

以西結書 16:62



62 我要堅定與你所立的約(你就知道我是耶和華),

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属天的奥秘 # 9127

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9127. “就为他没有流血的罪” 表那么他不会犯有所施暴行的罪. 这从 “血” 的含义清楚可知,

“血” 在至高意义上是指从主的神性良善发出的神性真理, 在源于至高意义的内义上是指良善之真理 (参看4735, 6378, 6978, 7317, 7326, 7846, 7850, 7877节). 因此,

“流血” 表示向神之真理或良善之真理, 以及良善本身施暴. 事实上, 凡向真理施暴的, 同样向良善施暴, 因为真理与良善结合得如此紧密, 以致这一个属于那一个, 或说这一个永远不会离开那一个. 因此, 向这一个施暴, 就是向那一个施暴. 由此明显可知,

“为他没有流血的罪” 表示他不会犯有向真理或良善所施暴行的罪.

人若对圣言的内义一无所知, 只能认为圣言中的 “血” 表示血液;

“流血” 仅仅表示杀人. 但内义并不论述人的肉体生命, 只论述其灵魂的生命, 也就是他的属灵生命, 这生命会永远活着. 在圣言的字义上, 这生命通过诸如构成肉体生命的那类事物来描述, 即肉和血. 由于人的属灵生命源于属于仁爱的良善和属于信仰的真理, 并靠它们来维持, 所以在圣言的内义上,

“肉” 表示属于仁爱的良善,

“血” 表示属于信仰的真理. 在更内在的意义上,

“肉” 表示属于对主之爱的良善,

“血” 表示属于对邻之爱的良善. 但在唯独论述主的至高意义上,

“肉” 是指主的神性良善, 因而是指神性良善方面的主自己; 而 “血” 是指从主发出的神性真理, 因而是指神性真理方面的主. 当一个人阅读圣言时,

“肉和血” 在天上就被理解为这些事物. 当这个人参加圣餐礼时, 同样理解为这些事物, 只是在圣餐中, 饼是肉, 酒是血, 因为 “饼” 与 “肉” 所表相同,

“酒” 与 “血” 所表相同.

但那些像当今大多数世人那样在感官层进行思考的人, 根本不理解这一切. 所以只要他们相信圣餐和圣言因来自神而含有某种神圣之物在里面, 就让他们持守自己的信仰吧. 就算他们不知道这种神圣在哪里; 还是让那些被赋予某种内在觉知, 也就是能在高于感官的层面上进行思考的人考虑一下, 在以下经文中,

“血” 是用来表示血,

“肉” 是用来表示肉吗?

人子啊, 主耶和华如此说: 你要对天上的各种鸟和田野的各种走兽说: 你们聚集来吧! 要从四方聚集来吃我为你们所献的祭物, 就是在以色列山上所献的大祭物, 好叫你们吃肉喝血. 你们要吃勇士的肉, 喝地上首领的血. 你们要从我为你们所献的祭物中喝血喝到醉. 你们要在我席上因马匹和战车, 并勇士和一切的战士而饱足. 我要这样将我的荣耀立在列族中.(以西结书 39:17-21)


我又看见一位天使站在日头中, 向飞在空中的一切鸟大声呼喊说, 你们聚集来赴大神的筵席! 可以吃君王的肉, 千夫长的肉, 壮士的肉, 马和骑马者的肉, 并自主的, 为奴的, 小的大的, 众人的肉.(启示录 19:17-18)

很明显, 在这些经文中,

“肉” 并非表示肉,

“血” 并非表示血. 这同样适用于约翰福音中主的 “肉” 和 “血”:

我所要赐的粮, 就是我的肉. 我实实在在地告诉你们: 你们若不吃人子的肉, 不喝人子的血, 就没有生命在你们里面. 吃我肉喝我血的人就有永生, 在末日我要叫他复活. 我的肉真是可吃的, 我的血真是可喝的. 吃我肉, 喝我血的人住在我里面, 我也住在他里面. 这就是从天上降下来的粮.(约翰福音 6:51-58)

主的 “肉” 是指祂的神性之爱的神性良善, 祂的 “血” 是指从祂的神性良善发出的神性真理; 这一点从以下事实可以看出来: 它们都是滋养一个人的属灵生命的食物. 这解释了为何祂接着说 “我的肉真是可吃的, 我的血真是可喝的”, 又说 “这就是从天上降下来的粮”. 由于人通过爱和信与主结合, 故祂还说:

“吃我肉, 喝我血的人住在我里面, 我也住在他里面”. 不过, 如前所述, 只有那些能在高于身体感官的层面上进行思考的人, 尤其那些信主爱主的人才能明白这个问题, 因为主把他们从其肉体感官的生命提升到其灵的生命, 因而从世界之光提升到天堂之光; 在天堂之光中, 对物质事物的概念, 也就是在心智中通过肉体所获得的印象会逐渐消失.

因此, 凡知道 “血” 表示来自主的神之真理的人也能看出在圣言中,

“流血” 并非表示杀人, 或剥夺一个人的肉体生命; 而是表示杀害或剥夺他灵魂的生命, 也就是摧毁他的属灵生命, 这生命就是对主的信和爱.

“血” 用来论及非法所流的血时, 表示因邪恶所生的虚假而被毁的神之真理, 这一点从以下经文清楚看出来, 以赛亚书:

那时, 主以审判的灵和洁净的灵, 将锡安女子的污秽洗去, 又将耶路撒冷的血从它中间冲走.(以赛亚书 4:3)


你们的手被血沾染, 你们的指头被罪孽沾污. 他们的脚奔向邪恶, 他们急速流无辜人的血; 他们的思想全是恶念.(以赛亚书 59:3, 7)


并且你的衣襟上有贫穷无辜灵魂的血.(耶利米书 2:34)


这都因先知的罪恶和祭司的罪孽, 他们在耶路撒冷中间流了义人的血. 他们在街上瞎逛, 又被血玷污; 他们不能玷污的东西, 竟用衣服触摸了.(耶利米哀歌 4:13-14)


我从你旁边经过, 见你滚在血中, 就说: 你虽在血中, 仍可存活; 我实在对你说, 你虽在血中, 仍可存活. 我用水洗你, 冲去你身上的血, 又用油抹你.(以西结书 16:6, 9)


人子啊, 你要与这流血的城争辩吗? 向她宣布她一切可憎的事. 你要说, 因你所流人的血, 就为有罪; 又因你所造的偶像, 就被玷污了. 看哪! 以色列的首领各逞其能, 在你中间流人之血. 在你中间有好谗谤的人, 预备流人的血; 在你中间有在山上吃过的.(以西结书 22:2-4, 6, 9)


我要在天上地下显出奇事, 有血, 有火, 有烟柱. 日头要变为幽暗, 月亮要变为血, 都在耶和华大而可畏的日子未到以前.(约珥书 2:30-31)


日头变黑像毛布, 满月变得像血.(启示录 6:12)


第二位天使吹号, 就有仿佛火烧着的大山扔在海中, 海的三分之一变成血.(启示录 8:8)


第二位天使把他的香瓶倒在海里, 海就变成好像死人的血, 海中一切活着的灵魂都死了. 第三位天使把他的香瓶倒在江河与众水的泉源里, 它们就变成了血.(启示录 16:3-4)


“血” 并非表示所流的人的肉体生命的血, 而是表示他的属灵生命的血, 也就是神之真理, 邪恶所生的虚假就是向它施暴的. 马太福音中的 “血” 所表相同:

叫世上所流义人的血, 都归到你们身上. 从义人亚伯的血起, 直到你们在殿和坛中间所杀的撒迦利亚的血为止.(马太福音 23:35)

这些话表示从古时直到现在, 犹太人一直对圣言的真理施暴, 以致他们根本不愿接受任何内在和天上的真理. 所以他们也不接受主. 他们流祂的血表示他们对神之真理的完全弃绝, 因为主就是神性真理本身, 也就是 “成了肉身的圣言” (约翰福音 1:1, 14). 在马太福音中, 这些话就表示他们对来自主的神之真理的完全弃绝:

彼拉多在众人面前洗手, 说, 流这义人的血, 罪不在我, 你们承当吧. 众人都回答说, 祂的血归到我们和我们的子孙身上.(马太福音 27:24-25)


惟有一个兵拿枪扎祂的肋旁, 随即有血和水流出来. 那看见的人就作见证, 他的见证也是真的; 并且他知道自己所说的是真的, 叫你们也可以信.(约翰福音 19:34-35)


“水” 表示外在形式的神之真理, 就是构成字义的那种真理.

“水” 表示真理 (参看2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 5668, 8568节).

由此也明显可知被主的宝血洗净是什么意思, 即从主领受信之真理 (7918, 9088节). 由此也明显可知启示录中的这些话是什么意思:

他们胜过那龙, 是因羔羊的血, 和他们所见证的圣言.(启示录 12:11)

“因羔羊的血” 是指通过来自主的神性真理, 神性真理也是 “他们所见证的圣言”.

“羔羊的血” 是指纯真之血, 因为 “羔羊” 表示纯真 (3519, 3994, 7840节). 在天上, 从主发出的神之真理含有纯真在它的核心处; 因为它只感染那些拥有纯真的人, 或说, 除了那些拥有纯真的人外, 没有人对它拥有任何感觉 (2526, 2780, 3111, 3183, 3494, 3994, 4797, 6013, 6107, 6765, 7836节的末尾,7840, 7877, 7902节).

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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Arcana Coelestia # 2009

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2009. That 'no longer will your name be called Abram' means that He will cast off the human, and that 'your name will be Abraham' means that He will put on the Divine, is clear from the meaning of 'name', also from the meaning of 'Abram', and after that of 'Abraham'. When the phrase 'your name will be' is used in the Word it means the nature of, that is, what a person's nature is going to be like, as is clear from what has been brought forward in Volume One, in 144, 145, 1754. And since 'names means the nature of, a name includes everything in its entirety within that person, for in heaven no attention is paid to someone's name, but when anyone is referred to by name, or when a name is used, a mental picture of his nature comes up, that is, of all that is his, with him and in him. This is why 'name' in the Word means the nature of. To make this matter clearer to the understanding let further confirmatory quotations from the Word be introduced, such as in the Blessing in Moses,

Jehovah bless you and keep you; Jehovah make His face 1 shine upon you and be merciful to you; Jehovah lift up His face 1 upon you and give you peace.

So shall they put My name upon the sons of Israel. Numbers 6:24-27.

From this it is evident what 'name' and 'putting Jehovah's name upon the sons of Israel' means, namely that Jehovah blesses, keeps, enlightens, is merciful, and gives peace, and that such is Jehovah's or the Lord's nature.

[2] In the Ten Commandments,

You shall not take the name of Jehovah your God in vain, for Jehovah will not hold him guiltless who has taken His name in vain. Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11.

Here taking God's name in vain does not mean His name but every single thing deriving from Him, and so every single thing belonging to the worship of Him, which must not be treated with disdain, still less be blasphemed and defiled by what is filthy. In the Lord's Prayer,

Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, as in heaven so on earth. Luke 11:2.

Nor in this instance is 'name' used to mean name but all things that belong to love and faith, for these are God's, or the Lord's, and derive from Him. Since the latter are holy, the Lord's kingdom comes, and His will is done on earth as it is in heaven, when they are upheld as being holy.

[3] That 'name' means such things is clear from all the places in the Old Testament Word and in the New where the word 'name' is used, as in Isaiah,

You will say on that day, Confess Jehovah, call on His name, make His deeds known among the peoples, make mention that His name is exalted. Isaiah 12:4.

Here 'calling on the name of Jehovah' and 'making mention that it is exalted' does not in any way mean making the name itself an object of worship, or believing that Jehovah is called on by the mere uttering of His name, but by knowing His nature, and so every single thing that derives from Him. In the same prophet,

Therefore in the Urim give honour to Jehovah, in the isles of the sea to the name of Jehovah, the God of Israel. Isaiah 24:15.

Here 'in the Urim give honour to Jehovah' means worship based on the holy things of love, 'in the isles of the sea to the name of Jehovah, the God of Israel' worship based on the holy things of faith.

[4] In the same prophet,

Jehovah our God, in You alone will we make mention of Your name. Isaiah 26:13.

And in the same prophet,

I will stir up one from the north, and he will come, from the rising of the sun he will call on My name. Isaiah 41:25.

Here 'making mention of' and 'calling on the name of Jehovah' is worshipping from the goods of love and the truths of faith. Those 'from the north' are people outside the Church who do not know the name of Jehovah but who do nevertheless call on His name when they are leading charitable lives one with another and venerate some deity as the Creator of the universe, for it is the worship and what constitutes it, not the name, that calling on Jehovah entails. That the Lord is also present with gentiles, see 932, 1032, 1059.

[5] In the same prophet,

The nations will see your righteousness and all the kings your glory; and you will be called by a new name which the mouth of Jehovah will announce. Isaiah 62:2.

Here 'you will be called by a new name' stands for becoming a different person, that is to say, as a result of being created anew or regenerated, and so stands for becoming such. In Micah,

All the peoples walk each in the name of its god, but we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God for ever and eternally. Micah 4:5.

'Walking in the name of its god' clearly stands for worship that is profane, while 'walking in the name of Jehovah' stands for true worship. In Malachi,

From the rising of the sun and even to its setting, great is My name among the nations; and in every place incense is offered to My name, and a pure minchah, for great is My name among the nations. Malachi 1:11.

Here 'name' is not used to mean the name but the worship; and this worship is the essential nature of Jehovah or the Lord, from which He wills to be adored.

[6] In Moses,

The place which Jehovah your God chooses out of all the tribes to put His name there, and to make His name dwell there, to that place shall you bring all that I am commanding you. Deuteronomy 12:5, 11, 14; 16:2, 6, 11.

Here also 'putting His name' and 'making His name dwell there' do not mean the name but the worship, and so Jehovah's or the Lord's essential nature from which He is to be worshipped. His nature consists in the good of love and the truth of faith, it being with those who are governed by such good and truth that Jehovah's name dwells. In Jeremiah,

Go to My place which is in Shiloh where I made My name dwell at first. Jeremiah 7:12.

Here similarly 'name' stands for worship, and so for doctrine concerning true faith. It may become clear to anyone that Jehovah does not dwell with somebody who merely knows and utters His name, for without any conception and recognition of His essential nature, and without any belief in it, the name by itself is a mere verbal expression. From this it is evident that the word 'name' means the nature of, and the knowledge of that nature.

[7] In Moses,

At that time Jehovah set apart the tribe of Levi to serve Him and to bless in His name. Deuteronomy 10:8.

Here 'blessing in the name of Jehovah' is doing so not by means of the name but by means of those qualities associated with the name of Jehovah which have been referred to above. In Jeremiah,

This is His name which they will call Him, Jehovah our righteousness. Jeremiah 23:6.

Here 'name' stands for the righteousness which is the essential nature of the Lord, to whom these words refer. In Isaiah,

Jehovah called Me from the womb, from My mother's body 2 He made mention of My name. Isaiah 49:1.

These words too refer to the Lord. 'Making mention of His name' is informing about His essential nature.

[8] That 'name' means the nature of is plainer still in John's Revelation,

You have a few names in Sardis, who have not soiled their garments; and they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. He who conquers will be clad in white garments and I will not blot his name out of the book of life; and I will confess his name before My father and before the angels. He who conquers I will write on him the name of God, and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name. Revelation 3:4-5, 12.

Here it is quite clear that name does not mean the name but the essential nature of him who conquers. 'The name in the book of life' is nothing else. Nor is 'confessing his name before My Father', and 'writing on him the name of God and of the city, and a new name'. The same applies elsewhere to the names which are said to have been written in the book of life and in heaven, Revelation 13:8; 17:8; Luke 10:20.

[9] In heaven one person is always recognized from another by his nature or character, which is expressed in the sense of the letter as 'the name', as may also become clear to anyone from the fact that on earth the mention of anybody's name presents to another a mental picture of his nature or character by which he is known and distinguished from anyone else. In the next life those mental pictures survive but names perish. More especially is this so with angels. This is why in the internal sense 'name' means the essential nature of, or the knowledge of that nature. In the same book,

On the head of Him who sat on the white horse were many jewels. He has a name written which no one knows but He Himself. He was clad in a garment dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. Revelation 19:12-13.

Here it is stated openly that His 'name' is The Word of God, thus the essential nature of Him who sat on the white horse.

[10] The fact that the name of Jehovah means the knowledge of His nature, that is to say, it means every good of love and every truth of faith, is quite clear from these words spoken by the Lord,

Righteous Father, I have known You, and these too have known that You have sent Me, for I made known to them Your name, and I will make it known that the love with which You have loved Me may be in them, and I in them. John 17:25-26.

[11] And that the name of God or of the Lord means the whole doctrine of faith concerning love and charity, which is meant by 'believing in His name', is clear from these words in the same gospel,

As many as received Him, to them He gave power to be sons of God, to those believing in His name. John 1:12.

If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. If you love Me, keep My commandments. John 14:13-15.

Whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give it to you. These things I command you, that you love one another. John 15:16-17.

In Matthew,

Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20.

Here 'being gathered together in the Lord's name' means those who possess the doctrine of faith concerning love and charity, and so who are governed by love and charity.

[12] In the same gospel,

You will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. Matthew 10:22; 24:9-10; Mark 13:13.

Here 'for My name's sake' clearly stands for doctrine's sake. The fact that a name itself is of no avail, only that which the name embodies, that is to say, everything constituting charity and faith, is quite clear from the following in Matthew,

Did we not prophesy through Your name, and cast out demons through Your name, and do many mighty works in Your name? And then I will confess to them, I do not know you; depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. Matthew 7:22-23.

From this it is clear that people who make worship consist in a name, as Jews do in the name of Jehovah and Christians in the name of the Lord, are not on that account worthier than any others, for the name is of no avail. But they are worthier when their characters conform to what He has commanded; and this is the meaning of 'believing in His name'. And when they say that there is salvation in no other name than the Lord's they mean in no other doctrine, that is, in none other than mutual love, which is the true doctrine of faith, and so in none other than the Lord since all love comes from Him alone, and all faith from that love.

Poznámky pod čarou:

1. literally, faces

2. literally, viscera

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.