

以西結書 25:12



12 耶和華如此:因為以東報仇雪恨,攻擊猶大家,向他們報仇,大大有罪,





Like so many common verbs, the meaning of "know" in the Bible is varied and dependent on context. And in some cases -- when it is connected to ideas or objects -- its spiritual meaning and natural meaning are essentially the same. When the Bible talks about people knowing each other and especially when it talks about the Lord knowing people, the meaning has more to do with the states of love within people than it does with any factual knowledge. This makes sense if you think about it. When we really "know" somebody, what we mean is that we know what kind of person they are, what their motivations are, what they love, what they hate, what makes them tick. Those things are far more important than knowing their parents' names, where they were born or what year they graduated from school. Most often then, especially applied to people, "knowing" has to do with the perceptions we have about other people's loves and the conjunction that can exist between those with similar loves, not just a collection of facts.



耶利米書 47



1 法老攻擊迦薩之先,有耶和華非利士人臨到先知耶利米

2 耶和華如此:有水從北方發起,成為漲溢的,要漲過遍和其中所有的,並城和其中所的。人必呼喊;境內的居民都必哀號

3 聽見敵人壯馬跳的響聲和戰車隆隆、車輪轟轟;為父的就發軟,不回頭看顧兒女。

4 因為日子將到,要毀滅一切非利士人,剪除幫助推羅、西頓所剩下的人。原耶和華必毀滅非利士人,就是迦斐託海餘剩的人。

5 迦薩成了光禿;平原中所剩的亞實基倫歸於無有。你用刀劃身,要到幾時呢?

6 耶和華的哪,你到幾時才止息呢?你要入鞘,安靖不動。

7 耶和華既吩咐你攻擊亞實基倫和邊之地,他已經派定你,焉能止息呢?