

Gênesis 5



1 Este é o livro das gerações de Adão. No dia em que Deus criou o homem, à semelhança de Deus o fez.

2 Homem e mulher os criou; e os abençoou, e os chamou pelo nome de homem, no dia em que foram criados.

3 Adão viveu cento e trinta anos, e gerou um filho à sua semelhança, conforme a sua imagem, e pôs-lhe o nome de Sete.

4 E foram os dias de Adão, depois que gerou a Sete, oitocentos anos; e gerou filhos e filhas.

5 Todos os dias que Adão viveu foram novecentos e trinta anos; e morreu.

6 Sete viveu cento e cinco anos, e gerou a Enos.

7 Viveu Sete, depois que gerou a Enos, oitocentos e Sete anos; e gerou filhos e filhas.

8 Todos os dias de Sete foram novecentos e doze anos; e morreu.

9 Enos viveu noventa anos, e gerou a Quenã.

10 viveu Enos, depois que gerou a Quenã, oitocentos e quinze anos; e gerou filhos e filhas.

11 Todos os dias de Enos foram novecentos e cinco anos; e morreu.

12 Quenã viveu setenta anos, e gerou a Maalalel.

13 Viveu Quenã, depois que gerou a Maalalel, oitocentos e quarenta anos, e gerou filhos e filhas.

14 Todos os dias de Quenã foram novecentos e dez anos; e morreu.

15 Maalalel viveu sessenta e cinco anos, e gerou a Jarede.

16 Viveu Maalalel, depois que gerou a Jarede, oitocentos e trinta anos; e gerou filhos e filhas.

17 Todos os dias de Maalalel foram oitocentos e noventa e cinco anos; e morreu.

18 Jarede viveu cento e sessenta e dois anos, e gerou a Enoque.

19 Viveu Jarede, depois que gerou a Enoque, oitocentos anos; e gerou filhos e filhas.

20 Todos os dias de Jarede foram novecentos e sessenta e dois anos; e morreu.

21 Enoque viveu sessenta e cinco anos, e gerou a Matusalém.

22 Andou Enoque com Deus, depois que gerou a Matusalém, trezentos anos; e gerou filhos e filhas.

23 Todos os dias de Enoque foram trezentos e sessenta e cinco anos;

24 Enoque andou com Deus; e não apareceu mais, porquanto Deus o tomou.

25 Matusalém viveu cento e oitenta e sete anos, e gerou a Lameque.

26 Viveu Matusalém, depois que gerou a Lameque, setecentos e oitenta e dois anos; e gerou filhos e filhas.

27 Todos os dias de Matusalém foram novecentos e sessenta e nove anos; e morreu.

28 Lameque viveu cento e oitenta e dois anos, e gerou um filho,

29 a quem chamou Noé, dizendo: Este nos consolará acerca de nossas obras e do trabalho de nossas mãos, os quais provêm da terra que o Senhor amaldiçoou.

30 Viveu Lameque, depois que gerou a Noé, quinhentos e noventa e cinco anos; e gerou filhos e filhas.

31 Todos os dias de Lameque foram setecentos e setenta e sete anos; e morreu.

32 E era Noé da idade de quinhentos anos; e gerou Noé a Sem, Cão e Jafé.


Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


Spiritual Experiences #5999

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 6110  


I was admitted into a Library where was a great number of books. Those who were there, were not visible to me, but yet conversed with me. They said that there were there books of the Ancients, written by correspondences. In the interior of other libraries were books written by those who were of the Ancient Churches; and, still further in the interior, books for the Most Ancients, wherefrom the communion called Enoch had collected the correspondences which were afterwards of service to those who were in succeeding Churches; which are to be styled the Ancient Churches. There was a vast number who studied the books; and some of them become learned, many, intelligent, and others, wise. There appeared places, or repositories, more and more bright, for interior Libraries - but to me and to them, in a dimmer light, because we were incapable of penetrating those depths of wisdom which are there; and, besides, those who are in exteriors are not allowed to enter into the interior parts for various reasons. The places in these libraries were divided into many [repositories], according to the faculties of those who studied.

And there are also Libraries in the heavens elsewhere, but not public ones, as in that place. In the heavens, those who study also have a communication with those in those public libraries, and are instructed from thence in matters of doubt.

Also, at a distance to the left, are Libraries, likewise divided into repositories; and they are in great number, according to all the varieties of studies and hence of learning. Those who pursue theology, study their own doctrinals, but still are thence led to perceive the doctrinals in a different manner; for they are bent, by degrees, to truer conceptions. But the bulk of those there do not arrive at intelligence, but at learning, as also they themselves confessed.

At the side, are those who do not study in this way in order to become intelligent and wise by studies, but reflect from those things which they have imbibed through outward objects and sciences; and who, therefore, do not care to read books, like those who choose only books which serve the mere memory - such as dictionaries and summaries, which are for the memory alone. It is granted these to think and it is given them by the Lord to apprehend what things signify; and it is granted them to arrive at many conclusions which pertain to intelligence. The reason is, because they have not such a memory as the others have; but, for them, there is thought.

Those who were of the moderns were explored as to whether they can receive, and hence believe, that there are books and Libraries in the spiritual world; and scarcely one of the learned was able. It was stated that they had there, from the Ancients, very many things respecting correspondences, and explanations of the Word by means of the internal sense; and that the most ancient sages, there, were in the inmost rooms.

Yiya esigabeni / 6110  

Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem for the permission to use this translation.