2. Královská 22:14



14 Tedy šli Helkiáš kněz a Achikam, a Achbor, a Safan a Asaia k Chuldě prorokyni, manželce Salluma, syna Tekue, syna Charchas, strážného nad rouchem; nebo bydlila v Jeruzalémě na druhé straně. A mluvili s ní.

Komentář k tomuto verši  

Napsal(a) Henry MacLagan

Verse 14. Wherefore such inquiry by the man of the church is made with all his powers: for he approaches the Word which is the union of truth with goodness in an external form derived from interior truth giving faith, and from interior good giving charity; and which covers those interior things and protects them; for the Word is a revelation in the church and is Divine Truth from Divine Good giving enlightenment.