

Tuomarit 18



1 Siihen aikaan ei ollut kuningasta Israelissa; ja siihen aikaan daanilaisten sukukunta etsi itsellensä perintöosaa asuttavaksensa, sillä siihen päivään asti se ei ollut saanut perintöosaa Israelin sukukuntien kesken.

2 Ja daanilaiset lähettivät sukukuntansa keskuudesta viisi miestä, sotakuntoisia miehiä Sorasta ja Estaolista, vakoilemaan maata ja tutkimaan sitä; he sanoivat heille: "Menkää tutkimaan maata". Ja nämä tulivat Efraimin vuoristoon, Miikan talolle asti, ja yöpyivät sinne.

3 Ollessaan Miikan talon luona he tunsivat nuoren miehen hänen äänestään leeviläiseksi; niin he poikkesivat sinne ja kysyivät häneltä: "Kuka on tuonut sinut tänne? Mitä sinä täällä toimitat, ja mitä sinulla on täällä tekemistä?"

4 Hän vastasi heille: "Niin ja niin teki Miika minulle ja palkkasi minut papiksensa".

5 Ja he sanoivat hänelle: "Kysy Jumalalta, että saisimme tietää, onnistuuko matka, jolla me olemme".

6 Pappi vastasi heille: "Menkää rauhassa. Matka, jolla olette, tapahtuu Herran edessä."

7 Niin ne viisi miestä jatkoivat matkaansa ja tulivat Laikseen; ja he näkivät, että sikäläinen kansa asui huoleti siidonilaisten tavoin, rauhassa ja huoletonna; eikä kukaan tehnyt vahinkoa siinä maassa rikkauksia anastamalla. Myöskin olivat he kaukana siidonilaisista eivätkä olleet tekemisissä muitten ihmisten kanssa.

8 Ja he tulivat veljiensä luo Soraan ja Estaoliin, ja heidän veljensä kysyivät heiltä: "Mitä kuuluu?"

9 He sanoivat: "Nouskaa, lähtekäämme heitä vastaan. Sillä me olemme katselleet maata, ja katso, se on hyvin hyvä. Ja tekö jäisitte toimettomiksi! Älkää viivytelkö, lähtekää liikkeelle, menkää sinne ja ottakaa omaksenne se maa.

10 Kun tulette sinne, tulette huoletonna elävän kansan luo, ja maa on tilava joka suuntaan. Niin, Jumala antaa sen teidän käsiinne, paikan, jossa ei ole puutetta mistään, mitä maan päällä on."

11 Niin lähti sieltä liikkeelle, daanilaisten sukukunnasta, Sorasta ja Estaolista, kuusisataa sota-aseilla varustettua miestä.

12 He nousivat Juudan Kirjat-Jearimiin ja leiriytyivät sinne. Sentähden kutsutaan sitä paikkaa vielä tänäkin päivänä "Daanin leiriksi"; se on Kirjat-Jearimin takana.

13 Sieltä he kulkivat Efraimin vuoristoon ja tulivat Miikan talolle asti.

14 Niin ne viisi miestä, jotka olivat käyneet vakoilemassa Laiksen maata, rupesivat puhumaan ja sanoivat veljillensä: "Tiedättekö, että noissa huoneissa on kasukka ja kotijumalia sekä veistetty ja valettu jumalankuva? Miettikää siis, mitä teidän on tehtävä."

15 Niin he poikkesivat sinne ja tulivat sen nuoren leeviläisen miehen asunnolle, Miikan taloon, ja tervehtivät häntä.

16 Ja ne kuusisataa sota-aseilla varustettua daanilaista asettuivat portin oven eteen.

17 Ja ne viisi miestä, jotka olivat käyneet vakoilemassa maata, nousivat taloon, menivät sisään ja ottivat veistetyn jumalankuvan ja kasukan ja kotijumalat ja valetun jumalankuvan, mutta pappi ja ne kuusisataa sota-aseilla varustettua miestä seisoivat portin oven edessä.

18 Kun he menivät Miikan taloon ja ottivat veistetyn jumalankuvan ja kasukan ja kotijumalat ja valetun jumalankuvan, niin pappi kysyi heiltä: "Mitä te teette?"

19 He vastasivat hänelle: "Vaikene, pidä suusi kiinni ja lähde meidän kanssamme ja tule meidän isäksemme ja papiksemme. Onko parempi ollaksesi pappina yhden miehen talossa kuin Israelin heimon ja sukukunnan pappina?"

20 Silloin pappi tuli hyville mielin, ja hän otti kasukan ja kotijumalat ja veistetyn jumalankuvan ja meni väen keskeen.

21 Sitten he kääntyivät jatkamaan matkaansa ja panivat vaimot ja lapset sekä karjan ja kuormaston kulkemaan edellänsä.

22 He olivat ehtineet vähän matkaa Miikan talosta, kun Miikan talon lähitalojen miehet kutsuttiin koolle, ja he pääsivät daanilaisten kintereille.

23 Ja he huusivat daanilaisille; nämä kääntyivät ja kysyivät Miikalta: "Mikä sinun on, kun väkesi on noin kutsuttu koolle?"

24 Hän vastasi: "Te olette ottaneet minun jumalani, jotka minä olen teettänyt, ja papin, ja menette matkoihinne. Mitä on minulla enää jäljellä? Ja kuinka te vielä kysytte minulta: 'Mikä sinun on'?"

25 Mutta daanilaiset sanoivat hänelle: "Herkeä huutamasta meille, muuten miehet ärtyvät ja käyvät kimppuunne, ja te menetätte henkenne, sekä sinä että sinun perheesi".

26 Niin daanilaiset jatkoivat matkaansa, ja kun Miika näki, että he olivat häntä voimakkaammat, kääntyi hän ja palasi kotiinsa.

27 Otettuaan siis sen, minkä Miika oli teettänyt, sekä hänen pappinsa, hyökkäsivät he Laiksen rauhassa ja huoletonna elävän kansan kimppuun ja surmasivat heidät miekan terällä ja polttivat kaupungin tulella.

28 Eikä kukaan tullut avuksi, sillä se oli kaukana Siidonista eivätkä he olleet tekemisissä muitten ihmisten kanssa; se oli Beet-Rehobin tasangolla. Daanilaiset rakensivat kaupungin uudestaan ja asettuivat siihen.

29 Ja he antoivat kaupungille nimen Daan, isänsä Daanin nimen mukaan, hänen, joka oli Israelille syntynyt; mutta ennen oli kaupungin nimi ollut Lais.

30 Sitten daanilaiset pystyttivät itsellensä sen veistetyn jumalankuvan; ja Joonatan, Manassen pojan Geersomin poika, ja hänen poikansa olivat daanilaisten sukukunnan pappeina, kunnes maan väestö vietiin pakkosiirtolaisuuteen.

31 He pystyttivät itsellensä sen veistetyn jumalankuvan, jonka Miika oli teettänyt, ja se oli siinä koko ajan, minkä Jumalan huone oli Siilossa.




Exploring the Meaning of Judges 18

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

The Tribe of Dan Adopts Micah’s Idolatry

This chapter shows the way in which one person’s distortion of truth, turning it into a falsity, can have severe consequences on a larger scale.

The tribe of Dan – one of the twelve tribes of Israel – was given land to the west, by the coast, but they found it hard to hold on to. The name of the tribe of Dan means ‘to judge’, but if judgment isn't based on the Word there will be chaos. (Arcana Caelestia 842)

Faced with competition for their homeland, the tribal leaders of Dan went looking for a place for themselves elsewhere. They sent five men of valour to spy out the land. These men came to Micah’s house, and they recognised the voice of the young Levite there. They questioned him about his situation, and he told them that Micah had hired him to be a priest to his household. The men of Dan asked the Levite to ask the Lord if their search would be prosperous, and he told them that it would be.

The spiritual meaning of this part of the chapter is to do with an intensifying wrongness. At the textual level, there is reference to the Lord, and an apparent normality in what takes place. But underlying it, there's a wrongness, which will become apparent later in the chapter. The pointers to it here are the five men from Dan, them coming straight to Micah’s house, and the hiring of a priest.

The number ‘five’ has a good meaning in many parts of the Word, but it can also have a bad meaning, as it does here. In this context, it stands for only a little, for disunion and the destruction of the Word (Apocalypse Revealed 738).

Coming directly to Micah’s house and recognising the Levite brings together two evil intentions: Micah’s idol and the men of Dan’s search to take a home for themselves. An example for us could be where two people plot to seek the harm of a third person. (Arcana Caelestia 4724)

The hiring of a priest is something disallowed, for priests are there to serve the Lord and they are provided for by the people, not to be hired. Hiring, spiritually, stands for seeking reward for what you do, whereas the true reward is heaven for those who serve without expecting a reward. (Arcana Caelestia 8002)

The five men leave Micah's house, and go on to Laish in the far north, where there are people who dwell securely in peace and without rulers, far from others and with no ties. Laish means ‘fearless and kneaded together’. It is a picture of perfection, of heaven. (Divine Love and Wisdom 200)

The five men then return to their tribe of Dan and report about Laish. They say that it is ideal for the taking because it has plenty of land and its people are secure. They say that “God has given it into your hands”.

Six hundred men of the tribe of Dan set out and they too, come to the house of Micah. The five spies tell them about the idols and they meet and greet the young Levite. Then the five spies go in and take all the idols in the house. The Levite joins up with the men from Dan and they go on together.

One spiritual meaning in the story is that evil (Dan, gone bad) loves to destroy peace and innocence (Laish).

The complete loss to Micah of all his idols and his hired priest, shows, too, that in fully turning to evil, there is the final loss of everything that might bring a person back. (Arcana Caelestia 9039)

People living near Micah go and accost the men of Dan about what they have taken -- but Micah is told to stop complaining or his household will be killed.

The Danites leave, and go and capture Laish, killing and burning, and re-naming the city Dan. There they set up the images and appoint priests. These images remain in Dan all the time that the house of God is in Shiloh.

The spiritual meaning of one evil or falsity becoming greater or more numerous is in the way that we might hold a negative emotion or a distorted view in our mind where it then spreads to other emotions and views we have and brings them into greater evil and falsity. This is the intention of evil and also of hell’s influence, to extend it to be as widespread as possible.

This is the outcome of everything that has developed through this and the previous chapter. It describes the spread of evil to become a terrible force for destruction and spiritually, for an individual person, for self-destruction. In the context of the decline of Israel to where ‘everyone did what was right in their own eyes’ this progression presents the pathway and process of that spiritual loss. (Divine Providence 19)

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Arcana Coelestia # 8002

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8002. 'A stranger and a hired servant shall not eat it' means that those who are prompted by a merely natural inclination to do good, and those who do it for the sake of gain, shall not be together with them. This is clear from the meaning of 'a stranger' as those who are prompted to do good by a merely natural inclination, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'a hired servant' as those who do good for the sake of gain, also dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'not eating it' as not being together with them, dealt with immediately above in 8001. 'A stranger' means those who are prompted by a merely natural inclination to do good because strangers were newcomers from other peoples. They were inhabitants, dwelling with the Israelites and Jews in one house; and 'dwelling with' means sharing in the same good. But since, as has just been said, they were from peoples outside the Church the good that is meant is not a kind of good that is prominent in the Church but is the kind to be found outside the Church. And this is called natural good because it is a product of the hereditary inclinations that a person is born with. With some people such good may also be the product of poor health or debility of mind. This is what one should understand when the good done by those meant by 'strangers' is mentioned.

[2] This kind of good is completely different from the good prominent in the Church, for by means of the Church's kind of good conscience is established in a person; and conscience is the level on which the angels come in and which brings him into company with them. Natural good cannot provide any such level for angels to enter. Those whose good is natural do good in the dark, led by blind instinct, not in the light of truth, under the influence of heaven. In the next life therefore they are carried away like chaff by the wind, by anyone and everyone, whether evil or good, but especially by an evil person who knows how to add a certain amount of charm and persuasion to his arguments. Nor can angels at this time guide them away, for angels operate through the truths and forms of the good of faith; they enter in on the level formed within a person out of those truths and forms of the good of faith. From all this it is evident that those who are prompted by a merely natural inclination to do good cannot be integrated among angels. Regarding these people and their lot in the next life, see 3470, 3471, 3518, 4988, 4992, 5032, 6208, 7197.

[3] The fact that 'strangers' are those who are not in their own land nor in their own house but are those staying in a foreign land is clear in Moses,

The land shall [not] be sold outright, for the land is Mine; but you are sojourners and strangers with Me. Leviticus 25:23.

In David,

Hear my prayers, O Jehovah; do not be silent at my tears. For I am a sojourner with You, a stranger as all my fathers were. Psalms 39:12.

And in the Book of Genesis,

Abraham said to the sons of Heth, I am a sojourner and a stranger among you; give me possession of a grave. Genesis 13:3-4.

'A sojourner', like 'a stranger', means a newcomer and inhabitant from another land; but 'a sojourner' means those who were taught and accepted the Church's truths, whereas those who were not taught them because they were unwilling to accept them are meant by 'strangers'.

[4] As for hired servants, they were people who worked for wages; they were servants, but not ones who had been bought. The fact that they were called 'hired', see Leviticus 19:13; 25:4-6; Deuteronomy 24:14-15. Because hired servants were those who worked for wages they mean in the internal sense those who do good for the sake of gain in the world, and in a yet more internal sense those who do good for the sake of reward in the next life, thus those who wish to earn merit through works.

[5] Those who do good solely for the sake of gain in the world cannot possibly be integrated among angels, since their final objective for doing it is the world, that is, affluence and prestige, not heaven, that is, the blessedness and happiness of their souls. The final objective is what gives direction to actions and what gives them their specific character. Those who do good solely for the sake of gain are described by the Lord as follows in John,

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life 1 for the sheep. But a hired servant, he who is not the shepherd, whose sheep are not his own, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf seizes them, and scatters the sheep. But the hired servant flees because he is a hired servant. John 10:11-13.

And in Jeremiah,

A very beautiful heifer was Egypt; destruction has come from the north. Her hired servants are like calves of the stall, 2 for they also have turned about, fled away together, and not made a stand, because the day of their ruin has come upon them. Jeremiah 46:20-21.

[6] A law forbidding strangers and hired servants to share in holy things along with those belonging to the Church is stated in Moses as follows,

No outsider shall eat what is holy; a stranger staying with a priest, or a hired servant, shall not eat what is holy. Leviticus 22:10.

And a law which allowed people to buy from the sons of strangers slaves who would serve them for evermore appears in the same book,

You shall buy a male or a female slave from the nations that are around you. And also from the sons of strangers sojourning among you - from them you shall buy, and from their families which are with you, even if they were born in your land, in order that they may be your possession. And you may pass them on as an inheritance to your sons after you to inherit as a possession. Forever you shall be their masters. Leviticus 25:44-46.

'The sons of strangers' means factual knowledge acquired with the aid of merely natural light. The necessity for spiritual truths to dominate that knowledge is meant by the law that slaves should be bought from the sons of strangers as possessions for evermore.

[7] People however who do good for the sake of reward in the next life, people who are also meant by 'hired servants', differ from those spoken about immediately above, in that they have life and happiness in heaven as their final objective. But this objective turns and alters the direction of their Divine worship away from the Lord towards themselves, as a consequence of which they want things to go well only for themselves, not for others except insofar as these want the same for them. When this is so self-love resides in their every desire, not love of the neighbour; that is, they do not have any genuine charity. Nor can these people be integrated among angels, for angels utterly loathe both the word and the notion of reward or repayment. The Lord teaches in Luke that one ought to do what is good without reward as the objective,

Love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing from it; then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Highest. Luke 6:32-35; 14:12-14.

Regarding the nature of good deeds performed to earn merit, see 1110, 1111, 1774, 1835, 1877, 2027, 2273, 2340, 2373, 2400, 3816, 4007 (end), 4174, 4943, 6388-6390, 6392, 6393, 6478.

[8] The reason why the Lord says so many times that those who do good will have their reward in heaven - as in Matthew 5:11-12; 6:1-2, 26; 10:41-42; 20:1-16; Mark 9:41; Luke 6:23, 35; 14:14; John 4:36 - is that before a person has been regenerated he cannot help thinking about reward. But it is different once he has been regenerated. Then he is indignant if anyone thinks that he does good to his neighbour for the sake of reward; for he feels delight and bliss in the doing of good, but not in repayment. In the internal sense 'reward' is the delight belonging to the affection that goes with charity, see 3816, 3956, 6388, 6478.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, soul

2. i.e. mercenaries who are like fat bulls

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.