

民数记 6



1 耶和华摩西

2 你晓谕以色列人:无论女许了特别的愿,就是拿细耳的愿(拿细耳就是归主的意思;下同),要离俗归耶和华

3 他就要远离清酒浓酒,也不可甚麽清酒浓酒做的醋;不可甚麽葡萄汁,也不可鲜葡萄和乾葡萄。

4 在一切离俗的日子,凡葡萄树上结的,自核至皮所做的物,都不可

5 在他一切许愿离俗的日子,不可用剃刀剃,要由发绺长长了。他要圣洁,直到离俗归耶和华的日子满了。

6 在他离俗归耶和华的一切日子,不可挨近尸。

7 他的父母或是弟兄姊妹死了的时候,他不可因他们使自己不洁净,因为那离俗归的凭据是在他上。

8 在他一切离俗的日子是归耶和华为圣。

9 若在他旁边忽然有人死了,以至沾染了他离俗的,他要在第七日,得洁净的时候,剃

10 第八日,他要把两只斑鸠或两只雏鸽会幕口,交给祭司。

11 祭司要献只作赎祭,只作燔祭,为他赎那因死尸而有的,并要当日使他的成为洁。

12 他要另选离俗归耶和华的日子,又要牵一只一岁的公羊羔来作赎愆祭;但先前的日子要归徒然,因为他在离俗之间被玷污了。

13 拿细耳人满了离俗的日子乃有这条例:人要领他到会幕口,

14 他要将供物奉给耶和华,就是只没有残疾、岁的公羊羔作燔祭,只没有残疾、岁的母羔作赎祭,和只没有残疾的公绵作平安祭,

15 并一筐子无酵的细面饼,与抹无酵薄饼,并同献的素祭和奠祭。

16 祭司要在耶和华面前献那人的赎祭和燔祭;

17 也要把那只公和那筐无酵饼献给耶和华作平安祭,又要将同献的素祭和奠祭献上。

18 拿细耳人要在会幕口剃离俗的,把离俗上的发放在平安祭上。

19 他剃了以,祭司就要取那已煮的公条前腿,又从筐子里取无酵饼和无酵薄饼,都放在他手上。

20 祭司要拿这些作为摇祭,在耶和华面前摇一摇;这与所摇的胸、所举的腿同为物,归给祭司。然拿细耳人可以喝酒

21 许愿的拿细耳人为离俗所献的供物,和他以外所能得的献给耶和华,就有这条例。他怎样许愿就当照离俗的条例行。

22 耶和华晓谕摩西

23 告诉亚伦和他儿子:你们要这样为以色列人祝福

24 耶和华赐福给你,保护你。

25 耶和华使他的脸光你,赐恩给你。

26 耶和华向你仰脸,赐你平安。

27 他们要如此奉我的名为以色列人祝福;我也要赐福给他们。





Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph, by Januarius Zick

Ephraim was the second son born to Joseph in Egypt and was, along with his older brother Manasseh, elevated by Jacob to the same status as Joseph’s brothers. Thus when the tribes of Israel are named, Ephraim and Manasseh are named as patriarchs along with their uncles – Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun and Benjamin -- but Joseph is not. According to Swedenborg, Ephraim represents the intellectual aspect of the church, the part that explores and understands what is true – especially the true ideas that can be drawn from the Bible. Manasseh, meanwhile, represents the affectional aspect of the church, the part that feels and loves and cares. This plays into the best-known story of Ephraim’s life. When Jacob was old and nearing death, Joseph brought his two sons to be blessed. He presented Manasseh to Jacob’s right hand as the elder, and Ephraim to Jacob’s left hand. But Jacob crossed his hands and gave Ephraim the primary blessing. According to Swedenborg, Manasseh was the elder son because ultimately, what we love makes us who we are; our loves form our lives. So our loves are the most central, leading aspect of our human existence, with our intellect playing a secondary role. But as we develop, we need to reverse those. We can use our intellect to understand what is good and right and force ourselves to do it, even when our desires are for what’s selfish. If we stick to that out of a determination to follow the Lord and be good people, the Lord will eventually remove the selfishness from our hearts so we can truly love what is good. By having Jacob bless Ephraim above Manasseh, the Lord is telling us that we have to put our intellect first to pursue our spiritual journey.