

约书亚记 24



1 约书亚将以色列的众支派聚集示剑,召了以色列的长老、族长、审判,并长来,他们就站在面前。

2 约书亚对众民耶和华以色列的如此:古时你们的列祖,就是亚伯拉罕和拿鹤的父亲他拉,在大那边事奉别

3 我将你们的祖宗亚伯拉罕从大那边带来,领他走遍迦南,又使他的子孙众多,把以撒他;

4 又把雅各以扫以撒,将西珥以扫为业;後来雅各和他的子孙埃及去了。

5 我差遣摩西亚伦,并照我在埃及中所行的降灾与埃及,然把你们领出来。

6 我领你们列祖出埃及,他们就到了红埃及人领车辆马兵追赶你们列祖到红

7 你们列祖哀求耶和华,他就使你们和埃及人中间黑暗了,又使水淹没埃及人。我在埃及所行的事,你们亲眼见过。你们在旷野许多年日。

8 我领你们到约但河东亚摩利人所。他们与你们争战,我将他们交在你们中,你们便得了他们的为业;我也在你们面前将他们灭绝。

9 那时,摩押王西拨的儿子巴勒起来攻击以色列人,打发人召了比珥的儿子巴兰来咒诅你们。

10 我不肯巴兰的话,所以他倒为你们连连祝福。这样,我便救你们脱离巴勒的

11 你们过了约但河,到了耶利哥耶利哥人、亚摩利人、比利洗人、迦南人、赫人、革迦撒人、希未人、耶布斯人都与你们争战;我把他们交在你们里。

12 我打发黄蜂飞在你们前面,将亚摩利人的从你们面前撵出,并不是用你的刀,也不是用你的

13 我赐你们土,非你们所修治的;我赐你们城邑,非你们所建造的。你们就在其中,又得非你们所栽种的葡萄园橄榄园的果子。

14 现在你们要敬畏耶和华,诚心实意的事奉他,将你们列祖在大那边和在埃及所事奉的除掉,去事奉耶和华

15 若是你们以事奉耶和华为不好,今日就可以选择所要事奉的:是你们列祖在大那边所事奉的呢?是你们所的亚摩利人的呢?至於我和我,我们必定事奉耶和华

16 百姓回答我们断不敢离弃耶和华去事奉别

17 耶和华我们曾将我们我们列祖从埃及的为奴之家领出来,在我们眼前行了那些迹,在我们所行的道上,所经过的诸国,都保护了我们

18 耶和华又把的亚摩利人都从我们面前赶出去。所以,我们必事奉耶和华,因为他是我们

19 约书亚对百姓:你们不能事奉耶和华;因为他是圣洁的,是忌邪的,必不赦免你们的过犯罪恶。

20 你们若离弃耶和华去事奉外邦耶和华在降福之,必而降祸与你们,把你们灭绝。

21 百姓回答约书亚:不然,我们定要事奉耶和华

22 约书亚对百姓:你们选定耶和华,要事奉他,你们自己作见证罢!他们:我们愿意作见证。

23 约书亚:你们现在要除掉你们中间的外邦,专心归向耶和华以色列的

24 百姓回答约书亚:我们必事奉耶和华─我们的从他的话。

25 当日,约书亚就与百姓立约,在示剑为他们立定律例典章。

26 亚将这些的律法上,又将一块石头立在橡树耶和华的圣所旁边。

27 约书亚对百姓:看哪,这石头可以向我们作见证;因为是见了耶和华所吩咐我们的一切,倘或你们背弃你们的,这石头就可以向你们作见证(倘或云云:或作所以要向你们作见证,免得你们背弃耶和华─你们的)。

28 於是约书亚打发百姓各归自己的地业去了。

29 这些事以耶和华的仆人嫩的儿子约书亚,正一岁,就死了

30 以色列人将他葬在他地业的境内,就是在以法莲地的亭拿西拉,在迦实边。

31 约书亚在世和约书亚死後,那些知道耶和华以色列人所行诸事的长老还在的时候,以色列人事奉耶和华

32 以色列人埃及所带来约瑟的骸,葬埋在示剑,就是在雅各从前用一块银子向示剑的父亲、哈抹的子孙所买的那块地里;这就作了约瑟子孙的产业。

33 亚伦的儿子以利亚撒也死了,就把他葬在他儿子非尼哈所得、以法莲地的小上。




Jacob or Israel (the man)


Jacob is told twice that his name will now be Israel. The first time is when he wrestles with an angel on his journey to meet Esau, and the angel tells him that his name will be changed. After he is reconciled with Esau, they go their separate ways. Jacob moves to Shechem and then on to Bethel, where he builds an altar to the Lord. The Lord appears to him there, renews the covenant He first made with Abraham and again tells him that his name will be Israel (Genesis 35). The story goes on to tell of Benjamin's birth and Rachel's death in bearing him, and then of Jacob's return to Isaac and Isaac's death and burial. But at that point the main thread of the story leaves Israel and turns to Joseph, and Israel is hardly mentioned until after Joseph has risen to power in Egypt, has revealed himself to his brothers and tells them to bring all of their father's household down to Egypt. There, before Israel dies, he blesses Joseph's sons, plus all his own sons. After his death he is returned to the land of Canaan for burial in Abraham's tomb. In the story of Jacob and Esau, Jacob represents truth, and Esau good. Jacob's stay in Padan-Aram, and the wealth he acquired there, represent learning the truths of scripture, just as we learn when we read the Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount. The change of name from Jacob to Israel represents the realization that what we learn should not simply be knowledge, but should be the rules of our life, to be followed by action. This action is the good that Esau has represented in the story up to that time, but after the reconciliation between Jacob and Esau, Jacob as Israel now represents the truth and the good, together. It is interesting that even after his name change Jacob is rarely called Israel. Sometimes he is called one and sometimes the other, and sometimes he is called both Jacob and Israel in the same verse (Genesis 46:2, 5, & 8 also Psalm 14:7). This is because Jacob represents the external person and Israel the internal person, and even after the internal person comes into being, we spend much of our lives living on the external level.

(Odkazy: Arcana Coelestia 4274, 4292, 4570, 5595, 6225, 6256, Genesis 2:5, 46:8)