

何西阿書 12



1 以法蓮,且追趕東,時常增添虛謊和強暴,與亞述立約,把送到埃及

2 耶和華猶大爭辯,必照雅各所行的懲罰他,按他所做的報應他。

3 他在腹中抓住哥哥的腳跟,壯年的時候與較力,

4 天使較力,並且得勝,哭泣懇求,在伯特利遇見耶和華。耶和華─萬軍之神在那裡曉諭我們以色列人;耶和華是他可記念的名。

5 a

6 所以你當歸向你的,謹守仁愛、公平,常常等候你的

7 以法蓮是商人,裡有詭詐的天平欺騙

8 以法蓮:我果然成了富足,得了財寶;我所勞碌得來的,人必不見有甚麼不義,可算為罪的。

9 自從你出埃及以來,我就是耶和華─你的;我必使你再帳棚,如在大會的日子一樣。

10 我已曉諭眾先知,並且加增默示,藉先知設立比喻。

11 基列人沒有罪孽麼?他們全然是虛假的。人在吉甲獻牛犢為祭,他們的祭壇好像田間犁溝中的亂

12 從前雅各逃到亞蘭地,以色列為得妻服事人,為得妻與人放羊。

13 耶和華先知以色列埃及上來;以色列也藉先知而得保存。

14 以法蓮大大惹動怒,所以他流血的罪必歸在他身上。必將那因以法蓮所受的羞辱歸還他。




民數記 12:6



6 耶和華:你們且我的:你們中間若有先知,我─耶和華必在異象中向他顯現,在夢中與他說話




Ancient of Days, by William Blake

When the Bible speaks of "Jehovah," it is representing love itself, the inmost love that is the essence of the Lord. That divine love is one, whole and complete in itself, and Jehovah also is one, a name applied only to the Lord. The divine love expresses itself in the form of wisdom. Love, then, is the essence of God -- His inmost. Wisdom -- the loving understanding of how to put love into action -- is slightly more external, giving love a way to express itself. Wisdom, however, is expressed in a great variety of thoughts and ideas, what the Writings collectively call divine truth. There are also many imaginary gods, and sometimes angels and people can be called gods (the Lord said Moses would be as a god to Aaron). So when the Bible calls the Lord "God," it is in most cases referring to divine truth. In other cases, "God" has reference to what is called the divine human. The case there is this: As human beings, we cannot engage the Lord directly as divine love. It is too powerful and too pure. Instead, we have to approach Him by understanding Him through divine truth. Divine truth, then, is the Lord in human form, a form we can approach and understand. Thus "God" is also used in reference to this human aspect, because it is an expression of truth.

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