2. Královská 9:27



27 Ochoziáš pak král Judský uzřev to, utíkal cestou k domu zahradnímu. Ale honil ho Jéhu a řekl: I toho zabíte na voze jeho. Takž ho ranili, když vyjížděl k Guru, kteréž jest podlé Jibleam. I utekl do Mageddo a tam umřel.

Komentář k tomuto verši  

Napsal(a) Henry MacLagan

Verse 27. But the falsities derived from the corruption of thecelestial church, or those who arc in such falsities, seek safety in the love of external rituals, and in that state are exposed to the effects of Divine Truth, which effects are felt in a state of fear induced by phantasy culminating in the insanity of the love of dominion, which is vastation as to all good.