

サムエル記上 17:28



28 上のエリアブはダビデが人々と語るのを聞いて、ダビデに向かい怒りを発して言った、「なんのために下ってきたのか。野にいるわずかのはだれに託したのか。あなたのわがままと悪い心はわかっている。戦い見るために下ってきたのだ」。





The number three in the Bible represents completeness. That's why Jesus rose on the third day after the Crucifixion -- his transformation was complete. It's why Elijah stretched himself on the dead child three times, why Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days, why the Lord called Samuel three times, and many more. It's also reflected in the fact that there are three levels of heaven, three levels of hell, three levels to human life and, ultimately, three aspects of the Lord Himself: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.