

出埃及記 10:6



6 你的宮殿和你眾臣僕的房屋,並一切埃及人房屋,都要被蝗蟲佔滿了;自從你祖宗和你祖宗的祖宗在世以來,直到今日,沒有見過這樣的災。摩西就轉身離開法老出去。




Adam comes to Eden - mosaic in Monreale Cathedral

As with common verbs in general, the meaning of “come” in the Bible is highly dependent on context – its meaning is determined largely by who is coming to whom and the circumstances of the action. In general, though, to come to someone - or to come to a place - represents the presence of one spiritual state with another, communication from one to the other and ultimately conjunction between them.