

何西阿書 12:6



6 所以你當歸向你的,謹守仁愛、公平,常常等候你的



民數記 12



1 摩西娶了古實女子為妻。米利暗和亞倫因他所娶的古實女子,就毀謗他,

2 難道耶和華單與摩西說話,不也與我們說話麼?這話耶和華見了。

3 摩西極其謙和,勝過世上的眾

4 耶和華忽然對摩西亞倫、米利暗:你們個人都出來,到會幕這裡。他們個人就出來了。

5 耶和華中降臨,站在會幕口,召亞倫和米利暗,人就出來了。

6 耶和華:你們且我的:你們中間若有先知,我─耶和華必在異象中向他顯現,在夢中與他說話

7 我的僕人摩西不是這樣;他是在我全家盡忠的。

8 我要與他面對面說話,乃是明,不用謎語,並且他必見我的形像。你們毀謗我的僕人摩西,為何不懼呢?

9 耶和華就向他們二人發怒而去。

10 彩從會幕上挪開了,不料,米利暗長了大痲瘋,有那樣白,亞倫一看米利暗長了大痲瘋,

11 就對摩西:我阿,求你不要因我們愚昧犯,便將這加在我們身上。

12 求你不要使他像那出母腹、已半爛的胎。

13 於是摩西哀求耶和華:神阿,求你醫治他!

14 耶和華摩西:他父親若吐唾沫在他臉上,他豈不蒙羞麼?現在要把他在,然才可以領他進來。

15 於是米利暗鎖在。百姓沒有行路,直等到把米利暗領進來。

16 百姓從哈洗錄起行,在巴蘭的曠野安營。






The first altar mentioned in the Word was the one built by Noah after he came out of the ark, after being saved from the great flood. On that altar, he sacrificed clean animals to the Lord.

Mountains represent the Lord because of their height; we need to raise our thoughts above worldly things when "talking" with the Lord. An altar is a small artificial mountain. When it's used in worship, it can call to mind this raising of thought. The fire and smoke that rise from an altar are symbolically being sent to the Lord.

Most altars were made from unhewn stones. Stones represent truths. Unhewn stones - ones that have not been shaped by men - represent truths from the Word, truths that have not been adulterated.

The clean beasts to be sacrificed represent good things, charitable acts done because they are right. The clean birds represent thoughts about doctrine and actions, and about what is right. Presenting these things is an acknowledgment that we have them from the Lord, and a giving thanks to Him for them.

In the Israelitish Tabernacle, the altar of burnt offering represented the acknowledgment of good and the altar of incense that of truth. For this reason this larger altar, which was outside by the door, was made of brass which signifies natural good, while the altar of incense was made of gold, which signifies love to the Lord from whom comes truth.