

Jeremia 48:1



1 Über Moab. So spricht Jehova der Heerscharen, der Gott Israels: Wehe über Nebo! Denn es ist verwüstet. Zu Schanden geworden, eingenommen ist Kirjathaim; zu Schanden geworden ist die hohe Feste und bestürzt.



Isaiah 6:1-3



1 In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple.

2 Above him stood the seraphim. Each one had six wings. With two he covered his face. With two he covered his feet. With two he flew.

3 One called to another, and said, "Holy, holy, holy, is Yahweh of Armies! The whole earth is full of his glory!"