

Exode 14:5



5 Or on avait rapporté au Roi d'Egypte que le peuple s'enfuyait, et le cœur de Pharaon et de ses serviteurs fut changé à l'égard du peuple, et ils dirent : qu'[est-ce que] nous avons fait, que nous ayons laissé aller Israël, en sorte qu'il ne nous servira plus?




Image by [ Ryan Baxter]

The number eight represents something that is complete within itself in every respect. Two reasons are offered for this. First, eight is the product of two and four, and two and four both relate to conjunction, or things coming together to form units. Such conjunction leads to completeness, so the product of two and four means completeness. The second reason given is that the eighth day is the start of the second week, and as the first day of that week, it contains within it all that that week represents.