Второзаконие 12:20



20 Когда распространитъ Господь, Богъ твой, предјлы твои, какъ Онъ говорилъ тебј, и ты скажешь: "појмъ я мяса," потому что душа твоя пожелаетъ јсть мяса: тогда, по желанію души твоей, јшь мясо.

Komentář k tomuto verši  

Napsal(a) Alexander Payne

Verse 20. When the Lord shall cause good and truth in the external man to increase, as He has promised you, and you shall think within yourself, I will acquire a new will proprium that is good, because your soul longs to do what is good, as it were from yourself, you may then acquire a proprium (or feeling as if your life came from yourself) in any way that is pleasing to the natural affections.