

撒母耳记上 5



1 非利士人的约柜从以便以谢抬到亚实突。

2 非利士人的约柜抬进大衮庙,放在大衮的旁边。

3 次日清,亚实突人起来,见大衮仆倒在耶和华的约柜前,脸伏於,就把大衮仍立在原处。

4 又次日清起来,见大衮仆倒在耶和华的约柜前,脸伏於,并且大衮的和两在门槛上折断,只剩下大衮的残体。

5 (因此,大衮的祭司和一切进亚实突、大衮庙的人都不踏大衮庙的门槛,直到今日。)

6 耶和华的重重加在亚实突人身上,败坏他们,使他们生痔疮。亚实突和亚实突的四境都是如此。

7 亚实突人见这光景,就以色列的约柜不可留在我们这里,因为他的重重加在我们我们大衮的身上;

8 就打发人去请非利士的众首领来聚集,问他们:我们向以色列的约柜应当怎样行呢?他们回答:可以将以色列的约柜运到迦特去。於是将以色列的约柜运到那里去。

9 运到之耶和华的攻击那城,使那城的人惊慌,无论小都生痔疮

10 他们就把的约柜送到以革伦。的约柜到了,以革伦人就喊嚷起说:他们将以色列的约柜运到我们这里,要害我们我们的众民!

11 於是打发人去请非利士的众首领来,:愿你们将以色列的约柜送回原处,免得害了我们我们的众民!原来重重攻击那城,城中的人有因惊慌而死的;

12 未曾的人都生了痔疮。合城呼号,声音上达於





The mastaba of the official and priest Fetekti. Fifth Dynasty. Abusir necropolis, Egypt, Photo by Karl Richard Lepsius

In the Bible, Egypt represents knowledge and the love of knowledge. In a good sense that means knowledge of truth from the Lord through the Bible, but in a natural sense it simply means earthly knowledge to be stored up and possessed. And even knowledge from the Bible is not always good: If we learn them with the goal of making them useful, then they are filled with angelic ideas. But they lack purpose when they are learned only for the sake of knowing things or for the reputation of being learned. So Egypt is a place you go to learn things, but to become heavenly you have to escape the sterile "knowing" and journey to the land of Canaan, where the knowledge is filled with the internal desire for good. It's interesting that when Egypt was ruled by Joseph, it was a haven for his father and brothers. This shows that when a person's internal mind rules in the land of learning, they can learn much that is useful. But eventually a pharaoh arose that didn't know Joseph, and the Children of Israel were enslaved. The pharaoh represents the external mind; when it is in charge the excitement and self-congratulation of knowing can reduce the internal mind to a type of slavery. The mind - like the Children of Israel - ends up making bricks, or man-made falsities from external appearances.