

Jeremia 48:29



29 Wir haben vernommen den Hochmut Moabs, des sehr hochmütigen, seinen Stolz und seinen Hochmut und seine Hoffart und die Erhebung seines Herzens.



Jesaja 25:10



10 Denn die Hand Jehovas wird ruhen auf diesem Berge; und Moab wird unter ihm zertreten werden, wie Stroh zertreten wird in einer Mistlache.





According to Swedenborg, a person's name in the Bible represents his or her entire spiritual nature, their whole state of love (good or evil) and thought (from heavenly wisdom to infernal insanity). This is why the name of the Lord is so important; it represents and embodies His perfect love and perfect wisdom, which is everything that we should worship and follow. It's easy to see that names are important in the Bible. Jehovah changed Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah, changed Jacob to Israel and included in the Ten Commandments the order that believers "shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." In the New Testament, Zacharias was told to name John the Baptist "John," and both Joseph (Matthew 1:21) and Mary (Luke 1:31) were told to name Jesus "Jesus." Jesus himself renamed Simon as Peter, and included the phrase "hallowed be thy name" in the Lord's prayer.

(Odkazy: Luke 1)