

エゼキエル書 5:13



13 こうしてわたしは怒りを漏らし尽し、憤りを彼らの上に漏らして、満足する。こうして、わたしの憤りを彼らの上に漏らし尽した時、彼らはであるわたしが熱心に語ったことを知るであろう。




Photo of hands kneading bread, by Jenny Stein

The word “bread” is used two ways in the Bible. In some cases it means actual bread; in others it stands for food in general. Food in the Bible represents everything good and true coming to use from the Lord. Of all foods, though, bread itself is perhaps the most basic and pure. As such it represents the most central of all desires for good: the love of the Lord Himself.