

Genesi 24



1 OR Abrahamo, essendo vecchio ed attempato, ed avendolo il Signore benedetto in ogni cosa,

2 disse ad un suo servitore, ch’era il più vecchio di casa sua, il quale avea il governo di tutte le cose sue: Deh! metti la tua mano sotto la mia coscia;

3 ed io ti farò giurar per lo Signore Iddio del cielo, ed Iddio della terra, che tu non prenderai al mio figliuolo moglie delle figliuole de’ Cananei, fra’ quali io dimoro.

4 Ma che tu andrai al mio paese, ed al mio parentado, e di esso prenderai moglie al mio figliuolo Isacco.

5 E quel servitore gli disse: Forse non aggradirà a quella donna di venir dietro a me in questo paese; mi converrà egli del tutto rimenare il tuo figliuolo nel paese onde tu sei uscito?

6 Ed Abrahamo gli disse: Guardati che tu non rimeni là il mio figliuolo.

7 Il Signore Iddio del cielo, il qual mi ha preso di casa di mio padre, e del mio natio paese, e mi ha parlato, e mi ha giurato, dicendo: Io darò alla tua progenie questo paese; esso manderà l’Angelo suo davanti a te, e tu prenderai di là moglie al mio figliuolo.

8 E se non aggrada alla donna di venir dietro a te, tu sarai sciolto di questo giuramento che io ti fo fare; sol non rimenar là il mio figliuolo.

9 E il servitore pose la sua mano sotto la coscia di Abrahamo, suo signore, e gli giurò intorno a quest’affare.

10 E il servitore prese dieci cammelli, di quei del suo signore, e si partì, portando seco di ogni sorta di beni del suo signore; e, messosi in viaggio, andò in Mesopotamia, alla città di Nahor.

11 E, fatti posare in su le ginocchia i cammelli fuor della città, presso ad un pozzo d’acqua, in su la sera, al tempo ch’escono fuori quelle che vanno ad attigner l’acqua, disse:

12 O Signore Iddio di Abrahamo mio Signore, dammi, ti prego, ch’io scontri oggi buono incontro; ed usa benignità inverso Abrahamo mio Signore.

13 Ecco, io mi fermerò presso alla fonte d’acqua, e le figliuole della gente della città usciranno per attigner dell’acqua.

14 Avvenga adunque, che la fanciulla, la quale, dicendole io: Deh! abbassa la tua secchia, acciocchè io bea; mi dirà: Bevi, ed anche darò a bere a’ tuoi cammelli; essa sia quella che tu hai preparata ad Isacco, tuo servitore; ed in ciò conoscerò che tu avrai usata benignità verso il mio signore.

15 Ed avvenne che, avanti ch’egli avesse finito di parlare, ecco Rebecca, figliuola di Betuel, figliuol di Milca, moglie di Nahor, fratello di Abrahamo, usciva fuori, avendo la sua secchia in su la spalla.

16 E la fanciulla era di molto bello aspetto, vergine, ed uomo alcuno non l’avea conosciuta. Ed ella scese alla fonte, ed empiè la sua secchia, e se ne ritornava.

17 E quel servitore le corse incontro, e le disse: Deh! dammi a bere un poco d’acqua della tua secchia.

18 Ed ella disse: Bevi, signor mio. E prestamente, calatasi la secchia in mano, gli diè da bere.

19 E, dopo avergli dato da bere a sufficienza, disse: Io ne attignerò eziandio per li tuoi cammelli, finchè abbiano bevuto a sufficienza.

20 E prestamente votò la sua secchia nell’abbeveratoio, e corse di nuovo al pozzo per attignere; e attinse per tutti i cammelli di esso.

21 E quell’uomo stupiva di lei, stando tacito a considerare se il Signore avea fatto prosperare il suo viaggio, o no.

22 E quando i cammelli ebber finito di bere, quell’uomo prese un monile d’oro, di peso d’un mezzo siclo, e gliel mise disopra al naso; e un par di maniglie d’oro di peso di dieci sicli, e gliele mise in su le mani.

23 E le disse: Di chi sei tu figliuola? deh! dichiaramelo. Evvi in casa di tuo padre luogo per albergarci?

24 Ed ella rispose: Io son figliuola di Betuel, figliuolo di Milca; il quale ella partorì a Nahor.

25 Gli disse ancora: E’ vi è strame e pastura assai appo noi, ed anche luogo da albergarvi.

26 E quell’uomo s’inchinò, e adorò il Signore.

27 E disse: Benedetto sia il Signore Iddio di Abrahamo mio Signore, il qual non ha dismessa la sua benignità e lealtà inverso il mio Signore; e quant’è a me, il Signore mi ha condotto per la diritta via in casa de’ fratelli del mio Signore.

28 E la fanciulla corse, e rapportò quelle cose in casa di sua madre.

29 Or Rebecca avea un fratello, il cui nome era Labano; costui corse fuori a quell’uomo, alla fonte.

30 Come adunque egli ebbe veduto quel monile, e quelle maniglie nelle mani della sua sorella; e come ebbe intese le parole di Rebecca sua sorella, che dicea: Quell’uomo mi ha così parlato; egli se ne venne a quell’uomo; ed ecco, egli se ne stava presso de’ cammelli, appresso alla fonte.

31 Ed egli gli disse: Entra, benedetto dal Signore; perchè te ne stai fuori? io ho pure apparecchiata la casa, e il luogo per i cammelli.

32 E quell’uomo entrò dentro la casa, e Labano scaricò i cammelli, e diede loro dello strame e della pastura; parimente recò dell’acqua per lavare i piedi a quell’uomo, ed a quelli che erano con lui.

33 Poi gli fu posto avanti da mangiare; ma egli disse: Io non mangerò, finchè io non abbia detto ciò che ho da dire. Ed esso gli disse: Parla.

34 Ed egli disse: Io son servitore di Abrahamo.

35 Ora, il Signore ha grandemente benedetto il mio Signore, ed egli è divenuto grande; e il Signore gli ha dato pecore, e buoi, ed oro, ed argento, e servi, e serve, e cammelli, ed asini.

36 E Sara, moglie del mio signore, dopo esser divenuta vecchia gli ha partorito un figliuolo, al quale egli ha dato tutto ciò ch’egli ha.

37 E il mio signore mi ha fatto giurare, dicendo: Non prender moglie al mio figliuolo delle figliuole de’ Cananei, nel cui paese io dimoro.

38 Anzi, va’ alla casa di mio padre, ed alla mia nazione, e prendi moglie al mio figliuolo.

39 Ed io ho detto al mio signore: Forse quella donna non vorrà venirmi dietro.

40 Ed egli mi ha detto: Il Signore, nel cui cospetto io son camminato, manderà il suo Angelo teco, e prospererà il tuo viaggio, e tu prenderai moglie al mio figliuolo, della mia nazione, e della casa di mio padre.

41 Allora sarai sciolto del giuramento che io ti fo fare; quando sarai andato alla mia nazione, se essi non te l’avranno voluta dare, allora sarai sciolto del giuramento che io ti fo fare.

42 Essendo adunque oggi giunto alla fonte, io dissi: Signore Iddio di Abrahamo mio Signore, se pur ti piace prosperare il viaggio che io ho impreso;

43 ecco, io mi fermerò presso a questa fontana di acqua; avvenga adunque, che la vergine che uscirà per attignere, la quale, dicendole io: Deh! dammi da bere un poco d’acqua della tua secchia;

44 mi dirà: Bevi pure; ed anche attignerò per i tuoi cammelli; essa sia la moglie che il Signore ha preparata al figliuolo del mio Signore.

45 Avanti che io avessi finito di parlare fra me stesso, ecco, Rebecca uscì fuori, avendo la sua secchia in su la spalla; e scese alla fontana, ed attinse. Ed io le dissi: Deh! dammi da bere.

46 Ed ella, calatasi prestamente la sua secchia d’addosso, mi disse: Bevi; ed anche darò da bere a’ tuoi cammelli. Ed io bevvi, ed ella diede ancora da bere a’ cammelli.

47 Ed io la domandai, e le dissi: Di chi sei tu figliuola? Ed ella mi disse: Io son figliuola di Betuel, figliuolo di Nahor, il quale Milca gli partorì. Allora io le posi quel monile disopra al naso, e quelle maniglie in su le mani.

48 E m’inchinai, e adorai il Signore, e benedissi il Signore Iddio d’Abrahamo mio Signore, il quale mi avea, per la vera via, condotto a prendere al figliuolo del mio Signore la figliuola del fratello di esso.

49 Ora dunque, se voi volete usar benignità e lealtà verso il mio signore, significatemelo; se no, fatemelo assapere, ed io mi rivolgerò a destra o a sinistra.

50 E Labano e Betuel risposero, e dissero: Questa cosa è proceduta dal Signore; noi non possiamo dirti nè mal nè bene.

51 Ecco Rebecca al tuo comando; prendila, e vattene; e sia moglie del figliuol del tuo signore, siccome il signore ne ha parlato.

52 E quando il servitore di Abrahamo ebbe udite le lor parole, s’inchinò a terra, e adorò il Signore.

53 Poi quel servitore trasse fuori vasellamenti d’argento e d’oro, e vestimenti; e li diede a Rebecca; ed al fratello, ed alla madre di essa donò cose preziose.

54 E poi mangiarono e bevvero, egli, e gli uomini ch’erano con lui, ed albergarono quivi quella notte; e la mattina seguente, essendosi levati, egli disse: Rimandatemi al mio signore.

55 E il fratello e la madre di Rebecca dissero: Rimanga la fanciulla con noi alcuni giorni, almeno dieci; poi tu te ne andrai.

56 Ed egli disse loro: Non mi ritardate, poichè il Signore ha fatto prosperare il mio viaggio: datemi commiato, acciocchè io me ne vada al mio Signore.

57 Ed essi dissero: Chiamiamo la fanciulla, e domandiamone lei stessa.

58 Chiamarono adunque Rebecca, e le dissero: Vuoi tu andar con quest’uomo? Ed ella rispose: Sì, io vi andrò.

59 Così mandarono Rebecca, lor sorella, e la sua balia, col servitore di Abrahamo, e con la sua gente.

60 E benedissero Rebecca, e le dissero: Tu sei nostra sorella: moltiplica in mille migliaia; e possegga la tua progenie la porta de’ suoi nemici.

61 E Rebecca si levò, insieme con le sue serventi, e montarono sopra i cammelli, e andarono dietro a quell’uomo. E quel servitore prese Rebecca, e se ne andò.

62 Or Isacco se ne ritornava di verso il Pozzo del Vivente che mi vede; perciocchè egli abitava nella contrada del mezzodì.

63 Ed era uscito fuori per fare orazione alla campagna, in sul far della sera. E, alzati gli occhi, riguardò, ed ecco de’ cammelli che venivano.

64 Rebecca alzò anch’essa gli occhi, e vide Isacco, e si gittò giù d’in sul cammello.

65 Perciocchè avendo detto a quel servitore: Chi è quell’uomo che ci cammina incontro nel campo? egli le avea detto: Egli è il mio signore. E prese un velo, e se ne coprì.

66 E il servitore raccontò ad Isacco tutte le cose ch’egli avea fatte.

67 E Isacco menò Rebecca nel padiglione di Sara, sua madre; e la prese, ed ella divenne sua moglie, ed egli l’amò. E Isacco si consolò dopo la morte di sua madre.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.

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Apocalypse Explained # 430

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430. A hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel, signifies all who are in truths from good, and thence in the Lord's church. This is evident from the signification of "a hundred and forty-four thousand," as being all things, and as being said of those who are in truths from good (of which presently); also from the signification of "the tribes of Israel," as being those who are in truths from good, and thence who are in the Lord's church, "tribes" signifying truths from good, and "Israel" the church. That this is the signification of "the tribe of Israel" will be seen in the following article. "A hundred and forty-four thousand" signifies all things and all persons, and is predicated of truths from good, because that number arises out of the number twelve, and "twelve" signifies all things and all persons, and is predicated of truths from good; for greater numbers, and those made up of smaller numbers, have a similar signification as the smaller and simple numbers from which they arise by multiplication (on which see Arcana Coelestia 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973). Thus "a hundred and forty-four" and "a hundred and forty-four thousand" have a similar significance as "twelve," for a hundred and forty-four arises out of twelve multiplied into itself, and a hundred and forty-four thousand out of twelve thousand multiplied into twelve.

[2] There are simple numbers that are more significative than others, and from which the greater numbers derive their significations, namely, the numbers two, three, five, and seven; "two" signifies union, and is predicated of good; "three" signifies fullness, and is predicated of truths; "five" signifies much and something; and "seven" signifies holiness. From the number two the numbers 4, 8, 16, 400, 800, 1, 600, 4, 000, 8, 000, and 16, 000 arise; and these numbers have a similar signification as two, because they arise from that simple number multiplied into itself, and multiplied by ten. From the number three the numbers 6, 12, 24, 72, 144, and 144, 000 arise; and these numbers have a similar signification as three, because they arise from this simple number by multiplication. From the number five the numbers 10, 50, 100, 1, 000, 10, 000, and 100, 000 arise, and these numbers have a similar signification as five, because 1 they arise from it by multiplication. From the number seven the numbers 14, 70, 700, 7, 000, and 70, 000 arise, and these numbers have a similar signification as seven, because they arise from it. As the number "three" signifies fullness, and fullness implies all, the number twelve derives from this its signification of all things and all persons; and it is predicated of truths from good because it arises out of three multiplied into four, and three is predicated of truths, and four of good, as was said above.

[3] One who does not know that "twelve" signifies all things, and that the numbers that are multiples of it have a like signification, and who does not know that each tribe signifies some universal and essential constituent of the church, can have no other idea than that simply twelve thousand of every tribe of Israel were sealed, and consequently were received or are to be received into heaven; nevertheless the "twelve thousand" here do not mean twelve thousand, nor do the "tribes" here enumerated mean the tribes of Israel; but "twelve thousand" means all, and "the tribes of Israel" those who are in truths from good, 2 and thus all, wherever on the earth they may be, who constitute the church of the Lord. That this is the signification, everyone who thinks intelligently can perceive; for where now are these tribes, and where were they when this was written by John? Have they not been scattered through a great part of the globe, and excepting the tribe of Judah, it is not known to anyone where they are? And yet it is said that they are to be sealed, that they may be introduced by the Lord into heaven and be with Him (as appears in Revelation 14:1, 3-4). Furthermore, it is known that eleven of the tribes here mentioned were banished from the land of Canaan on account of their idolatries and other abominations; and so too has the whole Jewish nation, the quality of which may be seen in The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine 248). From this it can be seen that "twelve thousand" does not mean twelve thousand, nor do "tribes" mean the tribes of Israel, but they mean all who are in truths from good, thus all who are of the Lord's church. This will become still clearer from the significations of each tribe in the spiritual sense; for each tribe signifies some universal or essential of the church, in which those are who are of the church.

Moreover, the universal of each has relation to truths from good, and truths are manifold; for all who are in the heavens differ from each other in respect to good, and thence also in respect to truth, since every truth that has life in man or angel is from good and in accordance with good. Furthermore, all who are of the Lord's church are in truths from good, while those who are in truths and not in good are not of the church; for, as was just said, every truth that has life in man or angel is from good. (On this see above, n. 6, 59, 136, 242, 286, 292; and in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, n. 11-27. That goods and truths therefrom are of infinite variety, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 56, 71, 405, 418, 486, 585, in the small work on the Last Judgment 13, ; also Arcana Coelestia 684, 690, 3241, 3267, 3470, 3519, 3744-3746, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 5598, 6917, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002). Goods and the truths from them are of infinite variety, because every angel and every man in whom is the church is his own good and his own truth therefrom; so, too, the universal heaven is arranged according to the affections that are of love to the Lord and of charity towards the neighbor, and of faith therefrom, and all good is of these affections.

[4] The number "a hundred and forty-four thousand," or the number twelve thousand multiplied into twelve 3 signifies all truths from good, in respect to their genera and species in the whole complex, as can be seen from the meaning of the number "one hundred and forty-four," which is twelve multiplied into twelve, in the following passages in Revelation, where the city New Jerusalem is described by measures expressed in numbers. Of the measure of its wall it is said:

He measured the wall thereof, a hundred and forty-four cubits, which is the measure of a man, that is, of an angel (Revelation 21:17).

"The city Jerusalem" here signifies a new church to be established by the Lord, and its doctrine; therefore all things that are mentioned, as the "wall," the "gates," and the "foundations," mean such things as belong to the church, consequently spiritual things; and as the church and its doctrine are here described in the sense of the letter by "the city Jerusalem," and a city can be measured, therefore the spiritual things of that church are designated by measures expressed in numbers, and its wall by the number "one hundred and forty-four," or by twelve multiplied into twelve, which number signifies truths from good in the whole complex; for a "wall" signifies truths defending against falsities and evils. That such is the signification of this number is clearly evident from its being said that the measure of a "hundred and forty-four cubits" is "the measure of a man, that is, of an angel." What this involves cannot be known unless it is known that measure, in the spiritual sense, has a similar signification as number, namely, the quality of the thing treated of; and that "man" signifies the reception of truth from spiritual affection, that is, from good, and intelligence therefrom; "angel" having a similar signification, since a man is an angel when he is in truths from good, and also becomes an angel after death. The number "a hundred and forty-four thousand" has a similar signification; for larger and smaller numbers, if from a similar origin, have a like signification, the larger number being made use of when the multitude is greater, or when many kinds together are included, as "a hundred and forty-four thousand," which includes all kinds of truth from good, which are signified by "twelve thousand 4 sealed out of every tribe;" and as the measure of the wall, which is said to be "a hundred and forty-four cubits," which includes both the gates and the foundations, which are twelve in number.

[5] So respecting the gates and the foundations it is said:

The New Jerusalem had a wall great and high, having twelve gates, and upon the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. And the wall had twelve foundations, and on them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. And the foundations consisted of twelve kinds of precious stones (Revelation 21:12, 14, 19-21).

When it is known that "the New Jerusalem" means a new church, who will not perceive that the number "twelve" so often employed, means the chief and primary constituent of the church? And the chief and primary constituent of the church is truth from good, for everything of the church is from that, for truth is of its doctrine, and good is of a life according to doctrine. But the signification of "gates" and of "foundations" will be told when that chapter is explained.

[6] Because the number "twelve" signifies all things, and is predicated of truths from good, and "the New Jerusalem" signifies a new church, therefore the measurement of the city itself is indicated by a multiple of a like number, in these words:

The city lieth foursquare, and the length thereof is as great as the breadth; and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand stadia. The length and the breadth and the height are equal (Revelation 21:16).

What is signified by "length, breadth, and height" in the spiritual sense will also be told below in the explanation; "the city" means in that sense the doctrine of the church, and "twelve thousand stadia" all its truths from good.

[7] Again the number "twelve" is used here in reference to the fruits of the trees about the river, in these words:

In the midst of its street and of the river, on this side and on that, was there the tree of life, bearing twelve fruits, yielding its fruit every month (Revelation 22:2).

Since "the streets of the city" signify the truths of doctrine; "the river going forth thence" intelligence; "the tree of life" the perception of truth from good from the Lord, and "fruits" the good from which are truths, it is clear that "twelve" signifies truths from good, through which is intelligence, and of which the church is constituted.

[8] As a representative church was to be instituted among the sons of Jacob, it was provided by the Lord that he should have twelve sons (Genesis 29:32-35; 30:1-25; 35:22-26), that thus all together might represent all things of the church, and each one his part; and this is why twelve tribes sprang from them (Genesis 49:28), and these signify all things of the church, and each tribe signifies some essential of the church; so in what now follows it is said "twelve thousand were sealed out of every tribe," and these signify all who are in that essential of the church, or all who are in that kind of truth from good, since truth from good is what forms the church with all, for truth is of doctrine, and good is of the life, as was said above. (What truth from good is and what the nature of it is, may be seen in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 24.)

[9] As the twelve tribes named from the twelve sons of Jacob represented the church, and all things belonging to it, the number "twelve," on account of such signification, was employed in various connections:

As that the princes of Israel were twelve in number (Numbers 1:44).

That these twelve princes brought to the dedication of the altar twelve chargers of silver, twelve bowls of silver, twelve spoons of gold, twelve bullocks, twelve rams, twelve lambs, and twelve goats (Numbers 7:84, 87).

Each one of these things that they brought signifies such things as have reference to truths from good. So too:

Twelve men were sent to explore the land of Canaan (Deuteronomy 1:23);

for "the land of Canaan" signifies the church. So too:

There were twelve precious stones in the breastplate of judgment, or the Urim and Thummim (Exodus 28:21; 39:14);

"precious stones" signifying truths from good. So again:

There were twelve cakes of bread placed in two rows upon the table, which were called the bread of faces (Leviticus 24:5, 6);

"bread" signifying the good of love, and the "table" its reception, thus also truth in general, since truth is what receives good. Again:

Moses built an altar below Mount Sinai, and erected twelve pillars for the twelve tribes 5 of Israel (Exodus 24:4);

for an "altar" signifies the good of the church, and "pillars" its truths, thence "the altar and twelve pillars" together signify all truths from good by which the church exists.

[10] Again:

Twelve men carried twelve stones out of the midst of Jordan which were set up in Gilgal, that they might be for a memorial to the sons of Israel. And also twelve stones were set up in the midst of Jordan, in the place where the feet of the priests that bare the ark stood (Joshua 4:1-9, 20);

"Jordan" in the Word signifying the introduction into the church, and "stones" therefrom and in its midst, the truths of the church through which introduction is effected.

[11] So again:

Elijah took twelve stones, and built an altar (1 Kings 18:31, 32);

"altar" signifying the good of the church, and "stones" its truths.

Moses sent twelve thousand of the sons of Israel, with Phinehas as commander, against Midian, and they returned with great spoil, with not a man missing (Numbers 31:5, 6, 49).

For "Midian" signifies those who are in the knowledges of truth, but not in a life according to them, therefore "twelve thousand" were sent against them. The "great spoil" taken from them, has a similar signification as the "raiment, silver, and gold," which the sons of Israel took from the Egyptians (Exodus 3:22; 12:35, 36), and a similar signification as the "unrighteous mammon" of which they should make to themselves friends (Luke 16:9, namely, the knowledges of truth therefrom, which they hold as doctrine and not in the life.

[12] So again:

Solomon placed upon twelve oxen the brazen sea that he made (1 Kings 7:25, 44);

"the brazen sea" signifying truth from good, the "water" in it, truth, and the "brass" out of which it was made, good; and "twelve oxen" signify all goods and all truths therefrom which serve as a foundation. Therefore also:

Solomon made a throne of ivory with six steps to it, and twelve lions standing upon the steps on the one side and on the other (1 Kings 10:18-20).

"The throne of Solomon" signified judgment, which is effected by truths from good, and it represented Divine truth from Divine good; "lions" signifying the truths of heaven and of the church in their power, and "twelve" all (See above, n. 253).

[13] Of Ishmael it is said:

That he should be blessed and multiplied, and that twelve princes should be born from him (Genesis 17:20; 25:16);

for the reason that "Ishmael" signified the external church with all its truths from good. Of Elisha it is said:

That Elijah found him plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he among the twelve; and that he cast his mantle upon him (1 Kings 19:19).

This was done and said because Elijah and Elisha represented the Lord in respect to the Word, in which are all truths from good; consequently when this representation was transferred from Elijah to Elisha, which was signified by his casting his mantle upon him, Elisha was seen "plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he among the twelve," which signifies the formation of the church by means of truths from good out of the Word (See above, n. 395). It is said below that:

There was seen a woman encompassed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (Revelation 12:1).

This was seen because a "woman" signifies the church and "stars" the knowledges of truth: a "crown" the good of these knowledges, and the "head" intelligence.

[14] The Lord's twelve apostles had a similar representation as the twelve tribes of Israel; namely, they collectively represented the church, and each one of them some essential of the church, and for this reason there were twelve of them.

From this it can be seen why it is and what it signifies that the New Jerusalem (which signifies the church and its doctrine) is said:

To have twelve gates, and upon the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon which are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel; and that the wall had twelve foundations, and on these the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb (Revelation 21:12, 14);

the "twelve angels," the "twelve tribes," and the "twelve apostles" here meaning not angels, tribes, and apostles, but all the things of the church. Likewise it is said that:

The apostles are to sit upon twelve thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30);

which does not mean that the apostles are to sit on twelve thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel, but that the Lord alone is to judge all by Divine truth from Divine good see above, n. 9, 206, 253, 270, 297, 333).

[15] He who does not know that "twelve" signifies all things cannot know the arcanum that is signified by:

The twelve baskets of fragments that remained from the five loaves and two fishes with which the Lord fed five thousand men besides women and children (Matthew 14:15-21; Mark 6:37-44; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:9-13).

Each particular here, with the numbers themselves, is significative; "the five thousand men besides women and children," signify all who are of the church that are in truths from good; the "men" signifying those who are in truths, and the "women and children" those who are in good; "loaves" the goods and "fishes" the truths of the natural man; "eating" spiritual nourishment from the Lord; the "twelve baskets of fragments" the knowledges of truth and good therefrom in all abundance and fullness.

[16] Because "twelve" signifies all things, and is predicated of truths from good, which constitute the church:

When the Lord was twelve years old He left father and mother and remained in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them and asking them questions (Luke 2:42, 46);

by which is meant the initiation and introduction of His Human into all things of heaven and the church; therefore when He was found He said:

Wist ye not that I must be in the things that are My Father's? (verse 49).

Because "twelve" signifies all things, and is predicated of truths from good, the Lord said:

Are there not twelve hours of the day? If a man walk in the day he stumbleth not (John 11:9);

"day" signifying illustration in truths from good, and the "twelve hours of the day" all things of truth from good, and "to walk" signifying to live; these words, therefore, in the spiritual sense signify that one who is living in any kind of truth from good is in illustration, and does not stray into falsities. Because "twelve" signifies all things, the Lord said:

Thinkest thou that I cannot now beseech My Father and He will cause to stand by Me more than twelve legions of angels? (Matthew 26:53).

"Twelve legions of angels" meaning the whole heaven, and "more than these" signifying Divine omnipotence.

[17] From this it can now be seen what is signified by "a hundred and forty-four thousand out of every tribe," namely, all who are in truths from good; and "twelve thousand out of each tribe" all who are in that kind of truth from good which is signified by the tribe named; consequently, that twelve thousand are not meant, nor those who are of the tribes of Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. Furthermore, it is to be known that all these, or "the hundred and forty-four thousand," mean those who were taken up into heaven before the Last Judgment; but those afterward mentioned, from verse 7:9-17to the end of this chapter, mean those that were preserved by the Lord until the Last Judgment, and were then first taken up into heaven (respecting whom see above, n. 391-392, 394, 397); for those who were in truths from good were all received into heaven before the judgment; but those who were in good, and not as yet in truths, were preserved, and in the meantime instructed and prepared for heaven. These are to be further treated of hereafter. Those who were taken up into heaven before the judgment are meant by those of whom it is said in chapter 14 of Revelation:

A Lamb was standing on the Mount Zion, and with Him a hundred and forty-four thousand, having the Father's name written on their foreheads (verse 14:1).

Of these it is said that:

No one could learn the song save the hundred and forty-four thousand bought from the earth. These are they who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins, bought from among men, the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb (verses 14:3-4); and the same are meant by those who are "of the first resurrection;" and the others are meant by those who were "of the second resurrection" (Revelation 20:4-6).

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. The photolithograph has "which" for "because."

2. The photolithograph has "in" for "from."

3. The photolithograph has "itself" for "twelve."

4. The photolithograph has "twelve" for "twelve thousand."

5. The photolithograph has "sons" for "tribes." The latter is found in AC 9389.

/ 1232  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia # 5598

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/ 10837  

5598. 'And our generation' means regarding the truths of faith there. This is clear from the meaning of 'generation' as the birth of truth from good or faith from charity, dealt with in 1145, 1255, 4070, 4668. The reason 'generation' has this meaning in the internal sense is that in heaven no other kind of birth is meant than what is called regeneration, which is effected by means of the truth of faith and the good of charity. By this kind of generation or birth the children of men become the children of the Lord; these are they who are called 'the born of God' in John 1:13. The variations that exist in the offspring of good from truth and truth from good within that kind of generation are what determine the brotherly or blood relationships and the relationships by marriage that exist in heaven.

[2] In heaven unending variations exist; but those variations are effected by the Lord in such a way that they resemble families in which there are brothers, sisters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandsons, granddaughters, and so on. In general however all are organized into the kind of form that makes one united whole. They are like the variations within the human body, in which no one member is exactly the same as any other; indeed no one part within any member is the same as any other part. Even so, all those varying parts are organized into the kind of form in which they act as a single whole, and each fits in directly or remotely with the activity of another. Seeing a form such as this in the human being, one may deduce what the form must be like in heaven, with which there is a correspondence - a most perfect one - of everything in the human being.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.