

هوشع 8:7



7 انهم يزرعون الريح ويحصدون الزوبعة. زرع ليس له غلّة لا يصنع دقيقا. وان صنع فالغرباء تبتلعه.



ارميا 3:9



9 وكان من هوان زناها انها نجست الارض وزنت مع الحجر ومع الشجر.



Matthew 15:1-6



1 Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem, saying,

2 "Why do your disciples disobey the tradition of the elders? For they don't wash their hands when they eat bread."

3 He answered them, "Why do you also disobey the commandment of God because of your tradition?

4 For God commanded, 'Honor your father and your mother,' and, 'He who speaks evil of father or mother, let him be put to death.'

5 But you say, 'Whoever may tell his father or his mother, "Whatever help you might otherwise have gotten from me is a gift devoted to God,"

6 he shall not honor his father or mother.' You have made the commandment of God void because of your tradition.