

Daniel 4:25



25 On te chassera du milieu des hommes, tu auras ta demeure avec les bêtes des champs, et l'on te donnera comme aux boeufs de l'herbe à manger; tu seras trempé de la rosée du ciel, et sept temps passeront sur toi, jusqu'à ce que tu saches que le Très-Haut domine sur le règne des hommes et qu'il le donne à qui il lui plaît.




Amuletic Brooch with inscribed prayer.

It is hard for us to conceive this, but time does not exist in spiritual reality. Time is an aspect of physical reality that no longer constrains us in spiritual life, just as we are no longer constrained by our physical bodies in spiritual life. That is what "forever" means in the Bible. It doesn't just mean "for a long time," "for the rest of your life" or even "until the sun expands and destroys the earth and all life here." It means to eternity without end.