

1 Samuel 25:34



34 Totisesti, niin totta kuin Herra Israelin Jumala elää, se joka minun on tänäpänä estänyt sinulle pahaa tekemästä, jollet nopiasti olisi tullut minua vastaan, niin ei olisi Nabalille jäänyt huomeneksi yhtäkään seinään vetensä heittävää.

SWORD version by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)




"100 in Crackers" by Caleb Kerr. Copyright 2013, by photographer. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

It's a landmark for a young child to count to 100; it sort of covers all the "ordinary" numbers. One hundred is obviously significant for other groupings: 100 cents is a dollar; 100 yards is a touchdown; 100 years is a century, and the landmark for a very long life. It makes sense, then, that in the Bible, 100 represents fullness or a state of completion, or in some instances simply "much." For instance, people marvel that Abraham had Isaac when he was 100 years old; the number represents the point at which the Lord, when growing up as Jesus, united the human elements of himself with the divine elements and in a sense became "complete.