

تثنية 4



1 فالآن يا اسرائيل اسمع الفرائض والاحكام التي انا اعلمكم لتعملوها لكي تحيوا وتدخلوا وتمتلكوا الارض التي الرب اله آبائكم يعطيكم.

2 لا تزيدوا على الكلام الذي انا اوصيكم به ولا تنقصوا منه لكي تحفظوا وصايا الرب الهكم التي انا اوصيكم بها.

3 اعينكم قد ابصرت ما فعله الرب ببعل فغور. ان كل من ذهب وراء بعل فغور اباده الرب الهكم من وسطكم.

4 واما انتم الملتصقون بالرب الهكم فجميعكم احياء اليوم.

5 انظر. قد علمتكم فرائض واحكاما كما امرني الرب الهي لكي تعملوا هكذا في الارض التي انتم داخلون اليها لكي تمتلكوها.

6 فاحفظوا واعملوا. لان ذلك حكمتكم وفطنتكم امام اعين الشعوب الذين يسمعون كل هذه الفرائض فيقولون هذا الشعب العظيم انما هو شعب حكيم وفطن.

7 لانه اي شعب هو عظيم له آلهة قريبة منه كالرب الهنا في كل ادعيتنا اليه.

8 واي شعب هو عظيم له فرائض واحكام عادلة مثل كل هذه الشريعة التي انا واضع امامكم اليوم

9 انما احترز واحفظ نفسك جدا لئلا تنسى الامور التي ابصرت عيناك ولئلا تزول من قلبك كل ايام حياتك وعلمها اولادك واولاد اولادك.

10 في اليوم الذي وقفت فيه امام الرب الهك في حوريب حين قال لي الرب اجمع لي الشعب فاسمعهم كلامي لكي يتعلموا ان يخافوني كل الايام التي هم فيها احياء على الارض ويعلّموا اولادهم.

11 فتقدمتم ووقفتم في اسفل الجبل والجبل يضطرم بالنار الى كبد السماء بظلام وسحاب وضباب.

12 فكلمكم الرب من وسط النار وانتم سامعون صوت كلام ولكن لم تروا صورة بل صوتا.

13 واخبركم بعهده الذي امركم ان تعملوا به الكلمات العشر وكتبه على لوحي حجر.

14 واياي امر الرب في ذلك الوقت ان اعلمكم فرائض واحكاما لكي تعملوها في الارض التي انتم عابرون اليها لتمتلكوها.

15 فاحتفظوا جدا لانفسكم. فانكم لم تروا صورة ما يوم كلمكم الرب في حوريب من وسط النار.

16 لئلا تفسدوا وتعملوا لانفسكم تمثالا منحوتا صورة مثال ما شبه ذكر او انثى

17 شبه بهيمة ما مما على الارض شبه طير ما ذي جناح مما يطير في السماء

18 شبه دبيب ما على الارض شبه سمك ما مما في الماء من تحت الارض.

19 ولئلا ترفع عينيك الى السماء وتنظر الشمس والقمر والنجوم كل جند السماء التي قسمها الرب الهك لجميع الشعوب التي تحت كل السماء فتغترّ وتسجد لها وتعبدها.

20 وانتم قد اخذكم الرب واخرجكم من كور الحديد من مصر لكي تكونوا له شعب ميراث كما في هذا اليوم.

21 وغضب الرب عليّ بسببكم واقسم اني لا اعبر الاردن ولا ادخل الارض الجيدة التي الرب الهك يعطيك نصيبا.

22 فاموت انا في هذه الارض. لا اعبر الاردن. واما انتم فتعبرون وتمتلكون تلك الارض الجيدة.

23 احترزوا من ان تنسوا عهد الرب الهكم الذي قطعه معكم وتصنعوا لانفسكم تمثالا منحوتا صورة كل ما نهاك عنه الرب الهك.

24 لان الرب الهك هو نار آكلة اله غيور

25 اذا ولدتم اولادا واولاد اولاد واطلتم الزمان في الارض وفسدتم وصنعتم تمثالا منحوتا صورة شيء ما وفعلتم الشر في عيني الرب الهكم لاغاظته

26 اشهد عليكم اليوم السماء والارض انكم تبيدون سريعا عن الارض التي انتم عابرون الاردن اليها لتمتلكوها. لا تطيلون الايام عليها بل تهلكون لا محالة.

27 ويبددكم الرب في الشعوب فتبقون عددا قليلا بين الامم التي يسوقكم الرب اليها.

28 وتصنعون هناك آلهة صنعة ايدي الناس من خشب وحجر مما لا يبصر ولا يسمع ولا ياكل ولا يشمّ.

29 ثم ان طلبت من هناك الرب الهك تجده اذا التمسته بكل قلبك وبكل نفسك.

30 عندما ضيق عليك واصابتك كل هذه الامور في آخر الايام ترجع الى الرب الهك وتسمع لقوله.

31 لان الرب الهك اله رحيم لا يتركك ولا يهلكك ولا ينسى عهد آبائك الذي اقسم لهم عليه

32 فاسأل عن الايام الاولى التي كانت قبلك من اليوم الذي خلق الله فيه الانسان على الارض ومن اقصاء السماء الى اقصائها هل جرى مثل هذا الامر العظيم او هل سمع نظيره.

33 هل سمع شعب صوت الله يتكلم من وسط النار كما سمعت انت وعاش.

34 او هل شرع الله ان ياتي وياخذ لنفسه شعبا من وسط شعب بتجارب وآيات وعجائب وحرب ويد شديدة وذراع رفيعة ومخاوف عظيمة مثل كل ما فعل لكم الرب الهكم في مصر امام اعينكم.

35 انك قد أريت لتعلم ان الرب هو الاله. ليس آخر سواه.

36 من السماء اسمعك صوته لينذرك. وعلى الارض اراك ناره العظيمة وسمعت كلامه من وسط النار.

37 ولاجل انه احب آباءك واختار نسلهم من بعدهم اخرجك بحضرته بقوته العظيمة من مصر

38 لكي يطرد من امامك شعوبا اكبر واعظم منك ويأتي بك ويعطيك ارضهم نصيبا كما في هذا اليوم.

39 فاعلم اليوم وردد في قلبك ان الرب هو الاله في السماء من فوق وعلى الارض من اسفل. ليس سواه.

40 واحفظ فرائضه ووصاياه التي انا اوصيك بها اليوم لكي يحسن اليك والى اولادك من بعدك ولكي تطيل ايامك على الارض التي الرب الهك يعطيك الى الابد

41 حينئذ افرز موسى ثلاث مدن في عبر الاردن نحو شروق الشمس

42 لكي يهرب اليها القاتل الذي يقتل صاحبه بغير علم وهو غير مبغض له منذ امس وما قبله. يهرب الى احدى تلك المدن فيحيا.

43 باصر في البرية في ارض السهل للرأوبينيين وراموت في جلعاد للجاديين وجولان في باشان للمنسّيّين

44 وهذه هي الشريعة التي وضعها موسى امام بني اسرائيل.

45 هذه هي الشهادات والفرائض والاحكام التي كلم بها موسى بني اسرائيل عند خروجهم من مصر

46 في عبر الاردن في الجواء مقابل بيت فغور في ارض سيحون ملك الاموريين الذي كان ساكنا في حشبون الذي ضربه موسى وبنو اسرائيل عند خروجهم من مصر.

47 وامتلكوا ارضه وارض عوج ملك باشان ملكي الاموريين اللذين في عبر الاردن نحو شروق الشمس.

48 من عروعير التي على حافة وادي ارنون الى جبل سيئون الذي هو حرمون

49 وكل العربة في عبر الاردن نحو الشروق الى بحر العربة تحت سفوح الفسجة


Ze Swedenborgových děl


The Last Judgement # 58

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58. Where in the spiritual world their dwellings have been up to now. I said above (48) that the arrangement of all the nations and peoples in the spiritual world were seen to be as follows. In the centre were seen gathered those called the Reformed; around this centre those of the Roman Catholic religion, beyond them the Mohammedans, and in the last place the different heathens. This will show that the Roman Catholics made up the circle nearest to the Reformed in the centre. They occupy this position because the centre is occupied by those who enjoy the light of truth coming from the Word; and those who enjoy that light also enjoy the light of heaven, since the light of heaven comes from Divine truth, and it is the Word which contains this. For the light of heaven coming from Divine truth see HEAVEN AND HELL 126-140, and for the Word being Divine truth (303-310). The light spreads outwards from the centre and gives illumination. This is why those of the Roman Catholic religion are in the circle closest to the centre; for they have the Word, and it is read by those in religious orders, though not by the people. This is the reason why the Roman Catholics in the spiritual world were given their dwellings surrounding those who enjoy the light of truth coming from the Word.

[2] I shall now relate how they lived before their dwellings were utterly destroyed and turned into a desert. Most of them lived in the south and the west, only a few in the north and the east. Those who lived in the south were those who were more intelligent than the rest and had convinced themselves of their religious belief; and there too lived a large number of nobles and wealthy people. They did not live above ground there, but underground for fear of robbers, with guards at the entrances. In that quarter there was a large city, extending almost from the east to the west of it, and also a short distance into the west, occupying the position nearest to the centre where the Reformed were. That city was the home of tens of thousands of people or spirits. It was full of churches and monasteries. The ecclesiastics also brought together into that city all the precious objects they were able to amass by various devices, and hid them there in their cells and underground crypts. These crypts were so elaborately constructed that no one else could find their way in, since they were entered circuitously as in a maze. Their heart was in the treasures heaped up there, and they were confident that they could never be destroyed. I visited the crypts and was surprised to see how cunningly they were contrived and how they could be enlarged without limit. Most of those belonging to what they call the Society of Jesus were there, and they kept up friendly relations with the wealthy who were all round them. In that quarter there was towards the east a Council chamber, where they deliberated about extending their power and about methods of keeping the people in blind obedience (on this see above 56). So much for their dwellings in the southern quarter.

[3] In the north were living those who were less intelligent and had less convinced themselves of their religious belief, because their powers of perception were dim and they lived in blind faith. There was not such a large number there as in the south. Most of them were in a large city extending in length from the eastern corner towards the west, and a short distance into the west. This city too was full of churches and monasteries. On its extreme eastern edge were many from different religions including some of the Reformed. A few districts in that quarter outside the city were also occupied by Roman Catholics.

[4] In the east lived those of them whose chief delight in the world had been in ruling; and they enjoyed a natural kind of illumination. They were to be seen in the mountains there, but only on the side facing north, not on the other side facing south. In the corner towards the north there was a mountain, on the summit of which they placed someone out of his mind, whom they could influence to give any orders they wished by a method of sharing thoughts well known in the spiritual world, but unknown in the natural. They gave it out that he was the God of heaven Himself appearing in human form, and thus secured Divine worship for him. This was because the people wanted to abandon their idolatrous worship, so they had thought up this means of holding them to their obedience.

[5] That is the mountain meant in Isaiah (Isaiah 14:13) by the mountain of meetings on the sides of the north; those who live in the mountains are meant by Lucifer there (Isaiah 5:12). For those of the Babylonian crowd who were in the east had more illumination than the rest, but it was artificial illumination they had contrived for themselves. Some were to be seen building a tower intended to reach heaven where the angels are; but this was only a representation of their designs. For designs are presented in the spiritual world by many things visible to those standing a way off, though they are not really produced among the people devising them. This is a common event there. By means of this appearance I was given to understand the meaning of the tower, the top of which was in heaven, from which the place was called Babel (Genesis 11:1-10). So much for their dwellings in the east.

[6] In the west towards the front lived those of that religion who had lived during the Dark Ages, most of them underground, one generation beneath another. The whole front region, which faces north, was as if hollowed out and filled with monasteries. Their entrances were through caves with covers over them. They went in and out through these caves, but rarely talked with those who had lived in later centuries since they differed in character. They were not so malicious, because in their time there had been no struggle with the Reformed, so they did not have such cunning and malice arising from hatred and a desire for vengeance. In the western quarter beyond that region there were many mountains inhabited by the most malicious of this people, who denied the Divine at heart, although their oral confession and their pious gestures displayed a more pious attitude than that of the rest. The people there had thought out unspeakable schemes to keep the common herd obedient to their rule, and to force others to submit to it. I am not allowed to describe those schemes because they are unspeakable, but there is a general account of their nature in HEAVEN AND HELL 580.

[7] The mountains where they lived are what is meant in the book of Revelation by the seven mountains, and those who lived there are meant by the woman mounted upon the scarlet beast in this passage:

I saw a woman mounted on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names and having seven heads and ten horns. She had a name written on her forehead, Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of whoredoms and abominations of the earth. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. Revelation 17:3, 5, 9.

Woman in the internal sense means the church; here in the contrary sense a profane religious system. The scarlet beast means the profanation of heavenly love; and the seven mountains the profane love of ruling. So much for the dwellings of those in the west.

[8] The reason why their homes are in different quarters is that all in the spiritual world move to a quarter and a place within the quarter corresponding to their affections and loves, and none can go anywhere else; on this see the discussion of the four quarters of heaven in HEAVEN AND HELL 141-153.

[9] Generally speaking all the deliberations of these Babylonian people have the tendency to establish their rule not only over heaven, but also over all the earth, and so to possess heaven and earth, earth by means of heaven and heaven by means of earth. To achieve this they continually think out and devise new rules and new teachings. They labour to produce the same kind of results in the other life as in the world, for each individual remains after death such a person as he was in the world, especially as regards his religious belief. I was allowed to listen to some of their prelates deliberating about a doctrine to serve as a standard for the ordinary people. It contained a number of paragraphs, but they were all intended to seize control over the heavens and lands upon earth, claiming all power for themselves and allowing none to the Lord. These doctrinal statements were later read to those present upon which they heard a voice from heaven declaring that, although they were unaware of it, these statements had been dictated from the deepest hell. To prove this a crowd of devils of the blackest and foulest appearance came up from that hell, and tore the statement away from them, not with their hands, but with their teeth, and carried it down to their hell. The ordinary people who witnessed this were thunderstruck.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.