

Jeremia 48



1 Über Moab. So spricht Jehova der Heerscharen, der Gott Israels: Wehe über Nebo! Denn es ist verwüstet. Zu Schanden geworden, eingenommen ist Kirjathaim; zu Schanden geworden ist die hohe Feste und bestürzt.

2 Moabs Ruhm ist dahin. In Hesbon hat man Böses ersonnen gegen dasselbe: "Kommt und laßt es uns ausrotten, daß es keine Nation mehr sei!" Auch du, Madmen, wirst vernichtet werden; das Schwert zieht hinter dir her.

3 Horch! Ein Geschrei aus Horonaim: Verheerung und große Zertrümmerung!

4 Moab ist zerschmettert, seine Geringen haben ein lautes Geschrei erhoben.

5 Denn die Anhöhe von Luchith steigt man mit Weinen hinauf, mit Weinen; denn am Abhang von Horonaim hat man Angstgeschrei der Zerschmetterung gehört.

6 Fliehet, rettet euer Leben, und seid wie ein Entblößter in der Wüste!

7 Denn weil du auf deine Werke und auf deine Schätze vertrautest, sollst auch du eingenommen werden; und Kamos wird in die Gefangenschaft ziehen, seine Priester und seine Fürsten allzumal.

8 Und der Verwüster wird über jede Stadt kommen, und keine Stadt wird entrinnen; und das Tal wird zu Grunde gehen und die Ebene vernichtet werden, wie Jehova gesprochen hat.

9 Gebet Moab Flügel, denn fliegend wird es wegziehen; und seine Städte werden zur Wüste werden, so daß niemand darin wohnt.

10 Verflucht sei, wer das Werk Jehovas lässig treibt, und verflucht, wer sein Schwert vom Blute zurückhält!

11 Sorglos war Moab von seiner Jugend an, und still lag es auf seinen Hefen und wurde nicht ausgeleert von Faß zu Faß, und in die Gefangenschaft ist es nie gezogen; daher ist sein Geschmack ihm geblieben und sein Geruch nicht verändert.

12 Darum siehe, Tage kommen, spricht Jehova, da ich ihm Schröter senden werde, die es schroten und seine Fässer ausleeren und seine Krüge zerschmeißen werden.

13 Und Moab wird sich über Kamos schämen, gleichwie das Haus Israel sich geschämt hat über Bethel, ihre Zuversicht.

14 Wie sprechet ihr: Wir sind Helden und tapfere Männer zum Streit?

15 Moab ist verwüstet, und seine Städte hat man erstiegen, und die Auswahl seiner Jünglinge ist zur Schlachtung hingestürzt, spricht der König, Jehova der Heerscharen ist sein Name.

16 Moabs Verderben steht nahe bevor, und sein Unglück eilt sehr.

17 Beklaget es, ihr seine Umwohner alle, und alle, die ihr seinen Namen kennet! Sprechet: Wie ist zerbrochen das Zepter der Macht, der Stab der Majestät!

18 Steige herab von der Herrlichkeit und wohne in dürrem Lande, du Bewohnerin, Tochter Dibons; denn Moabs Verwüster ist wider dich heraufgezogen, hat deine Festen zerstört.

19 Tritt an den Weg und schaue, Bewohnerin von Aroer! Frage den Fliehenden und die Entronnenen, sprich: Was ist geschehen?

20 Moab ist zu Schanden geworden, denn es ist bestürzt. Heulet und schreiet, verkündet am Arnon, daß Moab verwüstet ist!

21 Und das Gericht ist gekommen über das Land der Ebene, über Cholon und über Jahza und über Mephaath,

22 und über Dibon und über Nebo und über Beth-Diblathaim,

23 und über Kirjathaim und über Beth-Gamul und über Beth-Meon,

24 und über Kerijoth und über Bozra, und über alle Städte des Landes Moab, die fernen und die nahen.

25 Das Horn Moabs ist abgehauen, und sein Arm ist zerschmettert, spricht Jehova.

26 Berauschet es, denn wider Jehova hat es großgetan, damit Moab sich wälze in seinem Gespei und auch selbst zum Gelächter werde!

27 Oder war dir Israel nicht zum Gelächter? Oder war es unter Dieben ertappt worden, daß, sooft du von ihm sprachest, du den Kopf schütteltest?

28 Verlasset die Städte und wohnet in den Felsen, ihr Bewohner von Moab, und seid wie die Taube, welche an den Rändern des Abgrundes nistet!

29 Wir haben vernommen den Hochmut Moabs, des sehr hochmütigen, seinen Stolz und seinen Hochmut und seine Hoffart und die Erhebung seines Herzens.

30 Ich kenne wohl sein Wüten, spricht Jehova, und sein eitles Prahlen; unwahr haben sie gehandelt.

31 Darum jammere ich über Moab, und wegen ganz Moab schreie ich; über die Leute von Kir-Heres seufzt man.

32 Mehr als das Weinen Jasers weine ich über dich, du Weinstock von Sibma; deine Ranken gingen über das Meer, sie reichten bis zum Meere von Jaser. Über deine Obsternte und über deine Weinlese ist der Verwüster hergefallen,

33 und verschwunden sind Freude und Frohlocken aus dem Fruchtgefilde und aus dem Lande Moab. Und dem Weine aus den Kufen habe ich ein Ende gemacht: Man tritt nicht mehr die Kelter unter Jubelruf; der laute Ruf ist kein Jubelruf.

34 Von dem Geschrei Hesbons haben sie bis Elale, bis Jahaz ihre Stimme erschallen lassen, von Zoar bis Horonaim, bis Eglath-Schelischija; denn auch die Wasser von Nimrim sollen zu Wüsten werden.

35 Und ich mache ein Ende in Moab, spricht Jehova, dem, der auf die Höhe steigt und seinen Göttern räuchert.

36 Deshalb klagt gleich Flöten mein Herz um Moab, und klagt gleich Flöten mein Herz um die Leute von Kir-Heres. Deshalb geht, was es erübrigt hat, zu Grunde.

37 Denn jedes Haupt ist kahl und jeder Bart abgeschoren; auf allen Händen sind Ritze, und Sacktuch ist an den Lenden.

38 Auf allen Dächern Moabs und auf seinen Straßen ist lauter Klage; denn ich habe Moab zerbrochen wie ein Gefäß, an dem man kein Gefallen hat, spricht Jehova.

39 Wie ist es bestürzt! Sie heulen. Wie hat Moab den Rücken gewandt vor Scham! Und allen seinen Umwohnern wird Moab zum Gelächter und zur Bestürzung sein.

40 Denn so spricht Jehova: Siehe, wie der Adler fliegt er daher und breitet seine Flügel aus über Moab.

41 Kerijoth ist eingenommen, und die Festen sind erobert. Und das Herz der Helden Moabs wird an selbigem Tage sein wie das Herz eines Weibes in Kindesnöten.

42 Und Moab wird vertilgt werden, daß es kein Volk mehr sei, weil es großgetan hat wider Jehova.

43 Grauen und Grube und Garn über dich, du Bewohner von Moab! spricht Jehova.

44 Wer vor dem Grauen flieht, wird in die Grube fallen, und wer aus der Grube heraufsteigt, wird in dem Garne gefangen werden; denn ich bringe über dasselbe, über Moab, das Jahr seiner Heimsuchung, spricht Jehova.

45 Im Schatten Hesbons bleiben Flüchtlinge kraftlos stehen; denn ein Feuer ist ausgegangen von Hesbon und eine Flamme aus der Mitte Sihons, und hat die Seite Moabs verzehrt und den Scheitel der Söhne des Getümmels.

46 Wehe dir, Moab! Verloren ist das Volk des Kamos! Denn deine Söhne sind als Gefangene weggeführt, und deine Töchter in die Gefangenschaft. -

47 Aber ich werde die Gefangenschaft Moabs wenden am Ende der Tage, spricht Jehova. Bis hierher das Gericht über Moab.




4 Mose 21:30



30 Da haben wir auf sie geschossen; Hesbon ist verloren bis Dibon; da haben wir verwüstet bis Nophach, Feuer bis Medeba!



Ezekiel 16



1 Again the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,

2 Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations;

3 and say, Thus says the Lord Yahweh to Jerusalem: Your birth and your birth is of the land of the Canaanite; the Amorite was your father, and your mother was a Hittite.

4 As for your birth, in the day you were born your navel was not cut, neither were you washed in water to cleanse you; you weren't salted at all, nor swaddled at all.

5 No eye pitied you, to do any of these things to you, to have compassion on you; but you were cast out in the open field, for that your person was abhorred, in the day that you were born.

6 When I passed by you, and saw you wallowing in your blood, I said to you, [Though you are] in your blood, live; yes, I said to you, [Though you are] in your blood, live.

7 I caused you to multiply as that which grows in the field, and you increased and grew great, and you attained to excellent ornament; your breasts were fashioned, and your hair was grown; yet you were naked and bare.

8 Now when I passed by you, and looked at you, behold, your time was the time of love; and I spread my skirt over you, and covered your nakedness: yes, I swore to you, and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord Yahweh, and you became mine.

9 Then washed I you with water; yes, I thoroughly washed away your blood from you, and I anointed you with oil.

10 I clothed you also with embroidered work, and shod you with sealskin, and I dressed you about with fine linen, and covered you with silk.

11 I decked you with ornaments, and I put bracelets on your hands, and a chain on your neck.

12 I put a ring on your nose, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head.

13 Thus you were decked with gold and silver; and your clothing was of fine linen, and silk, and embroidered work; you ate fine flour, and honey, and oil; and you were exceeding beautiful, and you prospered to royal estate.

14 Your renown went forth among the nations for your beauty; for it was perfect, through my majesty which I had put on you, says the Lord Yahweh.

15 But you trusted in your beauty, and played the prostitute because of your renown, and poured out your prostitution on everyone who passed by; his it was.

16 You took of your garments, and made for yourselves high places decked with various colors, and played the prostitute on them: [the like things] shall not come, neither shall it be [so].

17 You also took your beautiful jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given you, and made for yourself images of men, and played the prostitute with them;

18 and you took your embroidered garments, and covered them, and did set my oil and my incense before them.

19 My bread also which I gave you, fine flour, and oil, and honey, with which I fed you, you even set it before them for a pleasant aroma; and [thus] it was, says the Lord Yahweh.

20 Moreover you have taken your sons and your daughters, whom you have borne to me, and you have sacrificed these to them to be devoured. Was your prostitution a small matter,

21 that you have slain my children, and delivered them up, in causing them to pass through [the fire] to them?

22 In all your abominations and your prostitution you have not remembered the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, and were wallowing in your blood.

23 It has happened after all your wickedness, (woe, woe to you! says the Lord Yahweh),

24 that you have built for yourselves a vaulted place, and have made yourselves a lofty place in every street.

25 You have built your lofty place at the head of every way, and have made your beauty an abomination, and have opened your feet to everyone who passed by, and multiplied your prostitution.

26 You have also committed sexual immorality with the Egyptians, your neighbors, great of flesh; and have multiplied your prostitution, to provoke me to anger.

27 See therefore, I have stretched out my hand over you, and have diminished your ordinary [food], and delivered you to the will of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who are ashamed of your lewd way.

28 You have played the prostitute also with the Assyrians, because you were insatiable; yes, you have played the prostitute with them, and yet you weren't satisfied.

29 You have moreover multiplied your prostitution to the land of merchants, to Chaldea; and yet you weren't satisfied with this.

30 How weak is your heart, says the Lord Yahweh, since you do all these things, the work of an impudent prostitute;

31 in that you build your vaulted place at the head of every way, and make your lofty place in every street, and have not been as a prostitute, in that you scorn pay.

32 A wife who commits adultery! who takes strangers instead of her husband!

33 They give gifts to all prostitutes; but you give your gifts to all your lovers, and bribe them, that they may come to you on every side for your prostitution.

34 You are different from [other] women in your prostitution, in that no one follows you to play the prostitute; and whereas you give hire, and no hire is given to you, therefore you are different.

35 Therefore, prostitute, hear the word of Yahweh:

36 Thus says the Lord Yahweh, Because your filthiness was poured out, and your nakedness uncovered through your prostitution with your lovers; and because of all the idols of your abominations, and for the blood of your children, that you gave to them;

37 therefore see, I will gather all your lovers, with whom you have taken pleasure, and all those who you have loved, with all those who you have hated; I will even gather them against you on every side, and will uncover your nakedness to them, that they may see all your nakedness.

38 I will judge you, as women who break wedlock and shed blood are judged; and I will bring on you the blood of wrath and jealousy.

39 I will also give you into their hand, and they shall throw down your vaulted place, and break down your lofty places; and they shall strip you of your clothes, and take your beautiful jewels; and they shall leave you naked and bare.

40 They shall also bring up a company against you, and they shall stone you with stones, and thrust you through with their swords.

41 They shall burn your houses with fire, and execute judgments on you in the sight of many women; and I will cause you to cease from playing the prostitute, and you shall also give no hire any more.

42 So will I cause my wrath toward you to rest, and my jealousy shall depart from you, and I will be quiet, and will be no more angry.

43 Because you have not remembered the days of your youth, but have raged against me in all these things; therefore, behold, I also will bring your way on your head, says the Lord Yahweh: and you shall not commit this lewdness with all your abominations.

44 Behold, everyone who uses proverbs shall use [this] proverb against you, saying, As is the mother, so is her daughter.

45 You are the daughter of your mother, who loathes her husband and her children; and you are the sister of your sisters, who loathed their husbands and their children: your mother was a Hittite, and your father an Amorite.

46 Your elder sister is Samaria, who dwells at your left hand, she and her daughters; and your younger sister, who dwells at your right hand, is Sodom and her daughters.

47 Yet have you not walked in their ways, nor done after their abominations; but, as [if that were] a very little [thing], you were more corrupt than they in all your ways.

48 As I live, says the Lord Yahweh, Sodom your sister has not done, she nor her daughters, as you have done, you and your daughters.

49 Behold, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: pride, fullness of bread, and prosperous ease was in her and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

50 They were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw [good].

51 Neither has Samaria committed half of your sins; but you have multiplied your abominations more than they, and have justified your sisters by all your abominations which you have done.

52 You also, bear you your own shame, in that you have given judgment for your sisters; through your sins that you have committed more abominable than they, they are more righteous that you: yes, be also confounded, and bear your shame, in that you have justified your sisters.

53 I will turn again their captivity, the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, and the captivity of your captives in the midst of them;

54 that you may bear your own shame, and may be ashamed because of all that you have done, in that you are a comfort to them.

55 Your sisters, Sodom and her daughters, shall return to their former estate; and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate; and you and your daughters shall return to your former estate.

56 For your sister Sodom was not mentioned by your mouth in the day of your pride,

57 before your wickedness was uncovered, as at the time of the reproach of the daughters of Syria, and of all who are around her, the daughters of the Philistines, who do despite to you all around.

58 You have borne your lewdness and your abominations, says Yahweh.

59 For thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will also deal with you as you have done, who have despised the oath in breaking the covenant.

60 Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish to you an everlasting covenant.

61 Then you shall remember your ways, and be ashamed, when you shall receive your sisters, your elder [sisters] and your younger; and I will give them to you for daughters, but not by your covenant.

62 I will establish my covenant with you; and you shall know that I am Yahweh;

63 that you may remember, and be confounded, and never open your mouth any more, because of your shame, when I have forgiven you all that you have done, says the Lord Yahweh.