

Hesekiel 22:25



25 Verschwörung seiner Propheten ist in ihm; gleich einem brüllenden Löwen, der Beute zerreißt, fressen sie Seelen, nehmen Reichtum und Kostbarkeiten, mehren seine Witwen in seiner Mitte.



2 Koenige 24:3



3 Fürwahr, nach dem Befehle Jehovas geschah dieses wider Juda, um es vor seinem Angesicht hinwegzutun, wegen der Sünden Manasses, nach allem, was er getan hatte;




Michal Watching David from a Window, by James Tissot (1836-1902), French painter

We tend to think of "despising" something or someone as just a strong way of expressing dislike, but there is a further shade of meaning there. As the Free Online Dictionary puts it, it also means "to regard (something or someone) as unworthy of interest or concern." This meaning comes into play as "despise" is used in the Bible; it indicates that a person in a particular spiritual state cannot understand or value things belonging to a higher spiritual state, and thus regards them as nothing.