

Jeremia 33



1 Und das Wort Jehovas geschah zum zweiten Male zu Jeremia, als er noch im Gefängnishofe verhaftet war, also:

2 So spricht Jehova, der es tut, Jehova, der es bildet, um es zu verwirklichen, Jehova ist sein Name:

3 Rufe zu mir, und ich will dir antworten und will dir große und unerreichbare Dinge kundtun, die du nicht weißt.

4 Denn so spricht Jehova, der Gott Israels, über die Häuser dieser Stadt und über die Häuser der Könige von Juda, welche abgebrochen werden wegen der Wälle und wegen des Schwertes;

5 indem man kommt, um gegen die Chaldäer zu streiten und die Häuser mit den Leichnamen der Menschen zu füllen, welche ich in meinem Zorn und in meinem Grimm geschlagen, und um all deren Bosheit willen ich mein Angesicht vor dieser Stadt verborgen habe:

6 Siehe, ich will ihr einen Verband anlegen und Heilung bringen und sie heilen, und ich will ihnen eine Fülle von Frieden und Wahrheit offenbaren.

7 Und ich werde die Gefangenschaft Judas und die Gefangenschaft Israels wenden, und werde sie bauen wie im Anfang.

8 Und ich werde sie reinigen von all ihrer Ungerechtigkeit, womit sie gegen mich gesündigt haben; und ich werde alle ihre Missetaten vergeben, womit sie gegen mich gesündigt haben und womit sie von mir abgefallen sind.

9 Und sie soll mir zum Freudennamen, zum Ruhm und zum Schmuck sein bei allen Nationen der Erde, welche all das Gute hören werden, das ich ihnen tue. Und sie werden zittern und beben über all das Gute und über all den Frieden, den ich ihr angedeihen lasse. -

10 So spricht Jehova: An diesem Orte, von dem ihr saget: "Er ist verödet, ohne Menschen und ohne Vieh", in den Städten Judas und auf den Straßen Jerusalems, die verwüstet sind, ohne Menschen und ohne Bewohner und ohne Vieh, wird wiederum gehört werden die Stimme der Wonne

11 und die Stimme der Freude, die Stimme des Bräutigams und die Stimme der Braut, die Stimme derer, welche sagen: Lobet Jehova der Heerscharen, denn Jehova ist gütig, denn seine Güte währt ewiglich! Die Stimme derer, welche Lob in das Haus Jehovas bringen. Denn ich werde die Gefangenschaft des Landes wenden wie im Anfang, spricht Jehova.

12 So spricht Jehova der Heerscharen: An diesem Orte, der verödet ist, ohne Menschen und ohne Vieh, und in allen seinen Städten wird wiederum eine Wohnung sein für die Hirten, welche Herden lagern lassen.

13 In den Städten des Gebirges, in den Städten der Niederung und in den Städten des Südens, und im Lande Benjamin und in den Umgebungen von Jerusalem und in den Städten Judas werden wiederum die Herden unter den Händen des Zählers vorüberziehen, spricht Jehova.

14 Siehe, Tage kommen, spricht Jehova, da ich das gute Wort erfüllen werde, welches ich über das Haus Israel und über das Haus Juda geredet habe.

15 In jenen Tagen und zu jener Zeit werde ich dem David einen Sproß der Gerechtigkeit hervorsprossen lassen, und er wird Recht und Gerechtigkeit üben im Lande.

16 In jenen Tagen wird Juda gerettet werden und Jerusalem in Sicherheit wohnen; und dies wird der Name sein, mit welchem man es benennen wird: Jehova, unsere Gerechtigkeit.

17 Denn so spricht Jehova: Nie soll es dem David an einem Manne fehlen, der auf dem Throne des Hauses Israel sitze.

18 Und den Priestern, den Leviten, soll es nie an einem Manne vor mir fehlen, der Brandopfer opfere und Speisopfer anzünde und Schlachtopfer zurichte alle Tage. -

19 Und das Wort Jehovas geschah zu Jeremia also:

20 So spricht Jehova: Wenn ihr meinen Bund betreffs des Tages und meinen Bund betreffs der Nacht brechen könnt, so daß Tag und Nacht nicht mehr seien zu ihrer Zeit,

21 so wird auch mein Bund mit meinem Knechte David gebrochen werden, daß er keinen Sohn habe, der auf seinem Throne König sei, und auch mit den Leviten, den Priestern, meinen Dienern.

22 Wie das Heer des Himmels nicht gezählt und der Sand des Meeres nicht gemessen werden kann, also werde ich den Samen Davids, meines Knechtes, und die Leviten mehren, die mir dienen. -

23 Und das Wort Jehovas geschah zu Jeremia also:

24 Hast du nicht gesehen, was dieses Volk redet, indem es spricht: "Die zwei Geschlechter, welche Jehova erwählt hatte, die hat er verworfen"? Und so verachten sie mein Volk, so daß es vor ihnen keine Nation mehr ist.

25 So spricht Jehova: Wenn nicht mein Bund betreffs des Tages und der Nacht besteht, wenn ich nicht die Ordnungen des Himmels und der Erde festgesetzt habe,

26 so werde ich auch den Samen Jakobs und Davids, meines Knechtes, verwerfen, daß ich nicht mehr von seinem Samen Herrscher nehme über den Samen Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobs. Denn ich werde ihre Gefangenschaft wenden und mich ihrer erbarmen.


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True Christian Religion # 160

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160. The second experience.

I was once walking in the company of angels in the world of spirits. This lies half-way between heaven and hell, and it is where everyone comes first after death; here the good are prepared for heaven, the wicked for hell. I discussed a number of topics with the angels, one of which was that in the world where I am bodily there are to be seen at night-time countless stars of various sizes, and each of these is a sun, emitting only light to the solar system; 'and on seeing,' I said, 'that stars are to be seen in your world too, I hazarded the guess that they are as numerous as in the world where I am.'

The angels were delighted at this remark, and said that they might well be as numerous, since each community in heaven appears at times to those who are beneath shining like a star. The communities of heaven are countless, all arranged as their affections for the love of good vary; these affections are in God infinite, and under His influence therefore countless. Since these were foreseen before creation, I imagine that to agree with that number the same number of stars was provided or created in the world where human beings were to live in natural, material bodies.

[2] While we were talking like this, I saw in the north a paved road, so crowded with spirits there was hardly room to set foot between two of them. I told the angels that I had seen this road previously, with spirits passing along it in as close order as squadrons of troops; and that I had been told that this is the road along which all pass when they leave the natural world. The reason why it is crowded with such numbers of spirits is that tens of thousands of people die every week, and all after death pass into this world.

The angels went on to say: 'The road ends in the middle of this world, where we now are. The reason why it ends in the middle is that on the eastern side are the communities dedicated to love to God and towards the neighbour; on the left, towards the west, are the communities composed of those who oppose these loves. In front, to the south, are communities composed of those who are above average intelligence. That is why recent arrivals from the natural world come here first. When here they are at first outwardly exactly as they had been most recently in their previous world; but later on they are step by step brought into their inward state, and submitted to examination of their nature. After this the good are transferred to their places in heaven, the wicked to theirs in hell.'

[3] We halted at the centre, where the access road ended, and said: 'Let us wait here a little while and talk with some of the newcomers.' We selected a dozen of those arriving; and since they had all just come from the natural world, they did not know that they were not still there. We asked them their opinions about heaven and hell and life after death.

One of them replied as follows: 'Our priestly order has taught me to believe that we shall live after death, and that there are such places as heaven and hell. Consequently I have always believed that those who lead decent lives go to heaven; and since everyone lives a decent life, no one goes to hell. So hell is just a story made up by the clergy to keep people from leading wicked lives. What difference does it make whether I hold one opinion or another about God? Thought is only like froth or a bubble on the surface of water, which bursts and disappears.'

A second next to him said: 'My belief is that heaven and hell exist, and that God rules heaven and the devil rules hell. Since they are enemies and thus take opposite views, one calls evil what the other calls good. Decent people are hypocrites who can make evil appear good and good evil, so they stand on either side. What difference does it make then whether I am with one lord or the other, so long as he supports me? People take just as much pleasure in evil as in good.'

[4] A third, next to the second, said: 'How does it concern me whether I believe in heaven and hell, since no one has ever come back from there to tell me? If everyone lived on after death, surely one out of all that vast number would have come back and told us?'

The next, the fourth, said: 'I will tell you why no one has come back and told us. It is because when a person has breathed out his soul and died, then he either becomes a ghost which is quickly dissolved, or he is like the breath from the mouth, which is just air. How can anyone like that come back or talk to anyone?'

The fifth took up the tale: 'My friends,' he said, 'wait until the day of the Last judgment, for then all will return to their bodies, and you will see them and talk with them, and then each will be able to tell the others what happened to him.'

[5] The sixth, who stood opposite, said with a smile: 'How can a spirit which is just air return to a body which has been eaten by worms, or to a skeleton burnt up by the sun and reduced to dust? And how can an Egyptian, who has been mummified, and then mixed by a druggist into his extracts, emulsions, potions and pills, come back and tell anything? So if that is your belief, go on waiting for that last day, but you will wait for ever and ever in vain.'

Then the seventh said: 'If I believed in heaven and hell and so in life after death, I should believe that birds and animals would live on too; some of them are as decent and rational as human beings. But they say that animals have no life after death, so I say that people do not either. The cases are identical, one follows from the other. What is man but an animal?'

The eighth, who was standing behind him, came forward and said: 'Believe in heaven if you like, but I do not believe in hell. God is omnipotent, isn't He, and can save everyone?'

[6] Then the ninth shook his hand and said: 'God is not only omnipotent, but also gracious. He could not send anyone to everlasting fire; and if there is anyone there, He would take him out and raise him up.'

The tenth left his place and hurried to the middle saying: 'Neither do I believe in hell. Did not God send His Son, and did not He make expiation and take away the sins of the whole world? What power then has the devil against that? And if he has none, what then becomes of hell?'

The eleventh, who was a priest, was angry to hear this and said: 'Don't you know that those who have acquired faith, on which Christ's merit is imprinted, are saved, and that those whom God chooses acquire that faith? So the choice is at the discretion of the Almighty, and it depends upon His judgment who are worthy. Can anyone dispute this?'

The twelfth, who was a politician, kept silence. But when asked to sum up the replies, he said: 'I shall not offer any profound statements about heaven, hell and life after death, because there is no one who knows anything about them. But still you should not abuse the priests, but allow them to go on preaching about them. For in this way the minds of the common people are kept by an invisible bond subject to the laws and their rulers. And is this not the key to the preservation of Society?'

[7] We were astonished to hear such sentiments and said to one another: 'Although these people call themselves Christians, they are neither human beings nor animals, but human animals.’ However, to rouse them from their sleep we said: 'Heaven and hell do exist, and there is a life after death. You will be convinced of this when we dispel your ignorance about your present state. For everyone for some days after death is totally unaware that he is no longer living in the same world as formerly. The time that has passed is like a sleep, and when anyone wakes from it, he feels he is exactly where he was. It is the same with you at present, and this is why you spoke exactly as you thought in the previous world.'

Then the angels dispelled their ignorance, so that they saw they were in another world and among people they did not know. 'Oh, where are we?' they cried. 'You are no longer,' we said, 'in the natural world, but in the spiritual world and we are angels.'

Then, when they had woken up, they said: 'If you are angels, show us where heaven is.' 'Stay here a little while,' we replied, 'and we will come back.' After half an hour we returned and found them waiting for us, so we said: 'Follow us and we will take you to heaven.' They did so, and we went up with them, and since we were with them the guards opened the gate and let us in. We told those who received the newcomers on the threshold to examine them. So they turned them around, and saw that the backs of their heads were largely hollowed out. Then they said: 'Begone from here, for you find pleasure in the love of evil-doing, so you can have no link with heaven. In your hearts you have denied the existence of God and have despised religion.' 'Don't delay,' we told them, 'otherwise you will be thrown out.' So they hastened back down and were gone.

[8] On the way home we talked about the reason why those in this world who take pleasure in evil-doing have the backs of their heads hollowed out. I stated the reason, that human beings have two brains, one in the back of the head, which is called the cerebellum, the other in the front of the head, which is called the cerebrum. The cerebellum is the seat of loving on the part of the will, the cerebrum that of thinking on the part of the understanding. When the thought of the understanding does not guide the love of the will, the inmost regions of that person's cerebellum, which are in themselves heavenly, collapse; this causes the hollowing out.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Jeremiah 17:5



5 Thus says Yahweh: Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from Yahweh.