

Joël 2:13



13 En scheurt uw hart en niet uw klederen, en bekeert u tot den HEERE, uw God; want Hij is genadig en barmhartig, lankmoedig en groot van goedertierenheid, en berouw hebbende over het kwade.



I Koningen 8:36



36 Hoor Gij dan in den hemel, en vergeef de zonde van Uw knechten en van Uw volk Israel, als Gij hun zult geleerd hebben den goeden weg in denwelken zij wandelen zullen; en geef regen op Uw land, dat Gij Uw volk tot een erfenis gegeven hebt.



Know (sexually)


This can, of course, be a wonderful thing: It is essential for our journey to heaven, and is the reason for the holiness of marriage. But when the men represent falsity it can also be horrendously twisted, as in the attempted homosexual rape in Sodom (Genesis 19) and the rape of the concubine in Gibeah (Judges 19). In a general sense, men represent things of the intellect -- facts, ideas, knowledge, everything from the deepest truths to the most pernicious falsities about life and the Lord. Women in general represents things of affection -- desire, passion, caring, everything from the most exalted love for the Lord to the darkest hatred. When a man “knows” a woman in the Bible, then, it represents a joining together of those intellectual and affectionate faculties. “Know" is also often used in connection with virginity. A women who has “not known a man” represents the affection for truth, unsullied by falsity.