屋にはいって、そこに多くのを送ってのち、

17 ゼデキヤ王は人をつかわし、彼を連れてこさせた。王は自分のでひそかに彼に尋ねて言った、「から何かお言葉があったか」。エレミヤはあったと答えた。そして言った、「あなたはバビロンの王のに引き渡されます」。

18 エレミヤはまたゼデキヤ王に言った、「わたしが獄屋にいれられたのは、あなたに、またはあなたの来に、あるいはこの民に、どのような罪を犯したからなのですか。

19 あなたがたに預言して、『バビロンの王はあなたがたをも、この地をも攻めにこない』と言っていたあなたがたの預言者は今どこにいるのですか。

20 王なるわが君よ、どうぞ今お聞きください。わたしの願いをお聞きとどけください。わたしを書記ヨナタンのへ帰らせないでください。そうでないと、わたしはそこで殺されるでしょう」。

21 そこでゼデキヤ王は命を下し、エレミヤを監視の庭に入れさせ、かつ、パンを造る者のから毎日パン一個を彼に与えさせた。これはパンがなくなるまで続いた。こうしてエレミヤは監視の庭にいた。






'To stand,' and 'come forth' as in Daniel 7:10, refers to truth.

In Genesis 24:13, this signifies a state of conjunction of divine truth with the human.

'To stand upon the feet' signifies the new life of a regenerated person of the church.

'Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord,' as in Exodus 14:13, signifies having faith.

'To stand round about,' as in Revelation 7, signifies conjunction.

'Standing before God,' as in Revelation 20:12, signifies being present and assembled to judgment.

'To stand before God' signifies hearing and doing what He commands, like subjects standing before their king.

'To stand at the right hand,' as in Zechariah 3:1, signifies fighting against divine truth.

(Odkazy: Apocalypse Explained 836; Arcana Coelestia 3065; Exodus 24; Genesis 24)



Genesis 25



1 Abraham took another wife, and her name was Keturah.

2 She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah.

3 Jokshan became the father of Sheba, and Dedan. The sons of Dedan were Asshurim, Letushim, and Leummim.

4 The sons of Midian: Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. All these were the children of Keturah.

5 Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac,

6 but to the sons of Abraham's concubines, Abraham gave gifts. He sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, to the east country.

7 These are the days of the years of Abraham's life which he lived: one hundred seventy-five years.

8 Abraham gave up the spirit, and died in a good old age, an old man, and full of years, and was gathered to his people.

9 Isaac and Ishmael, his sons, buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron, the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre,

10 the field which Abraham purchased of the children of Heth. Abraham was buried there with Sarah, his wife.

11 It happened after the death of Abraham that God blessed Isaac, his son. Isaac lived by Beer Lahai Roi.

12 Now this is the history of the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bore to Abraham.

13 These are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to the order of their birth: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebaioth, then Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,

14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa,

15 Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.

16 These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their villages, and by their encampments: twelve princes, according to their nations.

17 These are the years of the life of Ishmael: one hundred thirty-seven years. He gave up the spirit and died, and was gathered to his people.

18 They lived from Havilah to Shur that is before Egypt, as you go toward Assyria. He lived opposite all his relatives.

19 This is the history of the generations of Isaac, Abraham's son. Abraham became the father of Isaac.

20 Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Paddan Aram, the sister of Laban the Syrian, to be his wife.

21 Isaac entreated Yahweh for his wife, because she was barren. Yahweh was entreated by him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

22 The children struggled together within her. She said, "If it be so, why do I live?" She went to inquire of Yahweh.

23 Yahweh said to her, "Two nations are in your womb. Two peoples will be separated from your body. The one people will be stronger than the other people. The elder will serve the younger."

24 When her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.

25 The first came out red all over, like a hairy garment. They named him Esau.

26 After that, his brother came out, and his hand had hold on Esau's heel. He was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them.

27 The boys grew. Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field. Jacob was a quiet man, living in tents.

28 Now Isaac loved Esau, because he ate his venison. Rebekah loved Jacob.

29 Jacob boiled stew. Esau came in from the field, and he was famished.

30 Esau said to Jacob, "Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am famished." Therefore his name was called Edom.

31 Jacob said, "First, sell me your birthright."

32 Esau said, "Behold, I am about to die. What good is the birthright to me?"

33 Jacob said, "Swear to me first." He swore to him. He sold his birthright to Jacob.

34 Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils. He ate and drank, rose up, and went his way. So Esau despised his birthright.