

以西結書 16:9



9 那時我用你,洗淨你身上的血,又用抹你。

Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 2799

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2799. “自己手里拿着火与刀” 表爱之善与信之真. 这从 “火” 和 “刀” 的含义清楚可知: “火” 是指爱之良善 (参看934节); “刀” (knife) 是指信之真理. 用于祭品的 “刀” 表信之真理, 这一点从圣言中 “剑” (sword) 或 “小剑” (small sword) 的含义可以看出来, 因为经上用I.“小剑” 这个词取代了 “刀”. 这二者的含义相同, 唯一区别在于, 用于祭品的 “刀” 表示信之真理, 而 “剑” 表示争战的真理. 由于下面提及的秘密原因, “刀” 很少出现在圣言中, 所以我们可以说明 “剑” 表示什么. 就内义而言, “剑” 表示争战的信之真理, 以及真理的荒废; 在反面意义上表示争战的虚假和虚假的惩罚.

“剑” 表争战的信之真理, 这从以下经文可以看出来. 诗篇:

大能者啊, 愿你的大腿边佩剑, 带着你的荣耀和威严, 在真理的道上驾车前往, 你的右手必指教你奇妙的事. (诗篇 45:3, 4)

此处论述的是主. “剑” 表争战的真理. 诗篇:

愿怜恤的人在荣耀中高升, 愿他们在床上欢唱! 愿他们喉咙中称赞神为至高; 愿他们手里有双刃的剑. (诗篇 149:5-6)


耶和华从子宫呼召我; 自出母腹, 祂就提我的名, 使我的口好似利剑, 又使我成为磨亮的箭. (以赛亚书 49:1, 2)

“利剑” 表争战的真理; “磨亮的箭” 表教义的真理 (参看2686, 2709节). 同一先知书:

亚述必倒在剑下, 并非人 (vir) 的剑; 有剑要将他吞灭, 并非人 (homo) 的剑. 他必逃避这剑, 他的少年人必成为支流. (以赛亚书 31:8)

“亚述” 表在神性事物上的推理 (119, 1186节); 并非人 (vir) 和人 (homo) 的 “剑” 表虚假; 他所逃避的 “剑” 表争战的真理.


你们被囚而有指望的人, 都要转回堡垒; 我今日宣告, 我必加倍地还报你们; 我拿犹大做我上弦的弓, 我已充满以法莲. 锡安哪! 我必激动你的众子, 攻击雅完的众子, 使你如勇士的剑. 耶和华必显现在他们以上, 祂的箭必射出像闪电. (撒迦利亚书 9:12-14)

“勇士的剑” 表争战的真理. 启示录:

七灯台中间有一位好像人子; 祂右手拿着七星, 从祂口中出来一把两刃的利剑, 面貌如同日头满有热力地发光. (启示录 1:13, 16)


这些事是有两刃利剑的那位说的; 我就快临到你那里, 用我口中的剑攻击他们. (启示录 2:12, 16)

“两刃利剑” 明显表争战的真理, 这真理就表现为 “口中出来的剑”.


有利剑从骑白马者的口中出来, 祂用这剑击杀列族. 他们被骑白马者口中出来的剑杀了. (启示录 19:15, 21)

此处很明显, 祂 “口中出来的剑” 是指争战的真理. 骑白马者是指圣言, 因而是指为圣言的主 (参看2760-2763节). 这解释了主在马太福音中所说的话:

你们不要想, 我来是把和平带到地上; 我来并不是带和平, 乃是带剑. (马太福音 10:34)


如今有钱囊的可以带着, 有口袋的也可以带着, 什么也没有的要卖衣服买剑. 他们说, 主啊, 请看! 这里有两把剑. 耶稣说, 够了. (路加福音 22:36-38)

此处 “剑” 无非表示真理, 他们通过真理并为真理而战.


当那日, 我必为他们与田野的走兽和空中的飞鸟, 并地上的爬行物立约. 我必从这地折断弓剑, 止息争战, 使他们安然躺卧. (何西阿书 2:18)

此处论述的主题是主的国度; “折断弓剑, 止息争战” 表示没有关于教义与真理的任何争战. 约书亚记:

约书亚举目观看, 见有一个人对面站立, 手里拿着拔出来的剑. 他对约书亚说, 我是耶和华军队的元帅; 约书亚就脸伏于地. (约书亚记 5:13-14)

这些话涉及约书亚与以色列人进入迦南地之时的那个时间, 表示有信者进入主的国度. 属于教会的争战的真理就是 “耶和华军队的元帅手里拔出来的剑”.

但 “小剑” 或 “刀” 表信之真理, 这从以下事实可以看出来: 它们不仅用于祭祀, 还用于割礼. 用于割礼的剑是火石制成的, 被称为 “小火石剑” (little swords of flint). 这一点明显可见于约书亚记:

耶和华对约书亚说, 你制造小火石剑, 第二次给以色列人行割礼. 约书亚就制造了小火石剑, 在除皮山那里给以色列人行割礼. (约书亚记 5:2-3)

割礼是洁净我欲和物欲的代表 (参看2039, 2632节); 这种洁净通过信之真理实现, 故经上用的是小火石剑 (2039节末尾, 2046节末尾).

II.“剑” 表真理的荒废, 这从以下经文明显可知. 以赛亚书:

这两样临到你; 谁为你举哀? 荒凉, 毁灭, 饥荒, 剑; 谁安慰你呢? 你的众子发昏, 躺在街头. (以赛亚书 51:19-20)

“饥荒” 表良善的荒凉; “剑” 表真理的荒废; “躺在街头” 是指丧失一切真理. “街” 是指真理 (参看2336节); 至于何为荒凉或荒废, 可参看前文 (301-304, 407-408, 410-411节). 同一先知书:

我要命定你们归在剑下, 都必屈身被杀. 因为我呼唤, 你们没有回应; 我说话, 你们没有听从. (以赛亚书 65:12)


因为耶和华在一切有血气的人身上, 必以火与剑施行审判, 被耶和华所杀的必多. (以赛亚书 66:16)

“被耶和华所杀的” 表那些经历消磨的人. 耶利米书:

灭命的都来到旷野中一切高岗上; 耶和华的剑, 从地这边直到地那边, 尽行杀灭. 凡有血气的, 都不得平安. 他们种的是麦, 收割的是荆棘. (耶利米书 12:12-13)

“耶和华的剑” 明显表真理的荒废. 同一先知书:

他们说谎反对耶和华, 说, 这并不是他, 灾祸必不临到我们, 剑和饥荒, 我们也看不见. 先知必成为风, 道也不在他们里面. (耶利米书 5:12-13)


我必刑罚他们; 少年人必死于剑下, 他们的儿女必因饥荒而死. (耶利米书 11:22)


他们献燔祭和素祭, 我也不悦纳. 我却要用剑, 饥荒, 瘟疫灭绝他们. 我就说, 唉! 主耶和华, 看哪, 那些先知对他们说, 你们必不看见剑, 也不遭遇饥荒. (耶利米书 14:12-13)


城也因剑, 饥荒, 瘟疫交在攻城的迦勒底人手中. (耶利米书 32:24, 36)


我必使剑, 饥荒, 瘟疫临到他们, 直到他们从我所赐给他们和他们列祖之地灭绝. (耶利米书 24:10)

在这些经文中, “剑, 饥荒, 瘟疫” 描述的是荒凉或荒废; “剑” 描述了真理的荒废, “饥荒” 描述了良善的荒凉, “瘟疫” 描述了日渐亏损, 直至耗尽. 以西结书:

人子啊! 你要拿一把利剑, 把它当作剃头刀, 用这刀剃你的头发和你的胡须, 拿天平称, 将须发平分. 你要将三分之一在城中用火焚烧, 将三分之一在城的四围用剑砍碎, 将三分之一任风吹散, 我也要拔剑追赶他们. 你的民三分之一必遭瘟疫而死, 他们在你中间必因饥荒消灭; 三分之一必在你四围倒在剑下; 我必将三分之一分散四风, 并要拔剑追赶他们. (以西结书 5:1-2, 12, 17)

此处论述的是属世真理的荒废, 它以这种方式被描述. 同一先知书:

在外有剑, 在内有瘟疫饥荒; 在田野的必死于剑, 在城中的必有饥荒瘟疫吞灭他. (以西结书 7:15)


对以色列地说, 耶和华如此说: 看哪, 我与你为敌, 并要拔剑出鞘, 从你那里将义人和恶人一并剪除. 我既要从你那里剪除义人和恶人, 所以我的剑要出鞘, 必不再入鞘. 耶和华的话临到我说: 人子啊, 要发预言说, 耶和华如此说, 说有剑, 有剑, 是磨快擦亮的; 磨快为要行杀戮, 擦亮为要像闪电. 人子啊, 要发预言说, 主耶和华论到亚扪人和他们的凌辱, 如此说: 有剑, 有拔出来为行杀戮的剑, 已经擦亮, 为要闪光以行吞灭, 他们为你见虚假的异象, 为你行谎诈的占卜. (以西结书 21:3-5, 8-10, 28-29)

“剑” 在此无非表示荒废, 这从此处每个细节的内义明显看出来.


巴比伦王必用剑拆毁你的塔楼. 因他的马匹众多, 牠们扬起的尘土必遮盖你; 你的墙垣必因骑马的和车轮和战车的响声震动; 他必用他的马蹄践踏你一切的街道. (以西结书 26:9-11)

至于何为 “巴比伦或巴别”, 可参看前文 (1326节); 它造成的荒凉 (1327节). 诗篇:

若他不回转, 神必将祂的剑磨快, 将祂的弓上弦, 预备妥当了. (诗篇 7:12)


我说, 哎!主耶和华啊, 你真是大大地欺哄这百姓和耶路撒冷说, 你们必得平安. 其实剑害及性命了 (soul). (耶利米书 4:10)


你们要在埃及宣告, 使它在密夺被人听到, 要站出来, 预备你, 因为剑在你四围施行吞灭. (耶利米书 46:14)


有剑临到迦勒底人和巴比伦的居民并她的首领与智慧人. 有剑临到矜夸的人, 他们就成为愚昧; 有剑临到她的勇士, 他们就惊惶; 有剑临到她的马匹, 战车和她中间一切混杂的民众, 他们必像妇女一样; 有剑临到她的宝物, 它们就被抢夺; 有干旱临到她的众水, 它们就必乾涸. (耶利米书 50:35-38)

“剑” 明显表真理的荒废, 因为经上说 “有剑临到智慧人, 矜夸的人, 勇士, 马匹, 战车和宝物”, 并且 “有干旱临到她的众水, 它们就必乾涸”.


我们束手投降埃及和亚述, 为要得粮吃饱. 奴仆辖制我们, 无人救我们脱离他们的手; 因为旷野的剑, 我们冒着生命之险才得到粮食. (耶利米哀歌 5:6, 8-9)


他必不回到埃及地, 亚述他却要作他的王, 因他们拒绝回来归我, 剑必悬在他的城邑之上, 毁坏他的门闩, 因着他们自己的计谋, 吞灭他们. (何西阿书 11:5-6)


我降瘟疫在你们中间, 像在埃及一样, 用剑杀戮你们的少年人, 使你们的马匹被掳掠. (阿摩司书 4:10)

“像在埃及一样” 表当他们基于记忆知识推理神性事物时, 记忆知识便造成荒废; “马匹被掳掠” 表丧失其天赋的认知.

III.“剑” 反面意义表示争战的虚假, 这一点可见于诗篇:

我的性命 (soul) 躺卧在狮子中间, 就是着了火的世人 (sons of men) 中间; 他们的牙齿是枪, 箭, 他们的舌头是利剑. (诗篇 57:4)


看哪, 他们口中喷吐恶言, 嘴里有剑, 因为有谁听见? (诗篇 59:7)


惟独你被抛弃在你的坟墓之外, 好像可憎的枝子, 以被杀的人为衣, 就是被剑刺透, 坠落坑中石头那里的; 你又像被踩在脚下的尸首一样. (以赛亚书 14:19)

此处论述的是路西弗. 耶利米书:

我责打你们的儿女是徒然的, 他们不受管教; 你们自己的剑吞灭你们的先知, 好像残害的狮子. 这世代的人哪, 你们要看明耶和华的话: 我岂向以色列作旷野呢? (耶利米书 2:30-31)


你们不要往田野去, 也不要行在路上, 因四围有仇敌的剑和惊吓. (耶利米书 6:25-26)


你接这杯忿怒的酒, 使我所差遣你去的各民族喝; 他们喝了就要东倒西歪, 并要发狂, 是因我打发到你们中间的剑. 你们要喝, 且要喝醉, 要呕吐, 且要跌倒, 不得再起来, 都因剑. (耶利米书 25:15-16, 27)


你的马匹上去吧! 你的战国急行吧! 让勇士都出去吧: 就是手拿盾牌的古实人和弗人, 并拉弓的路德族! 那日是主万军之耶和华的日子, 就是报仇的日子; 剑必吞吃得饱, 饮血饮足. (耶利米书 46:9, 10)


他们必剥去你的衣服, 夺取你的华美珠宝, 留下你赤身露体; 他们也必带多人来攻击你, 用石头打你, 用剑刺透你. (以西结书 16:39-40)

此处论述的是耶路撒冷的可憎之事. 撒迦利亚书:

无用的牧人丢弃羊群有祸了! 剑必临到他的膀臂和右眼上. 他的膀臂必全然枯干, 他的右眼也必昏暗失明. (撒迦利亚书 11:17)


他们竟图谋邪恶抗拒我; 他们的首领必因舌头的狂傲倒在剑下, 这在埃及地必作他们的讥笑. (何西阿书 7:15-16)


将有大灾难降在这地, 也有震怒临到这百姓. 他们要倒在剑刃之下, 又被掳到所有外邦人当中. 最后耶路撒冷要被外邦人践踏. (路加福音 21:23-24)

此处主论及的是这世代的末了; 就字义而言, 论及的是犹太人的离散和耶路撒冷的毁灭; 但就内义而言, 论及的是教会的最后状态. “倒在剑刃之下” 表示不再有任何真理, 只有虚假; “所有外邦人” 表示各种邪恶, 他们要被掳到这些邪恶当中; “外邦人” 或 “各族” 表邪恶 (参看1259, 1260, 1849, 1868节); “耶路撒冷” 表要被他们如此 “践踏” 的教会 (2117节).

IV.“剑” 还表虚假的惩罚, 这明显可见于以赛亚书:

到那日, 耶和华必用祂刚硬, 巨大, 有力的剑刑罚大兽, 就是那快行的蛇; 刑罚大兽, 就是那曲行的蛇, 并杀海中的海怪. (以赛亚书 27:1)

此处论述了那些基于感官经验和记忆知识或事实知识进入信的奥秘之人; “刚硬, 巨大, 有力的剑” 表由此而来的虚假的惩罚.

当读到人们被置于剑刃之上, 并被杀死, 有时包括 “男人与女人, 少年人与老人, 公牛, 绵羊, 驴” 时, 就内义而言, 所表示的是给虚假定罪的惩罚 (如约书亚记 6:21; 8:24-25; 10:28, 30, 37, 39; 11:10-12, 14; 13:22; 19:47; 士师记 1:8, 25; 4:15-16; 18:27; 20:37; 撒母耳记上 15:8, 11; 列王纪下 10:25等). 因此, 经上要求拜别神的城要用剑击杀, 完全毁灭, 用火烧尽, 永为荒堆 (申命记 13:13, 15-17); “剑” 表虚假的惩罚; “火” 表邪恶的惩罚. 耶和华的使者站在路上, 拔出剑来敌挡巴兰 (民数记 22:22, 31), “剑” 表示抵挡巴兰所具有的虚假的真理; 因为这个原因, 他也被剑杀死了 (民数记 31:8).

就真正意义而言, “剑” 表示争战的真理, 就反面意义而言, 则表示争战的虚假, 以及真理的荒废和虚假的惩罚. 这些意义来源于来世的代表物. 在来世, 当有人说他所知道的事是虚假时, 可以说便立时有小剑临到他头上, 并激起恐惧; 而争战的真理由象刀尖或剑尖那样带有尖头的物体来代表; 因为没有良善的真理就具有这种性质, 但若真理与良善共存, 那它就是圆形的, 并且很柔和. 这就是剑的含义的来源, 故对天使来说, 每当圣言提及 “刀”, “枪”, “小剑” 或 “剑” 时, 他们就想到争战的真理.

“刀” 在圣言中很少提及, 其原因在于, 在来世, 有恶灵被称为 “刀刃” (knifers). 他们身边似乎挂着刀, 这是因为他们性情极其残忍, 以至于想用刀割断每个人的喉咙. 正因如此, 经上没有提及 “刀”, 而是提到了 “小剑” 或 “剑”. 因为小剑或剑经常用于战争, 能使人联想到战争, 从而联想到争战的真理.

古人都熟知小剑, 小矛和刀表示真理, 故接受传统习俗的外邦人在祭祀时常常用小剑, 小矛或刀自割自刺, 直至流血. 如我们所读到的巴力祭司:

巴力的祭司大声呼求, 按着他们的规矩, 用剑和小矛自割, 直到血涌流出来. (列王纪上18: 28)

在圣言中, 战争中的所有武器都表示属乎属灵争战的事物, 各自都有某种具体含义 (参看2686节).

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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5922. 'And you must tell my father about all my glory in Egypt' means a communication of the spiritual heaven in the natural with spiritual good. This is clear from the meaning of 'telling' as communicating; from the meaning of 'glory' as the spiritual heaven, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'Egypt' as factual knowledge within the natural, thus the natural itself, as above in 5908; and from the representation of Israel, to whom 'father', the recipient of the communication, refers here, as spiritual good, dealt with above in 5906. From all this it is evident that 'you must tell my father about all my glory in Egypt' means a communication of the spiritual heaven in the natural with spiritual good.

[2] With regard to 'glory' meaning the spiritual heaven, the situation is this: There are two kingdoms that form heaven - the celestial kingdom and the spiritual kingdom. The celestial kingdom is the inmost or third heaven, and the spiritual kingdom is the middle or second heaven. Good as it exists among celestial angels is called celestial good, and good as it exists among spiritual angels is called spiritual good. Celestial good is the good of love to the Lord, while spiritual good is the good of love towards the neighbour. As for what joins the two kingdoms together, the good of charity towards the neighbour does so. For with members of the celestial kingdom love to the Lord is what is internal and charity towards the neighbour what is external; but with members of the spiritual kingdom charity towards the neighbour is what is internal and faith deriving from it what is external. From this one may see that what joins the two kingdoms is charity towards the neighbour; for charity is that in which the celestial kingdom ends and the spiritual kingdom begins. What comes last in the one comes first in the other, and is thus where they receive each other.

[3] Now let what 'glory' is be stated. In the highest sense 'glory' is the Lord in respect to Divine Truth; thus it is Divine Truth that goes forth from the Lord. But in the representative sense 'glory' is the good of love towards the neighbour or charity, which is the external good of the Lord's celestial kingdom and the internal good of His spiritual kingdom; for in the genuine sense this good is Divine Truth in heaven. Now since reference is made at this point in the story to Israel, who is spiritual good or charity which makes the spiritual kingdom in heaven and the spiritual Church on earth, Joseph's 'glory' here which they were to tell Israel about means the spiritual heaven. The spiritual heaven is called 'glory' because things there are seen in light, brilliance, and radiance.

[4] Glory is attributed to Divine Truth that comes forth from the Lord's Divine Human, and it is ascribed to the Lord as King; for in the internal sense kingship means Divine Truth, 1728, 2015, 2069, 3009, 3670, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068. This is clear in John,

What is more, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the Only Begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14.

'The Word' is Divine Truth. Since it goes forth from the Lord it is the Lord Himself, and for that reason 'glory' is attributed to Divine Truth.

[5] In Luke, when Jesus was transfigured on the mountain,

Behold, two men talked to Him, who were Moses and Elijah, who were seen in glory. Luke 9:30-31.

There the Lord showed Peter, James, and John what His Divine Human was like and what it looked like in Divine light. The form in which they saw Him at that time demonstrated what the Word is like in its internal sense, and so what Divine Truth in heaven is like; for the Word is Divine Truth provided for the Church's use. This also explains why at the same time the scene presented Moses and Elijah talking to Him; for 'Moses' represents the Law, by which one means the books by him together with the historical ones, while 'Elijah' represents the Prophets or prophetical part of the Word. For more about Moses' representation of the Law, see Preface to Genesis 18, and also 4859 (end); and for more about Elijah's representation of the prophetical part of the Word, see the same Preface, and also 2762, 5247 (end).

[6] In Matthew,

They will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory. Matthew 24:30.

The literal sense of the Word is meant by 'the clouds', while the internal sense, consequently Divine Truth as this exists in heaven, is meant by 'glory'; see Preface to Genesis 18. 'Glory' also means the intelligence and wisdom that flow from Divine Truth, 4809. So far as its external sense is concerned the Word exists 'in a cloud', for the reason that people's minds dwell in darkness. Therefore if the Word did not dwell 'in a cloud' scarcely anyone would understand it, and also the sacred contents of the internal sense would be rendered profane by wicked people in the world. This is why the Lord says in Isaiah,

Jehovah will create over every habitation of Mount Zion, and over her assemblies, a cloud by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory there will be a covering. And there will be a tabernacle for shade by day. Isaiah 4:5-6.

[7] It was for the same reason that over the tabernacle a cloud was seen by day and a fire by night. The tabernacle represented the Lord's Divine Human, consequently Divine Truth which goes forth from Him, and so the Word, which is Divine Truth for the Church, see 3210, 3439. The same is meant by the following in Moses,

The cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of Jehovah filled the dwelling-place. Exodus 40:34.

In the same author,

The glory of Jehovah appeared in the tent of meeting before all the children of Israel. Numbers 14:10.

And in another place,

The cloud covered the tent, and the glory of Jehovah appeared. Numbers 16:42.

[8] A cloud and glory appeared in a similar way over Mount Sinai, which are spoken of in Moses as follows,

When Moses went up into the mountain the cloud covered the mountain. And the glory of Jehovah dwelt over Mount Sinai and covered it six days. Exodus 24:15-16.

The same representations occurred then because the Law, which is Divine Truth, was delivered from that mountain. The reason why the cloud was seen and the glory of Jehovah when Moses went up into the mountain was that in this he represented the Law, that is, the historical section of the Word. This explains why on several occasions the expression 'Moses and the Prophets' or else 'the Law and the Prophets' is used. 'The Law' is in this case used to mean the books by him together with all the other historical books, but not the Prophets because that part of the Word was represented by Elijah and Elisha. For as is well known, the Word has a historical section and a prophetical part, and therefore when the Word is called 'the Law and the Prophets', 'the Law' is used to mean the historical section and 'the Prophets' the prophetical part.

[9] Divine Truth was also represented by a brightness, like a rainbow in the cloud, that surrounded the cherubs and was up above them - in Ezekiel, where those things are described as follows,

I saw the appearance of fire, like a brightness round about, like the appearance of a rainbow which is in the cloud on a day of rain. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah. Ezekiel 1:26-28.

Divine Truth is also called the glory of Jehovah, and the glory of the God of Israel in Ezekiel 8:4; 10:18-19; 11:21, 23. It is called 'the glory of Jehovah' in reference to the inmost heaven, and 'the glory of the God of Israel' in reference to the middle or spiritual heaven. The reason why in heaven Divine Truth appears in glory is that truth itself in the spiritual heaven appears before one's eyes as a shining cloud, which I too have been allowed to see several times, while the good held within that truth appears there as a fieriness. The cloud which is given diverse colourings by the fire presents amazing sights, which are 'glory' in the external sense. But the glory in the internal sense is intelligence and wisdom, which are also what those sights represent.

[10] The fact that Divine Truth, the source of all wisdom and intelligence, is 'the glory', as is the diversely coloured cloud appearing before one's external sight, is also clear from the following places: In Moses,

Jehovah said, I am the Living One, and the whole earth will be filled with the glory of Jehovah. Numbers 14:21.

This was said by Jehovah when the Israelite people were rejected by Him. He said that only their young children would enter the land of Canaan, at which time the whole earth would be filled with the glory of Jehovah. The meaning of this was that the glory of Jehovah would be present in the representatives of the Church existing among them, and in the Word which referred for the most part to them, and that all heaven and consequently the holy things of the Church would be filled with this glory.

[11] In Isaiah,

The seraphim kept calling out, Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah Zebaoth; the whole earth is full of His glory. Isaiah 6:3.

In the same prophet,

The glory of Jehovah will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together. Isaiah 40:5.

In the same prophet,

Therefore in the Urim give glory to Jehovah, in the isles of the sea to the name of Jehovah, the God of Israel. Isaiah 24:15.

'The Urim' stands for the light that is received from Divine Truth going; forth from the Lord. 'The isles of the sea' stands for those who are further away from the truth, 1158.

[12] In the same prophet,

The glory of Lebanon has been given to it, the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They will see the glory of Jehovah, the majesty of our God. Isaiah 35:2.

'Lebanon' stands for the spiritual Church, Carmel and Sharon' for the celestial Church. 'The glory of Jehovah' is attributed to the latter when celestial truth, which is charity, is meant, and 'the majesty of the God of Israel' to the former when spiritual good, which also is charity, is meant.

[13] In the same prophet,

Arise, shine, for Your light has come, and the glory of Jehovah has risen upon You. For behold, darkness is covering the earth, and thick darkness the peoples. But Jehovah will arise upon You, and His glory will be seen over You. Isaiah 60:1-2.

This refers to the Lord, who is called the Light, as in John 1:4, 9. It also says that 'the glory of Jehovah will arise upon Him', meaning that Divine Truth belongs to Him. Similarly in the same prophet,

For My own sake, for My own sake, I will do it; for how should it be profaned? My glory I do not give to another. Isaiah 48:11.

This too refers to the Lord, 'glory' in the highest sense standing for the Divine Human, and so also for Divine Truth since this comes forth from it. 'Not giving glory to another' is imparting it solely to the Divine Human, which is one with Himself.

[14] In John,

The holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven, having the glory of God, and its light was like a most precious stone. Revelation 21:10-11.

'The holy city Jerusalem' is the Lord's spiritual kingdom in heaven and His spiritual Church on earth, to both of which glory is attributed. Its light is truth radiating from the Divine.

[15] Since Divine Truth is what kingship in the Word represents - even as the Lord in respect to His Divine Truth was represented by kings, see the places listed just above - glory was therefore ascribed to Him as King, as in David,

Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted , O ancient doors, 1 so that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? Jehovah strong and mighty, Jehovah mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O gates, lift up. O ancient doors, 1 that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? Jehovah Zebaoth, He is the King of glory. Psalms 24:7-10.

In Isaiah,

Jehovah Zebaoth will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, and before His elders, glory. Isaiah 24:23.

'Glory' stands for Divine Truth. Jehovah is called 'Jehovah Zebaoth' - that is, Jehovah of Hosts or of Armies - when the subject is Divine truth; for truths are meant by 'armies', 3448.

[16] Also, because Divine Truth was represented by kingship, the throne on which kings sat when they made judgements was called a throne of glory, Isaiah 22:23; Jeremiah 14:21; 17:12.

And in Matthew,

The Son of Man will sit on the throne of His glory. Matthew 19:28.

In the same gospel,

When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. And the King will say to them . . . Matthew 25:31, 34, 40.

The throne was called 'a throne of glory' for the further reason that truth was the basis on which judgements were made. In the same gospel,

The Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father together with His angels, and at that time He will repay everyone according to his deeds. Matthew 16:27.

[17] From all this one may now see what is meant by 'the glory' in the Lord's Prayer,

Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever. Matthew 6:13.

The Lord's spiritual kingdom in heaven and His spiritual Church on earth is in addition referred to by another word for 'glory' (decus) in Isaiah 60:7; 63:15; 64:11; Daniel 8:9-11; 11:16, 41, 45.

Joseph too therefore speaks of his glory, for Joseph himself in the highest sense represents the Lord's Divine Spiritual or His Divine Truth, and in the internal sense His spiritual kingdom, also the good of faith, see 3969, 4669, 4723, 4727.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, doors of the world

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.