

撒母耳記上 28



1 那時,非利士人聚集軍旅,要與以色列人打仗。亞吉對大衛:你當知道,你和跟隨你的人都要隨我出戰。

2 大衛對亞吉僕人所能做的事,王必知道。亞吉對大衛:這樣,我立你永遠作我的護衛長。

3 那時撒母耳已經死了以色列眾人為他哀哭,葬他在拉瑪,就是在他本城裡。掃羅曾在國內不容有交鬼的和行巫術的人。

4 非利士人聚集,到書念安營;掃羅聚集以色列眾人在基利波安營。

5 掃羅見非利士的軍旅就懼中發顫。

6 掃羅求問耶和華耶和華卻不藉夢,或烏陵,或先知回答他。

7 掃羅吩咐臣僕:當為我找一個交鬼的婦人,我好去問他。臣僕:在隱多珥有一個交鬼的婦人。

8 於是掃羅改了裝,穿上別的衣服著兩個人,夜裡去見那婦人。掃羅:求你用交鬼的法術,將我所告訴你的死人,為我招上

9 婦人對他:你知道掃羅從國中剪除交鬼的和行巫術的。你為何陷害我的性命,使我呢?

10 掃羅向婦人指著耶和華起誓說:我指著永生的耶和華起誓,你必不因這事受刑。

11 婦人:我為你招誰上來呢?回答:為我招撒母耳上來。

12 婦人見撒母耳,就聲呼叫,對掃羅:你是掃羅,為甚麼欺哄我呢?

13 王對婦人:不要懼,你見了甚麼呢?婦人對掃羅:我見有裡上來。

14 掃羅:他是怎樣的形狀?婦:有一個老上來,身穿長衣。掃羅知道是撒母耳,就屈身,臉伏於下拜。

15 撒母耳對掃羅:你為甚麼攪擾我,招我上來呢?掃羅回答:我甚窘急;因為非利士人攻擊我,也離開我,不再藉先知或夢回答我。因此請你上來,好指示我應當怎樣行。

16 撒母耳耶和華已經離開你,且與你為敵,你何必問我呢?

17 耶和華照他藉我的話,已經從你裡奪去國權,賜與別人,就是大衛

18 因你沒有耶和華的命令;他惱怒亞瑪力人,你沒有滅絕他們,所以今日耶和華向你這樣行,

19 並且耶和華必將你和以色列人交在非利士人裡。明日你和你眾子必與我在一處了;耶和華必將以色列的軍兵交在非利士人裡。

20 掃羅猛然仆倒,挺身在,因撒母耳的甚是懼;那一晝一夜沒有甚麼,就毫無氣力。

21 婦人到掃羅面前,見他極其驚恐,對他:婢女聽從你的,不顧惜自己的性命,遵從你所吩咐的。

22 現在求你婢女的話,容我在你面前擺上一點食物,你吃了,可以有氣力行

23 掃羅不肯,:我不。但他的僕人和婦人再三勸他,他才了他們的話,從起來在床上。

24 婦人急忙將家裡的一隻肥犢宰了,又拿麵摶成無酵了,

25 擺在掃羅和他僕人面前。他們完,當夜就起身走了。






The Philistines play a large role in the Bible as one of the longest-standing and most bitter rivals of the people of Israel, clashing with them in repeated wars. The Philistines were a remnant of the Ancient Church, or church of Noah, but had turned the deep wisdom of that church into a worship that focused solely on knowledge of religious ideas and the details of ritual, with no concept of putting religious ideas to work in living a good life. People would be esteemed for their knowledge, no matter how evil they might be in their lives. This was a particularly attractive trap for the people of Israel, who lived in a state of obedience to a long list of spiritually meaningful rules. It was easy for them to forget about the “obedience” part and focus instead on the “rules” part, which made them akin to the Philistines. This is also a threat to us in our own lives. We need to remember that simply knowing a lot and believing the right things will not make us good people -- we have to use that knowledge to treat other people in a loving, caring way.

In 1 Samuel 5,6, this signifies people in faith separated from charity. (Divine Providence 326[12])

In Jeremiah 47:2, 3, this represents people who hold false ideas, and reason about spiritual things from them. (Arcana Coelestia 705) Philistia signifies this religion. (Arcana Coelestia 727)