

馬太福音 1


1 亞伯拉罕的後裔,大衛的子孫(後裔子孫原文都作兒子下同),耶穌基督的家譜:

2 亞伯拉罕以撒以撒雅各雅各生猶大和他的弟兄;

3 猶大從他瑪氏生法勒斯和謝拉;法勒斯生希斯崙;希斯崙生亞蘭;

4 亞蘭生亞米拿達;亞米拿達生拿順;拿順生撒門;

5 撒門從喇合氏生波阿斯;波阿斯從路得氏生俄備得;俄備得生耶西;

6 耶西生大衛王。大衛從烏利亞的妻子生所羅門;

7 所羅門生羅波安;羅波安生亞比雅;亞比雅生亞撒;

8 亞撒生約沙法;約沙法生約蘭;約蘭生烏西亞;

9 烏西亞生約坦;約坦生亞哈斯;亞哈斯生希西家;

10 希西家生瑪拿西;瑪拿西生亞們;亞們生約西亞;

11 百姓被遷到巴比倫的時候,約西亞生耶哥尼雅和他的弟兄。

12 遷到巴比倫之後,耶哥尼雅生撒拉鐵;撒拉鐵生所羅巴伯;

13 所羅巴伯生亞比玉;亞比玉生以利亞敬;以利亞敬生亞所;

14 亞所生撒督;撒督生亞金;亞金生以律;

15 以律生以利亞撒;以利亞撒生馬但;馬但生雅各

16 雅各生約瑟,就是馬利亞的丈夫。那稱為基督的耶穌是從馬利亞生的。

17 這樣,從亞伯拉罕到大衛共有十四代;從大衛到遷至巴比倫的時候也有十四代;從遷至巴比倫的時候到基督又有十四代。

18 耶穌基督降生的事記在下面:他母親馬利亞已經許配了約瑟,還沒有迎娶,馬利亞就從聖靈懷了孕。

19 他丈夫約瑟是個人,不願意明明的羞辱他,想要暗暗的把他休了。

20 正思念這事的時候,有主的使者向他夢中顯現,:大衛的子孫約瑟,不要怕!只管娶過你的妻子馬利亞來,因他所懷的孕是從聖靈來的。

21 他將要生一個兒子,你要給他起名叫耶穌,因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裡出來。

22 這一切的事成就是要應驗主藉先知所的話,

23 說:必有童女懷孕生子;人要稱他的名為以馬內利。(以馬內利翻出來就是神與我們同在。)

24 約瑟醒了,起來,就遵著主使者的吩咐把妻子娶過來;

25 只是沒有和他同房,等他生了兒子(有古卷:等他生了頭胎的兒子),就給他起名叫耶穌。

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Scriptural Confirmations # 30

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30. 2. Be ye patient until the coming of the Lord: the coming of the Lord is near (James 5:7, 8).

That we may be kept through faith unto salvation and glory, in the last time, at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:5, 7, 13).

The day of visitation (1 Peter 2:12).

That ye may rejoice in the revelation of His glory (1 Peter 4:13).

I who am a partaker of the future revelation. When the chief of the shepherds shall appear ye shall obtain a crown of glory (1 Peter 5:1, 4).

That there shall come in the last of the days, scoffers, who will walk after their own lusts, and who will say, Where is the promise of His coming? etc. (2 Peter 3:3-4).

The heavens and the earth that now are, reserved unto fire in the day of judgment and perdition of the ungodly (2 Peter 3:7).

The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night: in which the heavens and the earth shall pass away; looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens, kindled with fire, shall be dissolved; nevertheless, we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein justice shall dwell (2 Peter 3:10-14).

(N. B. By "the fire" by which the world is to perish is meant wickedness; by the "world" is meant the church; by an "age" the period of the church, and by a "week" the state of the church. These things are confirmed by the angels of heaven.)

A thousand years with the Lord are as one day (2 Peter 3:8; Psalms 90:4).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.



1 Peter 2



1 Putting away therefore all wickedness, all deceit, hypocrisies, envies, and all evil speaking,

2 as newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby,

3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious:

4 coming to him, a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God, precious.

5 You also, as living stones, are built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

6 Because it is contained in Scripture, "Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, chosen, and precious: He who believes in him will not be disappointed."

7 For you who believe therefore is the honor, but for those who are disobedient, "The stone which the builders rejected, has become the chief cornerstone,"

8 and, "a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense." For they stumble at the word, being disobedient, to which also they were appointed.

9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellence of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

10 who in time past were no people, but now are God's people, who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

11 Beloved, I beg you as foreigners and pilgrims, to abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

12 having good behavior among the nations, so in that of which they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they see, glorify God in the day of visitation.

13 Therefore subject yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether to the king, as supreme;

14 or to governors, as sent by him for vengeance on evildoers and for praise to those who do well.

15 For this is the will of God, that by well-doing you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:

16 as free, and not using your freedom for a cloak of wickedness, but as bondservants of God.

17 Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.

18 Servants, be in subjection to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the wicked.

19 For it is commendable if someone endures pain, suffering unjustly, because of conscience toward God.

20 For what glory is it if, when you sin, you patiently endure beating? But if, when you do well, you patiently endure suffering, this is commendable with God.

21 For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving you an example, that you should follow his steps,

22 who did not sin, "neither was deceit found in his mouth."

23 Who, when he was cursed, didn't curse back. When he suffered, didn't threaten, but committed himself to him who judges righteously;

24 who his own self bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness; by whose stripes you were healed.

25 For you were going astray like sheep; but now have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.