

Jeremiás 48



1 Moáb felõl ezt mondja a Seregek Ura, az Izráel Istene: Jaj Nébónak, mert elpusztíttatott; megszégyenült, bevétetett Kirjátaim, Misgáb megszégyenült és elrémült.

2 Nincs már dicsõsége Moábnak Hesbonban, gonoszt gondoltak õ ellene, [mondván:] Jertek el és veszessük el õt, ne legyen nemzetség! Madmen te is elnémulsz, fegyver jár nyomodban!

3 Nagy kiáltás hallatszik Horonáimból: pusztulás és nagy romlás!

4 Elnyomorodott Moáb, kicsinyei sikoltva kiáltanak.

5 Mert a Luhit hágóján siralmat siralom ér, mert Horonáim lejtõin az ellenség hallatja vészkiáltását.

6 Fussatok, mentsétek meg lelketeket, és legyetek mint a hangafa a pusztában!

7 Mivelhogy a te bizodalmad marháidban és kincseidben volt, te is bevétetel, és Kámós fogságra megy papjaival, fejedelmeivel együtt.

8 És rátör a pusztító minden városra, egy város sem menekedik meg, és elvész a völgy, és feldúlatik a síkság, a mint megmondta az Úr.

9 Adjatok szárnyat Moábnak, hogy repülvén elrepülhessen, mert az õ városai elpusztulnak, és senki sem lakik azokban.

10 Átkozott, a ki az Úrnak dolgát csalárdul cselekszi, és átkozott, a ki fegyverét kiméli a vértõl!

11 Nyugodtan élt Moáb gyermekségétõl fogva, és pihent az õ seprejében, és edénybõl-edénybe nem öntötték és fogságra sem ment, azért maradt meg az íze rajta, és nem változott el az õ szaga.

12 De ímé eljõnek a napok, azt mondja az Úr, és rablókat bocsátok reá, a kik megrabolják õt, és megüresítsék edényeit, palaczkjait pedig összetörjék.

13 És megszégyenül Moáb Kámós miatt, a mint megszégyenült Izráel háza Béthel miatt, a melyben bizodalma volt.

14 Mimódon mondjátok: Hõsök vagyunk és vitéz férfiak a harczra?

15 Elpusztul Moáb, városai fellobbannak, válogatott ifjai pedig mészárszékre jutnak, azt mondja a király, a kinek neve Seregek Ura!

16 Közel van Moáb veszedelme, ihol jõ és igen siet az õ veszedelme!

17 Bánkódjatok miatta mindnyájan, a kik körülte vagytok, és mindnyájan, a kik ismeritek az õ nevét; mondjátok: Hogy eltört az erõs vesszõ, a dicsõ pálcza!

18 Szállj le a dicsõségbõl és ülj szomjan Dibonnak megmaradt leánya, mert a Moáb pusztítója feljött ellened, elrontja a te erõsségeidet.

19 Állj meg az úton, és nézz ide-oda Aroér lakosa, kérdezd meg a futót és a menekülõt, [és] ezt mondd: Mi történt?

20 Megszégyenült Moáb, mert megtört. Ordítsatok és kiáltsatok! Hirdessétek Arnonban, hogy elpusztíttatott Moáb!

21 Mert rájött az ítélet a sík földre; Hólonra, Jására és Mefátra.

22 És Dibonra, Nébóra és Beth-Diblátaimra.

23 És Kirjáthaimra, Beth-Gámulra és Beth-Meonra.

24 És Kirjátra, Boczrára és Moáb földének minden messze és közel való városaira.

25 Letöretett a Moáb szarva, és karja levágatott, azt mondja az Úr.

26 Részegítsétek le õt, mert hõsködött az Úr ellen, és heverjen Moáb az õ okádásában, és legyen csúfság õ is.

27 Vajjon nem csúfod volt-é néked az Izráel? Avagy a lopók között találtatott, hogy mikor szólottál felõle, kevélyen hánytad magadat?

28 Hagyjátok el a városokat, és lakjatok a kõsziklákban, Moáb lakosai, és legyetek mint a galamb, a mely az odu száján belõl rak fészket.

29 Hallottuk a Moáb kevélységét: igen kevély; az õ felfuvalkodását és kevélységét, kérkedését, és az õ szívének elbizakodottságát.

30 Én ismerem, azt mondja az Úr, az õ szertelenkedését, és az õ fecsegése nem igaz, és nem igaz a cselekedete sem.

31 Azért jajgatok Moábon, és az egész Moábért kiáltok, a Kir- Heres férfiaiért nyög [az én lelkem.]

32 Jobban siratlak téged, mint siratták Jaézert, a ki Sibmának szõlõje! A te hajtásaid túlhatoltak a tengeren, a Jaézer tengeréig értek; a te nyári gyümölcseidre és a te szüretedre pusztító rontott.

33 És eltünik az öröm és vígasság Kármelbõl és a Moáb földérõl, és a kádakból kifogyasztom a bort, nem sajtolnak örömzajjal; az éneklõ nem énekel.

34 Hesbon kiáltása miatt Elealéig [és] Jáhásig felhat az õ szavok; Soártól fogva Horonáimig [és] Eglath-Selisájjáig, mert a Nimrim vize is elapad.

35 És kifogyasztom Moábból, azt mondja az Úr, a ki a magaslaton áldozik és füstöt gerjeszt az õ isteneinek.

36 Ezért zokog a szívem Moábért, mint a síp, és zokog szívem a Kir-Héres férfiaiért, mint a síp, mivelhogy a kincsek elvesztek, a miket gyûjtött.

37 Mert minden fõ kopasz, és minden szakál elnyiratott, minden kézen metélések, és [minden] derékon gyászruha.

38 Moábnak minden házpadján és utczáján mindenütt siralom, mert összetörtem Moábot, mint az edényt, mely semmirekellõ, azt mondja az Úr.

39 Jajgatnak, [ezt mondván:] Hogy összezúzatott! Hogy fordult háttal Moáb, megszégyenülve! És csúffá lett Moáb, és rettentésére mindazoknak, a kik körülte vannak.

40 Mert ezt mondja az Úr: Ímé, mint a saskeselyû repül reá, és kiterjeszti Moábra szárnyait.

41 Bevétettek a városok, és az erõsségek elfoglaltattak, és a Moáb vitézeinek szíve olyan volt e napon, mint a vajudó asszonynak szíve.

42 És Moáb elpusztul, úgy hogy nem lesz nép [többé], mert az Úr ellen felemelkedett.

43 Félelem, verem és tõr [jõ] te ellened, Moáb lakosa, azt mondja az Úr.

44 A ki elfut a félelem elõl, a verembe esik, és a ki kijõ a verembõl, a tõrben fogatik meg, mert rábocsátom Moábra az õ megfenyítésének esztendejét, azt mondja az Úr.

45 A Hesbon árnyékában állanak meg a hatalom elõl futók; de tûz jõ ki Hesbonból és láng Szihonnak közepébõl, és elemészti Moábnak üstökét és a háborgó fiaknak koponyáját.

46 Jaj néked Moáb! Elveszett Kámósnak népe, mert fiaid fogságra vitettek, és leányaid is fogságra.

47 De visszahozom Moábot a fogságból sok idõ mulva, azt mondja az Úr. Eddig van Moáb ítélete.


Okususelwe Emisebenzini kaSwedenborg


De Verbo (The Word) #14

Funda lesi Sigaba

Yiya esigabeni / 26  

14. XIV. The Word in the heavens.

The Word exists in all the heavens, and it is read there as it is in the world, and sermons are based on it. For it is the Divine Truth which is the source of the angels' intelligence and wisdom. For without the Word no one knows anything about the Lord, love and faith, redemption, and all the other secrets of heavenly wisdom. In fact without the Word heaven would not exist, just as without the Word there would be no church in the world, so that there would be no linking with the Lord. I demonstrated above that natural theology is impossible without revelation, and in the Christian world without the Word. If it is not granted in the world, neither would it be granted after death. For the nature of a person's religious belief in the world dictates its nature after death, when he becomes a spirit. The whole of heaven is not made up of angels created before the world or at the same time as it, but of those who were people on earth, and were then angels inwardly. By means of the Word these in heaven acquire spiritual, that is, inner wisdom, because the Word there is spiritual.

[2] The Word in the Lord's spiritual kingdom is not the same as the Word in the world. In the world there is the natural Word, but in that kingdom there is a spiritual Word. The difference is like that between its natural and spiritual senses. The nature of the spiritual sense has been demonstrated at length in my Arcana Caelestia, where the whole contents of Genesis and Exodus have been explained in accordance with that sense. The difference is such that no word is the same. Things take the place of names, and likewise of numbers; the histories are replaced by matters concerning the church. The surprising thing is that, when an angel reads it, he is unaware that it is not the same as what he read in the Word while in the world. This is because he no longer has any natural ideas, since they are replaced with spiritual ones; and the natural and the spiritual are linked by correspondences into a kind of unity.

So when someone passes from the natural into the spiritual, it seems to him as if they were the same. In fact an angel does not know that he is wiser than he was in the world, though his wisdom is really so superior as to be comparatively indescribable. He is unable to recognise the difference, because in his spiritual state he knows nothing of the natural state, which he had in the world; and he is unable to compare and differentiate them, because he cannot return to his former state so as to make a comparison. Still an angel in heaven is constantly being brought to a higher degree of perfection in wisdom than he had in the world, because his affection for spiritual truth is purer. 1

[3] However, the Word in the Lord's celestial kingdom is far superior and wiser than the Word in His spiritual kingdom. The difference is of the same kind as that which distinguishes the natural Word in the world from the spiritual Word, as has been stated. For that Word contains an inmost sense, called celestial, which in all its details refers to nothing but the Lord. In this Word the Lord is read in place of Jehovah, and of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and also the Lord is named in place of David, Moses, Elijah and the rest of the Prophets; and His divinity is distinguished by special marks. The names of the twelve tribes of Israel, and also the names of the Apostles, when read there, convey something about the Lord as regards the church; and so with all the rest. From this it became plain to me that the whole of the Sacred Scripture deals in its inmost sense with nothing but the Lord.

The difference which distinguishes the two Words, the spiritual and the celestial, is like that between thoughts, the province of the intellect, and affections, the province of the will. For the angels of the celestial kingdom are guided by love to the Lord and so affection for good; the angels of the spiritual kingdom are guided by faith in the Lord and so by perception of truth.

[4] Another difference between the celestial and spiritual Words is their script. The script of the spiritual Word is made up of letters resembling the printed letters of our world; but each letter has a meaning. If therefore you were to see that script, you would not understand a single word. For one letter succeeds another without a break, with dashes and dots above and below, since it is in accordance with spiritual speech, which has nothing in common with natural speech. The wiser angels are, the more they see of the inner secrets of their Word so written, more so than the simpler angels. What is stored there is plainly visible to the eyes of the wise, but not to the eyes of the simple. It is similar to what happens with our Word, but to a greater degree; here too the wise see more than the simple.

The script of the celestial Word, however, is made up of letters not known in the world. They are indeed alphabetical, but each one of them is composed of curved lines with serifs above and below, and there are small marks or dots in the letters, and also above and below them. I was told that the most ancient people on this earth had such a script. Some details agree with the Hebrew script, but not much. Such a script expresses the affections which make up a love; so it contains more secrets than they themselves can ever utter. They express these unutterable secrets which they perceive from their Word by means of representations. The wisdom hidden away in this Word surpasses the wisdom in the spiritual Word as a thousand does one.

[5] To make the difference between the three Words, the natural, the spiritual and the celestial, intelligible, let us take as an example the first chapters of Genesis, which deal with Adam, his wife and the Garden. 2 In the natural Word which we have in this world there is a description of the creation of the world, the first creation of man, and the earthly pleasures and delights of man and the world. By the persons named following him up to the Flood are meant his descendants, and the numbers mean their ages. But in the spiritual Word the angels of the spiritual kingdom have, this is not what is meant. The first chapter is a description of the reform and regeneration of the people of the most ancient church; this too is called a new creation. The second chapter describes as the Garden the intelligence of the people of that church; Adam and his wife stand for the church itself, and their descendants down to the Flood describe the changes in the state of that church, up to the time when it came to an end and was finally destroyed by the Flood.

But in the celestial Word possessed by the angels of the Lord's celestial kingdom, the first chapter describes the glorification of the Lord's Human; the Garden describes his Divine wisdom. Adam himself is understood to mean the Lord as regards the Divine itself and at the same time the Divine Human. His wife stands for the church, which since it has life from the Lord is called Eve from [the Hebrew word for] life. Adam says of her that she was to be his bone and his flesh, and [they should be] one flesh, because the church comes from the Lord, and is out of Him and with Him as if one. The names of the descendants of Adam describe the successive states by which the Lord was received by the people of that church and linked with them, until there was nothing at all received and so no linking.

[6] So when the first chapters in our Word are read by upright people, especially by boys and girls, and they feel joy at the state when everything was created and at the Garden, then these meanings are unfolded, and the spiritual angels understand them in accordance with their Word, and the celestial angels in accordance with theirs, without being aware that a person or a child is reading it. These meanings are unfolded in their due sequence because they correspond, and correspondences are from creation like this. This makes it plain what the Word is like in its depths, that is, it has three senses. The last is the natural one for men on earth; this deals mainly with worldly matters and where it deals with Divine matters, they are still described by the kind of things which the world contains. The middle sense is the spiritual one, which describes the kind of things which belong to the church. The inmost sense is the celestial one, which contains the kind of things which belong to the Lord. For the whole of nature is a theatre representing the Lord's kingdom; and the Lord's kingdom, heaven and the church, is a theatre representing the Lord Himself. For just as the Lord glorified His Human, so too He regenerates a person; and as He regenerates a person, so too did He create him.

[7] These facts may establish what the Word is like in its depths. The natural Word as possessed by the Christian part of the world contains within itself a spiritual and a celestial Word. For the spiritual sense of our Word is the Word in the heavens which make up the Lord's spiritual kingdom; and the celestial sense of our Word, its inmost sense, is the Word in the heavens which make up the Lord's celestial kingdom. Our Word therefore contains both the spiritual and the celestial Words; but the spiritual Word and the celestial Word do not contain the natural Word. The Word of our world is therefore the one most full of Divine wisdom, and consequently more holy than the Word of the heavens.

Imibhalo yaphansi:

1. Reading veri spiritualis for veri spirituali. -Translator

2. i.e. the Garden of Eden. -Translator

Yiya esigabeni / 26  

Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.