

Daniel 9:16



16 Herr, nach allen deinen Gerechtigkeiten (d. h. den Erweisungen, Betätigungen deiner Gerechtigkeit.) laß doch deinen Zorn und deinen Grimm sich wenden von deiner Stadt Jerusalem, deinem heiligen Berge! denn wegen unserer Sünden und der Missetaten unserer Väter sind Jerusalem und dein Volk zum Hohne geworden allen denen, die uns umgeben.



1 Koenige 18:36



36 Und es geschah zur Zeit, da man das Speisopfer opfert, da trat Elia, der Prophet, herzu und sprach: Jehova, Gott Abrahams, Isaaks und Israels! Heute werde kund, daß du Gott in Israel bist, und ich dein Knecht, und daß ich nach deinem Worte alles dieses getan habe.





The idea of a "prophet" is very closely tied to the idea of the Bible itself, since the Bible was largely written by prophets. At a lower level, prophets represent people who teach from the Bible. At a higher level, they represent the Lord as He reveals himself through the Bible. Viewed in a abstract way, prophets represent the holy parts of the Bible themselves, and also represent doctrine drawn from the Bible. The reason we say "largely written by prophets" and "the holy parts of the Bible" is that not all of the books currently included in the Bible have a complete and continuous internal sense. Some -- like Job, Ruth, and Song of Solomon -- are wonderful literary pieces that got included, but which lack the systematic meanings for words and phrases. Others -- the Acts and Epistles, primarily -- are really doctrinal works, the first attempt by others to extract meaning from Jesus' life and words.