

Deuteronomium 28



1 Jestliže pak opravdově poslušen budeš hlasu Hospodina Boha svého, ostříhaje a čině všecka přikázaní jeho, kteráž já dnes přikazuji tobě, vyvýší tě Hospodin Bůh tvůj nade všecky národy země.

2 A přijdou na tě všecka požehnání tato, a vyplní se při tobě, když jen poslušen budeš hlasu Hospodina Boha svého.

3 Požehnaný budeš v městě, Požehnaný i na poli.

4 Požehnaný plod života tvého, úrody země tvé, i plod dobytka tvého, prvorozené skotů tvých i stáda bravů tvých.

5 Požehnaný koš tvůj i díže tvá.

6 Požehnaný budeš vcházeje, Požehnaný i vycházeje.

7 A učiní Hospodin, že nepřátelé tvoji, kteříž by povstali proti tobě, poraženi budou před tebou; jednou cestou vytáhnou proti tobě, a sedmi cestami před tebou utíkati budou.

8 Přikáže Hospodin požehnání svému, aby s tebou bylo v špižírnách tvých a při všem, k čemu bys koli přičinil ruku svou, a požehná tobě v zemi, kterouž Hospodin Bůh tvůj dává tobě.

9 Vystaví tě sobě Hospodin za lid svatý, jakož zapřisáhl tobě, když ostříhati budeš přikázaní Hospodina Boha svého, a choditi po cestách jeho.

10 I uzří všickni národové země, že jméno Hospodinovo vzýváno jest nad tebou, a budou se báti tebe.

11 Učiní také Hospodin, že hojnost míti budeš všeho dobrého, plodu života svého, i plodu dobytků svých, i úrod zemských v zemi, kterouž s přísahou zaslíbil otcům tvým, že ji tobě dá.

12 Otevře Hospodin tobě poklad svůj výborný, nebe, aby vydalo déšť zemi tvé časem svým, a požehná všelikému dílu ruky tvé, tak že mnohým národům půjčovati budeš, sám pak nic nevypůjčíš.

13 I ustanoví tě Hospodin za hlavu a ne za ocas, a budeš vždycky vyšší, a nikdy nižší, když poslouchati budeš přikázaní Hospodina Boha svého, kteráž já dnes tobě přikazuji, abys ostříhal a činil je.

14 A neuchýlíš se od žádného slova, kteráž já dnes přikazuji tobě, ani na pravo ani na levo, odcházeje po bozích cizích, abys jim sloužil.

15 Jestliže pak hlasu Hospodina Boha svého poslouchati, a všech přikázaní a ustanovení jeho, kteráž já dnes přikazuji tobě, ostříhati a činiti nebudeš, přijdou na tě všecka zlořečenství tato a postihnou tě.

16 Zlořečený budeš v městě, zlořečený i na poli.

17 Zlořečený koš tvůj, a zlořečená díže tvá.

18 Zlořečený plod života tvého i úrody země tvé, prvorozené skotů tvých i stáda bravů tvých.

19 Zlořečený budeš vcházeje, zlořečený i vycházeje.

20 Pošle Hospodin na tě zlořečení, zkormoucení a bídu při všem, k čemuž bys koli přičinil ruky své a což bys koli dělal, dokudž nebudeš vyhlazen, a nezahyneš v náhle pro zlé skutky tvé, skrze něž jsi opustil mne.

21 Dopustí Hospodin, aby se přídržely tebe morní bolesti, až tě i vypléní z země, do níž se béřeš, abys ji dědičně opanoval.

22 Bíti tě bude Hospodin souchotinami, zimnicí, pálivostí, horkem, mečem, suchem a rudou, a budou tě stíhati, až tě i zkazí.

23 I to nebe, kteréž jest nad hlavou tvou, bude měděné, a země, kteráž jest pod tebou, železná.

24 Hospodin zemi tvé místo deště prach a popel, a toť s nebe sstoupí na tě, dokudž bys nebyl vyhlazen.

25 Učiní i to Hospodin, že poražen budeš od nepřátel svých; jednou cestou vytáhneš proti nim, a sedmi cestami utíkati budeš od tváři jejich, a musíš se smýkati po všech královstvích země.

26 I budou těla vaše mrtvá za pokrm všemu ptactvu nebeskému, a šelmám zemským, a nebude, kdo by je odehnal.

27 Raní tě Hospodin vředem Egyptským, neduhy na zadku, prašivinami a svrabem nezhojitelným.

28 Raní tě Hospodin pominutím smyslu, slepotou a tupostí srdce,

29 Tak že o poledni makati budeš, jako maká slepý ve tmě, a nebudeš míti prospěchu na cestách svých; k tomu také utiskán budeš, a loupen po všecky dny, a nebude, kdo by tě vysvobodil.

30 Manželku sobě zasnoubíš, a jiný s ní obývati bude; dům vystavíš, a nebudeš bydliti v něm; vinici štípíš, a sbírati na ní nebudeš.

31 Vůl tvůj před tvýma očima zabit bude, a ty jeho jísti nebudeš; osel tvůj uchvácen bude před tváří tvou, anižť se zase navrátí; dobytek tvůj vydán bude nepřátelům tvým, a žádný ho nevysvobodí.

32 Synové tvoji a dcery tvé cizímu národu vydáni budou, a oči tvé na to hledíce, umdlívati budou pro ně celého dne, a nebude síly v ruce tvé.

33 Úrody země tvé i všecko úsilí tvé sžíře národ, kteréhož ty neznáš, a nebudeš než potlačený a potřený po všecky dny.

34 A omámený budeš nad těmi věcmi, kteréž viděti budou oči tvé.

35 Raní tě Hospodin vředem nejhorším na kolenou i na lýtkách, tak že se nebudeš moci zhojiti, od spodku nohy tvé až do vrchu hlavy.

36 Zavede tě Hospodin i krále tvého, kteréhož ustanovíš nad sebou, do národu, kteréhož jsi ty neznal, ani předkové tvoji, a sloužiti tam budeš bohům cizím, dřevu a kameni.

37 A budeš k užasnutí a přísloví i v rozprávku všechněm národům, mezi kteréž zavede tě Hospodin.

38 Mnoho semene vyneseš na pole k rozsívání, a málo shromáždíš, nebo sžerou to kobylky.

39 Vinice štípíš a dělati je budeš, ale vína píti ani sbírati nebudeš, nebo červ sžíře je.

40 Olivoví hojnost míti budeš ve všech končinách svých, a však olejem se pomazovati nebudeš, nebo sprchne ovoce s olivy tvé.

41 Synů a dcer naplodíš, a nebudeš jich míti, nebo zajati budou.

42 Všecko stromoví tvé i úrody země tvé kobylky zkazí.

43 Cizozemec, kterýž s tebou přebývá, vzroste nad tebe, ty pak velice ponižovati se musíš.

44 On půjčovati bude tobě, a ty nebudeš míti, co bys půjčil jemu; on bude přednější, a ty poslednější.

45 A přijdou na tebe všecka zlořečenství tato a stíhati tě budou, a obklíčí tě, až i zahyneš, jestliže bys neuposlechl hlasu Hospodina Boha svého, a neostříhal přikázaní a ustanovení jeho, kteráž přikázal tobě.

46 A budou rány tyto znamením a zázrakem na tobě i semeni tvém až na věky,

47 Proto že jsi nesloužil Hospodinu Bohu svému s potěšením a veselím srdce, maje hojnost všech věcí.

48 A protož nepříteli svému, kteréhož poslal na tebe Hospodin, sloužiti musíš v hladu, žízni, v nahotě a v nedostatku všech věcí; a vloží na šíji tvou jho železné, dokudž tě nesetře.

49 Přivede Hospodin na tebe národ z daleka, od nejdalších končin země, jako letí orlice, národ, jehož jazyku nerozumíš,

50 Národ nestydatý, kterýž ani starce nebude šanovati, a nad dítětem se neslituje.

51 A sžíře plod dobytků tvých i úrody země tvé, dokudž nebudeš vyhlazen; a nezanechá tobě obilí, vína mladého a oleje, prvorozeného z skotů tvých, ani stáda bravů tvých, až tě i vyhladí.

52 A oblehne tě ve všech městech tvých, dokudž by nepadly zdi tvé vysoké a pevné, v nichž ty doufáš po vší zemi své; obležen, pravím, budeš ve všech městech svých, po vší zemi své, kterouž Hospodin Bůh tvůj dal tobě,

53 Tak že v obležení a ssoužení, jímž ssouží tě nepřítel tvůj, jísti budeš plod života svého, maso synů svých a dcer svých, kteréž by dal tobě Hospodin Bůh tvůj.

54 Člověk mezi vámi rozmazaný a v rozkoši schovaný záviděti bude bratru svému, i vlastní ženě své, i ostatním synům svým, kterýchž ještě zanechal,

55 Tak že neudělí žádnému z nich masa synů svých, kteréž jísti bude, proto že nezůstalo jemu nic jiného v obležení a v ssoužení, jímž ssouží tě nepřítel tvůj ve všech městech tvých.

56 Rozmazaná mezi vámi a v rozkoši schovaná žena, kteráž rozmazaností a rozkoší velikou ledva nohou země se dotkla, vlastnímu muži svému a synu svému i dceři své,

57 Také i lůžka svého, kteréž z ní vychází při porodu, ano i synů svých, kteréž zplodí, záviděti bude; nebo jísti je bude tajně pro nedostatek všech věcí v obležení a ssoužení, jímž ssouží tě nepřítel tvůj v městech tvých.

58 Nebudeš-li ostříhati a činiti všech slov zákona tohoto, kteráž psána jsou v knize této, abys se bál toho veleslavného a hrozného jména Hospodina Boha svého:

59 Rozmnoží ku podivení Hospodin rány tvé, a rány semene tvého, rány veliké a trvánlivé, i nemoci těžké a dlouhé.

60 A obrátí na tebe všecky neduhy Egyptské, jichžs se strašil, a přichytí se tebe.

61 Všelijaký také neduh a všelikou ránu, kteráž není psána v knize zákona tohoto, uvede Hospodin na tebe, dokudž nebudeš vyhlazen.

62 A zůstane vás maličko, ješto vás prvé bylo mnoho, jako hvězd nebeských, proto že jsi neposlouchal hlasu Hospodina Boha svého.

63 I stane se, že jakož se veselil Hospodin nad vámi, dobře vám čině a rozmnožuje vás, tak veseliti se bude Hospodin nad vámi, když vás zkazí a vyhladí, a vypléněni budete z země, do kteréž jdete, abyste dědičně vládli jí.

64 A rozptýlí tě Hospodin mezi všecky národy, od jednoho konce země až do druhého, a budeš tam sloužiti bohům cizím, kterýchž ty neznáš, ani otcové tvoji, dřevu a kameni.

65 A mezi národy těmi neoddechneš, aniž bude míti odpočinutí spodek nohy tvé; tam také dá Hospodin tobě srdce lekavé, a oči blíkavé, a truchlost mysli.

66 I bude život tvůj nejistý před tebou, a strašiti se budeš v noci i ve dne, a nikdež nebudeš jist svým životem.

67 Ráno díš: Ó by již byl večer! a večer díš: Ó by již bylo jitro! pro strach srdce svého, jímž se lekáš, a pro ty věci, na něž očima svýma hleděti musíš.

68 A zavede tě Hospodin do Egypta na lodech, cestou, o níž jsem řekl tobě: Nebudeš jí viděti více; a tam prodávati se budete nepřátelům svým za služebníky a děvky, a nebude, kdo by koupil.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 9262

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9262. 'And do not kill the innocent and the righteous' means detesting the destruction of good, interior and exterior. This is clear from the meaning of 'the innocent' as a person governed by interior good, and so in the abstract sense as interior good, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'the righteous' as a person governed by exterior good, and in the abstract sense as exterior good, since 'righteous' has reference to the good of love towards the neighbour, but 'innocent' to the good of love to the Lord - the good of love towards the neighbour being exterior good, and the good of love to the Lord being interior good; and from the meaning of 'killing' as destroying. The fact that 'righteous' means the good of love towards the neighbour will also be seen below. But the reason why 'the innocent' means the good of love to the Lord is that people endowed with innocence are those who love the Lord; for innocence consists in the acknowledgement in a person's heart that left to himself he intends nothing but evil and perceives nothing but falsity, and that all good of love and all truth of faith come from the Lord alone. No others can acknowledge these things in their heart except those who have been joined to the Lord in love. Such people inhabit the inmost heaven, which is accordingly called the heaven of innocence. Therefore the good that is theirs is interior good; for the Divine Good of Love coming from the Lord is that which inhabitants of the heaven of innocence receive. Therefore also they appear naked and also look like young children. So it is that innocence is represented by nakedness and also by early childhood. For its representation by nakedness, see 165, 213, 214, 8375; and by early childhood, 430, 1616, 2280, 2305, 2306, 3183, 3494, 4563, 4797, 5608 (end).

[2] From all that has just been stated regarding innocence it may be seen that what is Divine and the Lord's cannot be received except within innocence. This being so, good is not good unless there is innocence within it, 2526, 2780, 3994, 6765, 7840, 7887, that is, unless there is the acknowledgement that from the self nothing but evil and falsity arises and that from the Lord comes all goodness and truth. Believing the former about the self, and believing the latter about the Lord and also desiring it to be so, are what constitutes innocence. Therefore the good of innocence is God's goodness itself coming from the Lord and residing with a person. So it is that 'the innocent' means a person governed by interior good and in the abstract sense means interior good.

[3] Because 'the innocent' or 'innocence' means Divine Good coming from the Lord, shedding innocent blood was a thoroughly atrocious crime. And when it had been committed the whole land was under damnation until the crime had been expiated, as becomes clear from the process of investigation and absolution from guilt if someone had been found slain in the land. That process is spoken of in Moses as follows,

When one is found slain in the land, lying in the field, and it is not known who smote him, then your elders and your judges shall come out and they shall measure [the distance] to the cities which are around the one slain. It shall be however, that in the city nearest to the one slain the elders of this city shall take an ox's heifer by means of which no work has been done, which has not pulled in the yoke; and the elders of this city shall bring the heifer down to a barren valley which is neither tilled nor sown, and there they shall break the heifer's neck in the valley. Then the priests, the sons of Levi, shall come near, and all the elders of this city standing by the one slain. They shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck has been broken in the valley; and they shall answer and say, Our hands have not shed this blood, and our eyes have not seen it; expiate Your people Israel whom You have redeemed, O Jehovah, and do not set innocent blood in the midst of Your people Israel. In this way the blood will be expiated for them. But you shall put away the innocent blood from the midst of you, if you do what is right in the eyes of Jehovah. Deuteronomy 21:1-10.

Anyone can see that this process of investigation and absolution from guilt when innocent blood had been shed in the land holds within it the arcana of heaven, of which people cannot have any knowledge at all unless they know what is meant by 'one slain, [lying] in the field', by 'an ox's heifer by means of which no work has been done, and which has not pulled in the yoke', by 'a barren valley which is neither tilled nor sown', by 'breaking the neck of the heifer in the valley', by 'washing hands over the heifer', and by all the other details of the process. Unless everything laid down had meant those arcana it would have been totally unsuitable for the Word that has been dictated by God and inspired in every word and part of a letter. For without its deeper meaning such a process would have been an observance which had nothing holy about it, indeed which had scarcely any value.

[4] But exactly which arcana lie within it is nevertheless evident from the internal sense, that is, if it is known that 'one slain in the land, lying in the field' means truth and good wiped out in the Church where good exists; that 'the city nearest to the one slain' means the truth taught by the Church whose good has been wiped out; that 'an ox's heifer by means of which no work has been done, and which has not pulled in the yoke' means the good of the external or natural man, who has not as yet, through enslavement to evil desires, drawn falsities into his faith and evils into his life; that 'a barren valley which is neither tilled nor sown' means the natural mind that is not cultivated with truths or forms of the good of faith owing to lack of knowledge; that 'breaking its neck in the valley' means purification, on account of absence of blame because it was due to lack of knowledge; and that 'washing the hand' means being absolved from that atrocious crime. Once these things are known it is evident that 'shedding innocent blood' means wiping out Divine Truth and Good that come from the Lord, thus the Lord Himself as He exists with a member of the Church.

[5] It should be recognized that this entire process represented in heaven the kind of crime that had no blame attached to the commission of it because it was due to ignorance that had innocence within it and was therefore as something not evil. Each detail within that process, even the smallest, represented some essential aspect of the reality portrayed by the whole. But which aspect each one represented is clear from the internal sense.

'One who has been slain' is truth and good that have been wiped out, see 4503.

'The land' is the Church, 662, 1066, 1067, 1262, 1413, 1607, 1733, 1850, 2117, 2118 (end), 2928, 3355, 4447, 4535, 5577, 8011, 8732.

'The field' is the Church in respect of good, thus the Church's good, 2971, 3310, 3766, 4982, 7502, 7571, 9139.

'The city' is teachings presenting the truth, thus the truth taught by the Church, 402, 2268, 2449, 2712, 2943, 3216, 4492, 4493.

'Ox' is the good of the external or natural man, 2180, 2566, 2781, 9134, so that 'a heifer' is good in its infancy, 1824, 1825.

[6] 'No work had been done by it, and it had not pulled in the yoke', it is evident, means that up to then it had not, owing to lack of knowledge, served falsities and evils; for 'working' and 'pulling in the yoke' mean serving.

'A valley' is the lower mind, which is called the natural mind, 3417, 4715; 'a barren valley' is that mind when devoid of truths and forms of good, 3908; so that 'a valley which is neither tilled nor sown' is the natural mind not yet cultivated with truths and forms of good, thus which is still lacking in knowledge, 'the seed with which it is sown' being the truth of faith, 1025, 1447, 1610, 1940, 2848, 3038, 3373, 3671, 6158.

'Breaking the neck' is expiation, because the slaughter of various beasts, like the offering of sacrifice, meant expiation.

'Washing the hand' means purification from falsities and evils, 3147; here therefore it means purification from that atrocious crime; for 'shedding blood' in general means violence done to goodness and truth, 9127, so that 'shedding innocent blood' means wiping out what is Divine residing with a person and comes from the Lord, thus the Lord Himself residing with that person; for truth and good residing with a person are the Lord Himself since they come from Him.

[7] The like is meant by 'shedding innocent blood' in Deuteronomy 19:10; 27:25; Isaiah 59:3, 7; Jeremiah 2:34; 7:6; 19:4; 22:3, 17; Joel 3:19; Psalms 94:21. 'One who is innocent' means in the proximate sense someone who is blameless and also free from evil, to which people also bore witness in former times by washing their hands, Psalms 26:6; 73:13; Matthew 27:24; John 18:38; 19:4. The reason for this is that good which comes from the Lord and resides with a person is blameless and free from evil; this good is the good of innocence in the internal sense, as has been shown. But good that is blameless and free from evil as it exists in the external man, which is exterior good, is called 'righteous', as also in David,

The throne of perdition will not be linked to You - those who gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous and condemn innocent blood. Psalms 94:20-21.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Arcana Coelestia # 3195

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3195. 'And was dwelling in the land of the south' means consequently in Divine light. This is clear from the meaning of 'dwelling' as living, dealt with in 1293, and from the fact that it has reference to good, 2268, 2451, 2712; and from the meaning of 'the land of the south' as Divine light. For 'the south' means light, indeed the light of intelligence, which is wisdom, 1458, but 'the land of the south' the place and state where that light exists. Thus the whole verse here 'Isaac had come from Beer Lahai Roi, and was dwelling in the land of the south' means that Divine Rational Good, because it had been born from Divine Truth, was in Divine light.

[2] Light is mentioned many times in the Word, and in the internal sense it means truth springing from good. In the highest internal sense however 'light' means the Lord Himself since He is Good and Truth themselves. He Himself is also in actual fact the light in heaven, but this is infinitely brighter than the light on earth, see 1053, 1117, 1521-1533, 1619-1632. In that light spirits and angels behold one another, and by means of it all the glory that exists in heaven is clearly visible. In brightness that light seems to be much the same as the light in the world, but this is not the case, for it is not a natural light but a spiritual one. It holds wisdom within itself, so much so that it is nothing else than wisdom that shines in this manner before the eyes of those in heaven. Consequently the wiser the angels are, the brighter the light surrounding them, 2776. This light also enlightens the understanding of man, especially of one who is regenerate, but man does not discern it during his lifetime because the light of the world reigns at that time. Evil spirits too in the next life behold one another, and also behold many representatives which manifest themselves in the world of spirits. They do so indeed by the light of heaven. Yet it is an inferior light like that coming from a coal fire, for when the light of heaven reaches them it is turned into this inferior light.

[3] As for the source itself of light, this from eternity has existed from the Lord alone, for Divine Good itself and Divine Truth itself, the source of light, is the Lord. The Divine Human which existed from eternity, John 17:5, was that actual light. Because such light was unable any longer to influence the human race which had retreated so far from good and truth, and so from the light, and had cast itself into darkness, the Lord was therefore willing to be born and assume the Human itself. Indeed in so doing He was able to bring light not only to man's rational concepts but also to his natural ideas. For the Lord made Divine within Himself both the Rational and the Natural so that people who were in such gross darkness could have light.

[4] As regards the Lord's being 'the light', that is, Good and Truth themselves, and so the source of all intelligence and wisdom, and consequently of salvation, this becomes clear from many places in the Word, as in John,

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. John came to bear witness to the light. He was not that light but [came] to bear witness to the light. He was the true light which enlightens every man coming into the world. John 1:1, 4, 7-9.

'The Word' was Divine Truth, and so the Lord Himself as regards the Divine Human, of which it is said that 'the Word was with God, and the Word was God'.

[5] In the same gospel,

This is the judgement, that light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness rather than light. John 3:19.

'Light' stands for Divine Truth. In the same gospel,

Jesus said, I am the light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk darkness but will have the light of life. John 8:12.

In the same gospel,

The light is with you for a brief while longer. Walk, as long as you have the light, lest the darkness overtakes you. As long as you have the light, believe in the light, that you may be sons of the light. John 12:35-36.

In the same gospel,

He who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. I have come as light into the world in order that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness.

John 12:45-46.

In Luke,

My eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light for revelation to the gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel. Luke 2:30-32.

This is Simeon's prophecy regarding the Lord which was made after

His birth.

[6] In Matthew,

The people sitting in darkness have seen a great light; and for those sitting in the region and shadow of death, the light has arisen. Matthew 4:16; Isaiah 9:2.

From all these places it is quite evident that as regards Divine Good and Truth within the Divine Human the Lord is called 'the light'. The same is also seen in prophetical parts of the Old Testament, as in Isaiah,

The light of Israel will be a fire, and his Holy One a flame. Isaiah 10:17.

In the same prophet,

I Jehovah have called You in righteousness, and I will give You for a covenant of the people, and a light of the nations. Isaiah 42:6.

In the same prophet,

I have given You as a light of the nations, that You may be My salvation right to the ends of the earth. Isaiah 49:6.

In the same prophet,

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of Jehovah has risen upon you. Nations will walk to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:1, 3.

[7] All the light of heaven, consequently wisdom and intelligence, come from the Lord. This is taught in John,

The Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband, has no need of the sun or of the moon to shed light in it; the glory of God will give it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.

Revelation 21:2-3.

And further regarding the same city,

There will be no night there, nor do they need a lamp or light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. Revelation 22:5.

[8] Also in Isaiah,

The sun will no longer be to you a light by day, and for brightness the moon will not give light to you, but Jehovah will be to you an everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Your sun will no longer go down and your moon will not be withdrawn, for Jehovah will be to you an everlasting light. Isaiah 60:19-20.

'The sun will no longer be a light by day, and for brightness the moon will not give its light' stands for the fact that it is not the things that belong to natural light but those that belong to spiritual light which are meant by 'Jehovah will be an everlasting light'. The name Jehovah used here and elsewhere in the Old Testament means the Lord, see 1343, 1736, 2156, 2329, 2921, 3023, 3035.

[9] His being the light of heaven was also disclosed to the three disciples Peter, James, and John - that is to say, at the Transfiguration when His face shone like the sun, and His garments became white as the light, Matthew 17:2. 'Face like the sun' meant Divine Good, 'garments as the light' Divine Truth. From this one may know what is meant by the words that occur in the blessing,

Jehovah make His face shine upon you and be merciful to you. Numbers 6:25.

'Jehovah's face' is mercy, peace, and good, see 222, 223; and as 'the sun' means Divine Love, the Lord's Divine Love is accordingly seen in the angelic heaven as the sun, 30-38, 1053, 1521, 1529-1531, 2441, 2495.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.