

耶利米哀歌 2:6



6 他強取自己的帳幕,好像是園中的窩棚,毀壞他的聚會之處。耶和華使聖節和安息日在錫安都被忘記,又在怒氣的憤恨中藐視君王和祭司。



耶利米書 9:20



20 婦女們哪,你們當耶和華的,領受他中的言語;又當教導你們的兒女舉哀,各人教導鄰舍唱哀歌





If you think about sitting, it seems fair to say that where you're sitting is more important than that you're sitting. Sitting in a movie theater, sitting in a classroom, sitting in the driver's seat of a car, sitting in the defendant's seat at a trial, sitting at the family dinner table -- those are very, very different things. But even so, the fact that you're sitting in those places is important -- it means you are part of what's going on, you're staying in place. This is similar to "sitting" in the Bible. Sitting on a throne indicates judgment; sitting in a tent door indicates holiness. The context is crucial. But in all cases "sitting" indicates a sense of permanence, belonging, and full participation in the spiritual state illustrated through the context.