

如申命记 8



1 我今日所吩咐的一切誡命,你們要謹守遵行,好叫你們存活,人數增多,且進去得耶和華向你們列祖起誓應許的那

2 你也要記念耶和華─你的在曠野引導你這四十年,是要苦煉你,試驗你,要知道你心內如何,肯守他的誡命不肯。

3 他苦煉你,任你飢餓,將你和你列祖所不認識的嗎哪賜給你,使你知道,人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠耶和華裡所出的一切話。

4 四十年,你的衣服沒有穿破,你的也沒有腫。

5 你當心裡思想,耶和華─你管教你,好像管教兒子一樣。

6 你要謹守耶和華─你誡命,遵行他的道,敬畏他。

7 因為耶和華─你領你進入美,那,有泉,有源,從谷中

8 小麥、大麥、葡萄樹、無花果樹石榴樹橄欖樹,和蜜。

9 你在那不缺食物,一無所缺。那石頭,山內可以挖銅。

10 飽足,就要稱頌耶和華─你的,因他將那美你了。

11 你要謹慎,免得忘記耶和華─你的,不守他的誡命、典章、律例,就是我今日所吩咐你的;

12 恐怕你飽足建造房屋居住

13 你的牛加多,你的增添,並你所有的全都加增,

14 你就心氣傲,忘記耶和華─你的,就是將你從埃及為奴之家領出來的,

15 引你經過那可怕的曠野,那裡有火、蠍子、乾旱無之地。他曾為你使從堅硬的磐石中流出來,

16 又在曠野將你列祖所不認識的嗎哪賜給你,是要苦煉你,試驗你,叫你終久享福;

17 恐怕你心裡:這貨財是我力量、我能力得來的。

18 你要記念耶和華─你的,因為得貨財的力量是他你的,為要堅定他向你列祖起誓所立的約,像今日一樣。

19 你若忘記耶和華─你的,隨從別,事奉敬拜,你們必定滅亡;這是我今日警戒你們的。

20 耶和華在你們面前怎樣使列國的民滅亡,你們也必照樣滅亡,因為你們不耶和華─你們的話。




326 - A Way Forward, Part 5 of 7

Napsal(a) Jonathan S. Rose

Title: A Way Forward, Part 5

Topic: Second Coming

Summary: As we go forward spiritually, the Lord leads us into and through a wilderness of trial, deprivation, and affliction. Why? Because in that state we become ready to betroth ourselves to the Lord.

Exodus 13:17-18
Deuteronomy 1:19-33; 8
Isaiah 40:1-5
Matthew 3:1-3; 4:1-2
Luke 1:80
Mark 1:40-45
Matthew 15:32-34
Luke 5:15-16
John 11:53-54
Revelation 12:6, 14
Psalms 107:1-9
Deuteronomy 32:9-12
Jeremiah 2:1-7
Ezekiel 20:33-38
Hosea 2:13-20

This video is a part of the Spirit and Life Bible Study series, whose purpose is to look at the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible through a Swedenborgian lens.

Přehrát video
Spirit and Life Bible Study broadcast from 12/13/2017. The complete series is available at:



Exodus 13:17-18



17 It happened, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God didn't lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, "Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and they return to Egypt;"

18 but God led the people around by the way of the wilderness by the Red Sea; and the children of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt.