

耶利米書 40:11



11 摩押地和亞捫人中,在以東地和各國的一切猶大人,見巴比倫王留下些猶大人,並立沙番的孫子亞希甘的兒子基大利管理他們。





Chaldea was a land lying along the Euphrates river near its mouth, south of Babylon, part of what is now southern Iraq. It was a land of the Lord's second great church, the Ancient Church, which at its height had a wealth of knoweldge through its own sacred scriptures and the correspondences of nature. But as this church declined Chaldea came to represent people who use truths for evil purposes and thus profane and falsify them. Abram was born in Chaldea because of the greatness it had represented, but had to leave because of what it had become.