

1 Samuel 2



1 Anne pria, et dit: Mon coeur se réjouit en l'Eternel, Ma force a été relevée par l'Eternel; Ma bouche s'est ouverte contre mes ennemis, Car je me réjouis de ton secours.

2 Nul n'est saint comme l'Eternel; Il n'y a point d'autre Dieu que toi; Il n'y a point de rocher comme notre Dieu.

3 Ne parlez plus avec tant de hauteur; Que l'arrogance ne sorte plus de votre bouche; Car l'Eternel est un Dieu qui sait tout, Et par lui sont pesées toutes les actions.

4 L'arc des puissants est brisé, Et les faibles ont la force pour ceinture.

5 Ceux qui étaient rassasiés se louent pour du pain, Et ceux qui étaient affamés se reposent; Même la stérile enfante sept fois, Et celle qui avait beaucoup d'enfants est flétrie.

6 L'Eternel fait mourir et il fait vivre. Il fait descendre au séjour des morts et il en fait remonter.

7 L'Eternel appauvrit et il enrichit, Il abaisse et il élève.

8 De la poussière il retire le pauvre, Du fumier il relève l'indigent, Pour les faire asseoir avec les grands. Et il leur donne en partage un trône de gloire; Car à l'Eternel sont les colonnes de la terre, Et c'est sur elles qu'il a posé le monde.

9 Il gardera les pas de ses bien-aimés. Mais les méchants seront anéantis dans les ténèbres; Car l'homme ne triomphera point par la force.

10 Les ennemis de l'Eternel trembleront; Du haut des cieux il lancera sur eux son tonnerre; l'Eternel jugera les extrémités de la terre. Il donnera la puissance à son roi, Et il relèvera la force de son oint.

11 Elkana s'en alla dans sa maison à Rama, et l'enfant fut au service de l'Eternel devant le sacrificateur Eli.

12 Les fils d'Eli étaient des hommes pervers, ils ne connaissaient point l'Eternel.

13 Et voici quelle était la manière d'agir de ces sacrificateurs à l'égard du peuple. Lorsque quelqu'un offrait un sacrifice, le serviteur du sacrificateur arrivait au moment où l'on faisait cuire la chair. Tenant à la main une fourchette à trois dents,

14 il piquait dans la chaudière, dans le chaudron, dans la marmite, ou dans le pot; et tout ce que la fourchette amenait, le sacrificateur le prenait pour lui. C'est ainsi qu'ils agissaient à l'égard de tous ceux d'Israël qui venaient là à Silo.

15 Même avant qu'on fît brûler la graisse, le serviteur du sacrificateur arrivait et disait à celui qui offrait le sacrifice: Donne pour le sacrificateur de la chair à rôtir; il ne recevra de toi point de chair cuite, c'est de la chair crue qu'il veut.

16 Et si l'homme lui disait: Quand on aura brûlé la graisse, tu prendras ce qui te plaira, le serviteur répondait: Non! tu donneras maintenant, sinon je prends de force.

17 Ces jeunes gens se rendaient coupables devant l'Eternel d'un très grand péché, parce qu'ils méprisaient les offrandes de l'Eternel.

18 Samuel faisait le service devant l'Eternel, et cet enfant était revêtu d'un éphod de lin.

19 Sa mère lui faisait chaque année une petite robe, et la lui apportait en montant avec son mari pour offrir le sacrifice annuel.

20 Eli bénit Elkana et sa femme, en disant: Que l'Eternel te fasse avoir des enfants de cette femme, pour remplacer celui qu'elle a prêté à l'Eternel! Et ils s'en retournèrent chez eux.

21 Lorsque l'Eternel eut visité Anne, elle devint enceinte, et elle enfanta trois fils et deux filles. Et le jeune Samuel grandissait auprès de l'Eternel.

22 Eli était fort âgé et il apprit comment ses fils agissaient à l'égard de tout Israël; il apprit aussi qu'ils couchaient avec les femmes qui s'assemblaient à l'entrée de la tente d'assignation.

23 Il leur dit: Pourquoi faites-vous de telles choses? car j'apprends de tout le peuple vos mauvaises actions.

24 Non, mes enfants, ce que j'entends dire n'est pas bon; vous faites pécher le peuple de l'Eternel.

25 Si un homme pèche contre un autre homme, Dieu le jugera; mais s'il pèche contre l'Eternel, qui intercédera pour lui? Et ils n'écoutèrent point la voix de leur père, car l'Eternel voulait les faire mourir.

26 Le jeune Samuel continuait à grandir, et il était agréable à l'Eternel et aux hommes.

27 Un homme de Dieu vint auprès d'Eli, et lui dit: Ainsi parle l'Eternel: Ne me suis-je pas révélé à la maison de ton père, lorsqu'ils étaient en Egypte dans la maison de Pharaon?

28 Je l'ai choisie parmi toutes les tribus d'Israël pour être à mon service dans le sacerdoce, pour monter à mon autel, pour brûler le parfum, pour porter l'éphod devant moi, et j'ai donné à la maison de ton père tous les sacrifices consumés par le feu et offerts par les enfants d'Israël.

29 Pourquoi foulez-vous aux pieds mes sacrifices et mes offrandes, que j'ai ordonné de faire dans ma demeure? Et d'où vient que tu honores tes fils plus que moi, afin de vous engraisser des prémices de toutes les offrandes d'Israël, mon peuple?

30 C'est pourquoi voici ce que dit l'Eternel, le Dieu d'Israël: J'avais déclaré que ta maison et la maison de ton père marcheraient devant moi à perpétuité. Et maintenant, dit l'Eternel, loin de moi! Car j'honorerai celui qui m'honore, mais ceux qui me méprisent seront méprisés.

31 Voici, le temps arrive où je retrancherai ton bras et le bras de la maison de ton père, en sorte qu'il n'y aura plus de vieillard dans ta maison.

32 Tu verras un adversaire dans ma demeure, tandis qu'Israël sera comblé de biens par l'Eternel; et il n'y aura plus jamais de vieillard dans ta maison.

33 Je laisserai subsister auprès de mon autel l'un des tiens, afin de consumer tes yeux et d'attrister ton âme; mais tous ceux de ta maison mourront dans la force de l'âge.

34 Et tu auras pour signe ce qui arrivera à tes deux fils, Hophni et Phinées; ils mourront tous les deux le même jour.

35 Je m'établirai un sacrificateur fidèle, qui agira selon mon coeur et selon mon âme; je lui bâtirai une maison stable, et il marchera toujours devant mon oint.

36 Et quiconque restera de ta maison viendra se prosterner devant lui pour avoir une pièce d'argent et un morceau de pain, et dira: Attache-moi, je te prie, à l'une des fonctions du sacerdoce, afin que j'aie un morceau de pain à manger.


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Apocalypse Explained # 783

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783. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority, signifies that those who separate faith from life support and corroborate their doctrinals by reasonings from fallacies, and thus powerfully seduce. This is evident from the signification of the "beast" to which the dragon gave his powers, as being reasonings from the natural man confirming the separation of faith from life (See above, n. 774). These reasonings are from the fallacies of the senses, because that beast appeared like a leopard, and his feet were "as of a bear," and "the feet of a bear" signify fallacies, 781.

Also from the signification of "giving his power, his throne, and great authority," as being to support and corroborate doctrinals; "power" signifying efficacy; "throne" the church in respect to doctrine that is from falsities, and "great authority" support and corroboration thereby. That this is added to their reasonings and their fallacies has been shown above.

[2] It is not because the falsities in which they are have any power in themselves that those who separate faith from life, that is, from good works, have "power, a throne, and great authority," for falsities from evil have no power whatever, since all power is in truths from good. But falsities have power over falsities, as like over like. This can be clearly seen from the power of infernal spirits with one another, which they exercise by things imaginary and by semblances of correspondences, by which they are desirous of seeming most powerful and mighty; but yet they have no power whatever against truths, and so wholly none that it is nothing at all. This I could confirm by much experience were there space to digress so far in these explanations of Revelation. But this can be seen from the fact that the hells, in which there are myriads of myriads, are so held bound by Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, that no one in them dares raise up a finger of his hand; also from this fact that a single angel by means of truths from the Lord is able to lead, to control, to bind, or to scatter a thousand companies of evil spirits, and this merely by a look from an intention of the will. Such power also has been sometimes granted to me by the Lord. It may seem strange that the church at its end should be in falsities and in evils from them, and in evils and in falsities from them, and yet that truths from good have all power; and it seems as if such truths might be given by the Lord by means of truths from the Word. But the reason is that falsities have power against those who are in falsities from evil; and at the end of the church these falsities reign, and when these reign truths are not received. For this reason falsities cannot be dispersed by truths, and therefore the devil is then called powerful, and loosed from bonds. This is why infernal falsity is called in the Word a "lion," a "bear," a "wolf," a "beast," also a "wild beast" strong and fierce.

[3] For the same reason those who are in falsities are called in the Word "powerful," "vigorous," "mighty," "strong," "heroes," "rulers," "terrible," "dreadful," and "wasters," as can be seen from various passages, as from the following.

In Jeremiah:

Behold I bring upon you a nation from afar, O house of Israel, a vigorous nation, all strong men (Jeremiah 5:15, 16).

In the same:

Go up ye horses, rage ye chariots, ye strong men go forth (Jeremiah 46:9).

In the same:

O sword against the strong, that they may be dismayed (Jeremiah 50:36).

In Ezekiel:

I will give Pharaoh into the hand of a strong one of the nations (Ezekiel 31:11, 12).

In Hosea:

Thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy strong ones (Hosea 10:13).

In Joel:

A people great and vigorous, like heroes they run, they climb over the wall (Joel 2:2, 7).

In Amos:

The refuge of the swift perisheth, and the strong shall not confirm his might, neither shall the powerful deliver his soul; he that is strong in his heart among heroes shall flee naked in that day (Amos 2:14, 16).

In David:

Rebuke the wild beast of the reed; the congregation of the strong (Psalms 68:30).

In the first book of Samuel:

The bows of the strong are broken (1 Samuel 2:4).

In Revelation:

All the kings, the great ones, the rich, the commanders of thousands, and the powerful, hid themselves in caves and in the rocks (Revelation 6:15).

In Matthew:

The rulers of the nations lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them (Matthew 20:25).

And in Luke:

This is your hour and the authority of darkness (Luke 22:53);

and various other passages.

[4] To what has been said above it may be added, that infernal spirits believe themselves to be stronger and more powerful than others, but this for the reason that they prevail over those who are in evils and in falsities therefrom, thus one infernal spirit over another infernal spirit, or one evil by means of falsity over another evil by falsity; from this appearance they believe themselves to be powerful. But such power may be compared to that of a mite against a mite, or of a flea against a flea, of dust against dust, or of chaff against chaff, the power of which is merely relative to their mutual forces. Add to this that infernal spirits are elated in mind, and wish to be called vigorous, strong, and heroes for the most trivial reasons.

[5] As "the power and great authority" that the dragon gave from himself to "the beast coming up out of the sea," thus the power of infernal spirits among one another, are here treated of, I will unfold some arcana respecting their arts for acquiring power in the spiritual world. There are some who acquire for themselves power by means of the Word, for they are acquainted with some passages of it, and these they recite, and by these a communication with the simple good is effected and conjunction with them in respect to externals; and so far as they are in that conjunction they prevail over others. The reason is that all things of the Word are truths, and truths have all power, and the simple good are in truths; so from conjunction with them they have power, but only so long as that conjunction continues, and this does not continue long, because they are very soon separated from each other by the Lord. Some acquire for themselves power by simulated affections of good and truth and by the affections belonging to the love of what is sincere and just; by these they lead the simple good to feel well disposed towards them and to cherish good will towards them, and to join themselves to them. And so long as that kindly feeling continues to be mutual they continue more powerful than others. Some acquire for themselves power by representatives of various kinds, which are abuses of correspondences; and some in other ways. And as truths that are from good have all power, and these are found with angels, so nothing is more desired by evil spirits than to attract good spirits to their side, because thus the evil prevail; but as soon as they are separated from these they are in the falsities of their own evil, and when they are in these they are deprived of all power.

[6] This, too, is why all the evil who flock out of this world are first separated from the goods and truths that they have merely known from memory, and thus carried in the mouth; and when they have been separated from these their interiors appear, which consist of nothing but masses of falsities from evils. And when they are in these, because they no longer have any power they fall down headlong into hell, as heavy bodies in the air fall to the earth. That goods and truths are taken away from the evil is known from the Word; for the Lord says:

Take the talent from him and give it to him that hath the ten talents; for unto everyone that hath shall be given that he may have abundance, but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. And cast ye out the useless servant into the outer darkness; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25:28-30; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18; 19:26).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.



Luke 8:18



18 Be careful therefore how you hear. For whoever has, to him will be given; and whoever doesn't have, from him will be taken away even that which he thinks he has."