

如申命记 14:7



7 但那些倒嚼或是分之中不可的乃是駱駝、兔子、沙番─因為是倒嚼不分,就與你們不潔淨;



Explanation of Deuteronomy 14

Napsal(a) Alexander Payne

Verses 1-2. The life of the regenerate flows in direct from heaven.

Verses 3-8. What affections may be appropriated to the soul.

Verses 9-10. What knowledges and (verses 11-20) what thoughts may be appropriated.

Verses 21-27. What is of self is not to be conjoined to the new regenerate life, but all that flows in from heaven is to be conjoined.

Verses 28-29. By this means the good facilities in the soul will be strengthened.