

Ézéchiel 5:1



1 Et toi, fils de l'homme, prends un instrument tranchant, un rasoir de barbier; prends-le, et passe-le sur ta tête et sur ta barbe. Prends ensuite une balance à peser, et partage les cheveux.



Néhémie 9:34



34 Nos rois, nos chefs, nos sacrificateurs et nos pères n'ont point observé ta loi, et ils n'ont été attentifs ni à tes commandements ni aux avertissements que tu leur adressais.



John 4:31-34



31 In the meanwhile, the disciples urged him, saying, "Rabbi, eat."

32 But he said to them, "I have food to eat that you don't know about."

33 The disciples therefore said one to another, "Has anyone brought him something to eat?"

34 Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work.