




1 Lại có lời Ðức Giê-hô-va phán cùng ta như vầy:

2 Hỡi con người, hãy làm cho Giê-ru-sa-lem biết những sự gớm ghiếc của nó.

3 Ngươi khá nói rằng: Chúa Giê-hô-va phán cùng Giê-ru-sa-lem như vầy: Bởi cội rễ và sự sanh ra của mầy ở đất Ca-na-an; cha mầy là người A-mô-rít, mẹ là người Hê-tít.

4 Về sự mầy sanh ra, trong ngày mầy mới đẻ, rún mầy chưa cắt, chưa rửa mầy trong nước cho được thanh sạch, chưa xát bằng muối, chưa bọc bằng khăn.

5 Chẳng có mắt nào thương mầy, đặng làm một việc trong những việc đó cho mầy vì lòng thương xót mầy; song mầy đã bị quăng giữa đồng trống trong ngày mầy sanh ra, vì người ta gớm mầy.

6 Khi ta qua gần mầy, thấy mầy tắm trong máu mình, ta phán cùng mầy rằng: Dầu ở giữa máu mầy, hãy sống! Thật, ta phán cùng mầy rằng: Dầu ở giữa máu mầy, hãy sống!

7 Ta đã làm cho mầy thêm nhiều ra, như vật đồng ruộng mọc lên. Mầy đã nẩy nở, lớn lên, và trở nên đẹp đẽ lắm. Vú mầy dậy lên, tóc mầy dài ra, nhưng hãi còn ở lỗ và trần truồng.

8 Khi ta qua gần mầy, và nhìn mầy, nầy, tuṀ•i mầy nầy, mầy €‘ã đến tuổi yêu mến. Ta lấy áo ngoài ta trùm trên mầy, che sự trần truồng mầy. Phải, ta thề cùng mầy và kết giao ước với mầy, thì mầy trở nên của ta, Chúa Giê-hô-va phán vậy.

9 Ta rửa mầy trong nước, làm cho sạch máu vấy mình mầy, và xức dầu cho.

10 Ta mặc áo thêu cho mầy, cho mầy mang giày sắc lam, thắt lưng mầy bằng vải gai mịn, đắp cho mầy bằng hàng lụa.

11 Ta lấy đồ trang sức giồi cho mầy, xỏ vòng vào tay, mang kiềng vào cỡ,

12 tra khoen nơi mũi, đeo hoa vào tai, và đội mão đẹp trên đầu mầy.

13 Như vầy, mầy được trang sức bằng vàng bằng bạc; áo xống của mầy bằng vải gai mịn, bằng hàng lụa, bằng đồ thêu; mầy nuôi mình bằng bột mì lọc, bằng mật ong và bằng dầu. Mầy đã trở nên cực đẹp, và thạnh vượng đến nỗi được ngôi hoàng hậu.

14 Danh tiếng mầy lừng lẫy trong các nước bởi sắc đẹp mầy; vì sự đẹp là toàn vẹn bởi oai nghi của ta mà ta đã đặt trên mầy, Chúa Giê-hô-va phán vậy.

15 Nhưng mầy cậy sắc đẹp mình; cậy danh tiếng mình mà buông sự dâm dục, hành dâm cùng mọi kẻ trải qua, phó mình mầy cho nó.

16 Mầy dùng áo xống mình, trang sức nhiều mùi, và làm sự dâm loạn tại đó; đều ấy sẽ chẳng đến, cũng sẽ chẳng có bao giờ.

17 Mầy cũng đã lấy những đồ trang sức trọng thể, làm bằng vàngbạc mà ta đã ban cho mầy; mầy dùng làm hình người nam, rồi hành dâm với nó.

18 Mầy lấy áo xống thêu của minh mà đắp cho chúng nó, lấy dầu và hương của ta bày ra trước mặt chúng nó.

19 Bánh mà ta đã ban cho mầy, bột mì lọc, dầu, và mật ong mà ta cho mầy ăn, thì mầy đem mà bày ra hết trước mặt chúng nó, để làm mùi thơm tho. Thật, có sự ấy, Chúa Giê-hô-va phán vậy.

20 Mầy đã bắt những con trai con gái mà mầy đã sanh ra cho ta, đem dâng cho chúng nó đặng nuốt đi. Những sự dâm ô đó há phải là nhỏ mọn sao?

21 Mầy đã giết con cái ta, và đã đưa qua trên lửa mà nộp cho chúng nó.

22 Giữa mọi sự gớm ghiếc và sự tà dâm mầy, mầy không nhớ lúc còn thơ trẻ, khi mầy hãi còn ở lỗ, truồng trần hết cả, tắm trong máu mình.

23 Chúa Giê-hô-va phán: Khốn nạn, khốn nạn cho mầy! sau khi mầy làm mọi sự dự ấy,

24 lại xây vòng khung cho mình, dựng nơi cao cho mình trên mọi đường phố.

25 Nơi lối vào các đường phố, mầy xây nơi cao mình, và đã làm cho sự đẹp đẽ mầy nên gớm ghiếc, mầy đã nộp mình cho mọi người đi qua, và thêm nhiều sự tà dâm mầy.

26 Mầy đã hành dâm với những người Ê-díp-tô, là người lân cận mầy có thân thể mạnh mẽ, mầy đã thêm nhiều sự tà dâm đặng chọc giận ta.

27 Vậy, ta đã giang tay ta trên mầy; bớt phần đã chỉ định cho mầy, và phó mầy cho ý muốn của kẻ ghét mầy, tức các con gái Phi-li-tin, chúng nó đã mắc cỡ về sự hành dâm của mầy.

28 Mầy cũng đã hành dâm cùng những người A-si-ri, vì mầy không no chán. Sau khi đã phạm tội tà dâm với chúng nó, mầy còn chưa no chán.

29 Vả, mầy đã thêm nhiều sự dâm dục với đất Ca-na-an cho đến Canh-đê, thế mà mầy cũng chưa no chán!

30 Chúa Giê-hô-va phán: Ôi! lòng mầy luốt lát là dường nào, mầy phạm mọi việc đó, là việc của đờn bà tà dâm không biết xấu.

31 Khi mầy xây vòng khung mình nơi lối vào mỗi đường, dựng nơi cao trên mỗi đường phố, mầy không giống như đứa điếm đĩ, bởi mầy khinh tiền công;

32 mầy là đờn bà ngoại tình, tiếp người lạ thay vì chồng mình.

33 Hễ là đứa điếm đĩ thì được tiền công; nhưng mầy thì dâng lễ vật cho hết thảy tình nhơn mầy; mầy đã hối lộ cho chúng, để chúng đến tư bề mà hành dâm với mầy.

34 Mầy đã làm trái với đờn bà khác trong sự tà dâm mầy, vì người ta không tìm mầy; và mầy trả tiền công, còn người ta không cho mầy chi hết. Ấy là mầy trái với những kẻ khác!

35 Vậy nên, hỡi kẻ điếm đĩ, hãy nghe lời của Ðức Giê-hô-va.

36 Chúa Giê-hô-va phán như vầy: Vì cớ mầy đã đổ ra sự ô uế, tỏ ra sự trần truồng bởi sự hành dâm với tình nhơn mầy; và vì cớ mọi thần tượng gớm ghiếc của mầy, cũng vì cớ máu con cái mầy đã dâng cho chúng nó,

37 cho nên, nầy, ta sẽ nhóm hết thảy tình nhơn mầy, tức những kẻ mầy ưa thích, mọi kẻ mầy yêu, mọi kẻ mầy ghét; ta sẽ nhóm chúng nó từ mọi bề đến nghịch cùng mầy; ta sẽ lột truồng mầy cho chúng nó, chúng nó sẽ thấy hết.

38 Ta sẽ đoán phạt mầy như đoán phạt đờn bà bội chồng và làm đổ máu; ta sẽ lấy máu của sự giận dữ và ghen tương mà đổ trên mầy.

39 Ta cũng sẽ phó mầy vào tay chúng nó: chúng nó sẽ phá vòng khung và đổ các nơi cao của mầy; lột áo xống mầy, để mầy ở lỗ và truồng trần.

40 Chúng nó sẽ khiến một lũ người lên nghịch cùng mầy, ném đá mầy và đâm mầy bằng gươm.

41 Chúng nó sẽ lấy lửa đốt nhà mầy, đoán xét mầy trước mắt nhiều đờn bà; ta sẽ làm cho mầy hết hành dâm và mầy cũng không cho tiền công nữa.

42 Vậy thì cơn giận ta sẽ dứt, sự ghen tương ta lìa khỏi mầy, và ta yên lặng, không giận nữa.

43 Vì mầy không nhớ lúc mình còn thơ bé, và đã nóng giận nghịch cùng ta trong mọi việc; cho nên, nầy, ta cũng sẽ làm cho đường lối mầy lại đổ trên đầu mầy, Chúa Giê-hô-va phán vậy; mầy sẽ không thêm sự hành dâm nầy vào mọi sự gớm ghiếc mầy nữa.

44 Phàm người hay dùng tục ngữ, sẽ lấy câu tục ngữ nầy mà nói về mầy: Mẹ thế nào, con gái thế ấy!

45 Mầy là con gái của mẹ mầy, mẹ mầy đã chán bỏ chồng con mình; mầy là em các chị mầy, các chị mầy đã chán bỏ chồng con mình; mẹ mầy là người Hê-tít, và cha mầy là người A-mô-rít.

46 Chị mầy là Sa-ma-ri cũng các con gái nó, ở bên tả mầy; em mầy là Sô-đôm cùng các con gái nó, ở bên hữu mầy.

47 Còn mầy không bước đi trong đường chúng nó, và không phạm những sự gớm ghiếc giống nhau; mầy cho điều đó là nhỏ mọn, nhưng mầy đã tự làm ra xấu hơn chúng nó trong mọi đường lối mầy nữa.

48 Chúa Giê-hô-va phán: Thật như ta hằng sống, Sô-đôm, em mầy, chính mình nó và con gái nó chưa từng làm sự mầy và con gái mầy đã làm.

49 Nầy, đây là sự gian ác của em gái mầy là Sô-đôm và các con gái nó: ở kiêu ngạo, ăn bánh no nê, và ở nể cách sung sướng; nó lại không bổ sức cho tay kẻ nghèo nàn và thiếu thốn.

50 Chúng nó đã trở nên cao ngạo, phạm những sự gớm ghiếc trước mặt ta; nên ta đã trừ chúng nó đi, vừa khi ta thấy mọi điều đó.

51 Sa-ma-ri chưa phạm đến phân nửa tội mà mầy đã phạm; mầy đã thêm nhiều sự gớm ghiếc hơn nó, và bởi những sự gớm ghiếc mầy đã phạm, thì chị em mầy con được kể là công bình.

52 Mầy xét đoán chị em mầy, ấy là mầy chuốc lấy sự xấu hổ mình. Vì cớ tội lỗi mầy còn là đáng gớm hơn chúng nó, thì chúng nó là công bình hơn mầy. Vậy, mầy cũng hãy mang nhơ chịu hổ, vì mầy đã làm cho chị em mầy được kể là công bình!

53 Ta sẽ đem những phu tù của Sô-đôm và các con gái nó trở về, đem những phu tù của Sa-ma-ri và các con gái nó trở về, cũng đem các phu tù của mầy ở giữa chúng nó trở về nữa;

54 để mầy mang nhuốc mình, và chịu hổ về mọi điều mầy đã làm, vì đã làm cho chúng nó được yên ủi.

55 Chị em mầy, Sô-đôm và con gái nó, sẽ trở lại như khi xưa. Sa-ma-ri cùng con gái nó cũng trở lại như khi xưa. Mầy cùng con gái mầy cũng sẽ trở lại như khi xưa.

56 Trong ngày mầy kiêu ngạo, miệng mầy chẳng nhắc đến tên Sô-đôm, em mầy;

57 lúc đó sự dự của mầy chưa lộ ra, mầy còn chưa bị những lời nhiếc móc của con gái Sy-ri và hết thảy các xứ lân cận, của các con gái Phi-li-tin nó khinh dể mầy tư bề.

58 Mầy đã mang lấy sự hành dâm và sự gớm ghiếc của mầy, Ðức Giê-hô-va phán vậy.

59 Vì Chúa Giê-hô-va phán như vầy: Mầy đã khinh dể lời thề mà dứt bỏ giao ước ta, ta sẽ đối đãi mầy như mầy đã làm.

60 Dầu vậy, ta sẽ nhớ lại giao ước ta đã lập với mầy đương ngày mầy thơ bé, ta vì mầy sẽ lập một giao ước đời đời.

61 Khi mầy sẽ nhận lấy những chị em mầy, mầy sẽ nhớ lại đường lối mình mà hổ thẹn; bấy giờ ta sẽ trao chúng nó cho mầy làm con gái, nhưng không cứ theo giao ước mầy.

62 Ta sẽ lập giao ước ta với mầy, mầy sẽ biết ta là Ðức Giê-hô-va;

63 hầu cho mầy được nhớ lại và hổ ngươi; vì chớ sự xấu hổ mầy, mầy chẳng còn mở miệng nữa, khi ta đã tha thứ mọi điều mầy đã làm, Chúa Giê-hô-va phán vậy.




Arcana Coelestia#5954



5954. 'And to them all he gave each one changes of garments' means truths brought in touch with good. This is clear from the meaning of 'garments' as truths, dealt with below, so that 'changes of garments' are truths that are new, and truths are made new when they are brought in touch with good, for then they receive life. The subject is the joining of the natural man to the spiritual, or the external man to the internal. When the joining together is effected the truths undergo change and are made new since they receive life from the good that flows into them, see just above in 5951. 'Changing one's garments' was representative of the need to put on holy truths, and this is also the origin of 'changes of garments', see 4545.

[2] The reason why in the Word truths are meant by 'garments' is that truths clothe good in almost the same way as blood vessels contain blood or fibres contain spirit. 'A garment' also has truth as its meaning because spirits, and angels too, are seen wearing garments; and each spirit or angel is attired in a way that accords with the truths that reside with him. Those seen wearing white garments are spirits or angels whose truths of faith act as paths to good, whereas those seen wearing brightly shining garments are ones whose truths of faith radiate from good. For it is good radiated through truth that produces the shining brightness, see 5248.

[3] The wearing of garments by spirits and angels is also evident from the Word where mention is made of angels that have been seen, as in Matthew,

The appearance of the angel sitting at the Lord's tomb was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. Matthew 28:3.

In John,

On the thrones I saw twenty-four elders seated, clad in white garments. Revelation 4:4.

In the same book,

He who sat on the white horse was clothed in a garment dyed with blood, and His name is called the Word of God. His armies in heaven were following Him on white horses, clothed in linen, white and clean. Revelation 19:11, 13-14.

'Garments white as snow' and 'white linen' mean holy truths, for whiteness' and 'brightness' have reference to truths, 3301, 3993, 4007, 5319, for the reason that they are very nearly as bright as light, and the light which radiates from the Lord is Divine Truth. This explains why, when the Lord was transfigured, His garments looked like the light, as described in Matthew,

When Jesus was transfigured His face shone like the sun, and His garments became like the light. Matthew 17:2.

It is well known in the Church that 'the light' is Divine Truth; but its comparison to a garment is clear in David,

Jehovah covers Himself with light, as if with a garment. Psalms 104:2.

[4] The fact that 'garments' are truths is evident from many places in the Word, as in Matthew,

When the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man (homo) who was not wearing a wedding garment. And he said to him, Friend, how did you come in here not having a wedding garment? Therefore he was cast out into outer darkness. Matthew 22:11-13.

Who exactly are meant by the one 'not wearing a wedding garment', see 2132. In Isaiah,

Awake, awake, put on your strength, O Zion, put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; for no more may there come in to you the uncircumcised and the unclean. Isaiah 52:1.

'Beautiful garments' stands for truths that spring from good.

[5] In Ezekiel,

I clothed you with embroidered cloth, and shed you with badger, and I swathed you in fine linen and covered you with silk. Your garments were fine linen, and silk, and embroidered cloth You ate fine flour, honey, and oil. Ezekiel 16:10, 13.

This refers to Jerusalem, by which is meant at this point the spiritual Ancient Church, which was established by the Lord after the celestial Most Ancient Church breathed its last. The truths bestowed on that Church are described as 'garments'. 'Embroidered cloth' is factual knowledge. When such knowledge is genuine it also manifests itself in the next life as embroidered cloth and as lace, as I have also been allowed to see. 'Fine linen' and 'silk' are truths springing from good; but in heaven those fabrics are utterly bright and transparent because they are in the light there.

[6] In the same prophet,

Fine linen with embroidered work from Egypt was your sail, and violet and purple from the islands of Elishah was your covering. Ezekiel 27:7.

This refers to Tyre, by which the cognitions of truth and good are represented, 1201. When genuine ones, these are 'fine linen with embroidered work from Egypt'. Resulting good, which is the good of truth, is meant by 'violet' and 'purple'.

[7] In David,

All glorious is the king's daughter, in her clothing with gold interweavings; in embroidered robes she will be led to the king. Psalms 45:13-14.

'The king's daughter' stands for the affection for truth. 'Her clothing with gold interweavings' stands for truths that have good within them. 'Embroidered robes' stands for the lowest truths. In John,

You have a few names in Sardis, who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with Me in white ones, for they are worthy. He who conquers will be clad in white garments. Revelation 3:4-5.

'Not soiling one's garments' stands for not defiling truths with falsities.

[8] In the same book,

Blessed is he who is awake and keeps his garments, so that he may not walk naked, and men see his shame. Revelation 16:15.

'Garments' in a similar way stands for truths. Truths of faith drawn from the Word are what are meant, strictly speaking, by 'garments'. Anyone who has not acquired those truths from there - or who has not, as gentiles do, acquired truths or something like them from the religion to which he belongs - and applied them to life, is not in touch with good, no matter how much he may think that he is. For having no truths from the Word or from what his religion teaches he allows himself to be led by reasonings received as much from evil spirits as from good ones, and cannot thus be given protection by the angels. This is what is meant by being awake and keeping one's garments, so that one may not walk naked and men see one's shame.

[9] In Zechariah,

Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and so stood before the angel, who said to those standing before him, Remove the filthy garments from upon 1 him. But he said to him, See, I have caused your iniquity to pass away from you, by putting on you a change of garments. Zechariah 3:3-4.

'Filthy garments' stands for truths defiled by falsities deriving from evil. Once these were removed therefore and others were put on, the words 'See, I have caused your iniquity to pass away from you' are used. But anyone can recognize that iniquity does not pass away through a changing of garments, from which anyone may also deduce that a changing of garments was a representative act, as was also the washing of garments, which was commanded when people were purified, for example when they drew near Mount Sinai, Exodus 19:14, or when they were cleansed from impurities, Leviticus 11:25, 40; 14:8-9; Numbers 8:6-7; 19:21; 31:19-24.

[10] Cleansings from impurities are effected by means of the truths of faith since they teach what good is, what charity is, what the neighbour is, and what faith is. They also teach the existence of the Lord, heaven, and eternal life. Without truths to teach them people have no knowledge of these things or even of their existence. Who left to himself knows other than this, that the good which goes with self-love and love of the world is the only kind of good in a person? For both constitute the delight of his life. Can anyone know except from the truths of faith about the existence of another kind of good that can be imparted to a person, namely the good of love to God or the good of charity towards the neighbour? Can anyone know that those kinds of good have heavenly life within them, or that those kinds of good flow in from the Lord by way of heaven in the measure that the person ceases to love himself more than others and the world more than heaven? From all this it becomes clear that the purification which was represented by the washing of garments is effected by means of the truths of faith.


1. The Latin means before but the Hebrew means upon, which Swedenborg has in another place where he quotes this verse.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#3993



3993. 'Removing from it every speckled and spotted member of the flock' means that everything good and true that is meant by 'Laban' and which - when mingled with evil, meant by 'speckled', or mingled with falsity, meant by 'spotted' - will be separated. This is clear from the meaning of 'removing' as separating, and from the meaning of 'member of the flock', in this case she-goats and lambs, as goods and truths, dealt with in 1824, 3519. The fact that these details and those that follow in this chapter hold arcana within them may be recognized from the consideration that for the most part they would not be worth mentioning in the Divine Word if they did not include any deeper arcana than those to be seen in the letter, such as the following: For his wages Jacob asked for the speckled and the spotted among the she-goats and for the black among the lambs; and after this, in the runners he placed rods - which he had peeled down to the white and which were of hazel and of plane - in front of Laban's flocks when these came on heat, and in the case of the lambs he set the faces of the flock towards the variegated and the black in Laban's flock, thereby making himself rich not by the use of a good skill but of an evil one. These details do not seem to hold anything Divine within them, and yet the Word is Divine in every single part, even to the smallest part of a letter. And what is more, knowing all these details does not contribute one tiny bit to a person's salvation, yet being Divine the Word does not contain within itself anything else than such things as lead to salvation and eternal life.

[2] From these details and others like them elsewhere anyone may come to the conclusion that some arcanum is concealed within them, and that although in the literal sense they are the kind of facts that are not worth mentioning, those details - every single one - are pregnant with ideas much more Divine. But what exactly these ideas may be cannot possibly be seen by anyone except from the internal sense, that is, unless he knows the way in which angels perceive these matters; for they perceive the spiritual sense when man sees the historical natural sense. How remote these two senses seem to be from each other when in fact they are closely linked to one another may become quite evident from the historical details explained above and from all other such details. The actual arcanum present within the details here and in those after them in this chapter may, it is true, be known to some extent from what has been stated already about Laban and Jacob - about 'Laban' meaning the kind of good by means of which genuine goods and truths are able to be introduced, while 'Jacob' means the good of truth. Yet few know what natural good corresponding to spiritual good is, even fewer what spiritual good is and that a correspondence ought to exist between the two, and fewer still that a type of good which merely looks like good is the means for introducing genuine goods and truths. This being so, the arcana which describe these matters cannot be explained easily and intelligibly since they fall within the poorly lit parts of the understanding. It is rather like someone talking in a foreign language, in that no matter how clearly the thing is explained in that language the hearer does not understand. Even so, because what is concealed in the internal sense of the Word is to be made known, the actual arcanum within the details here has to be discussed.

[3] In the highest sense the subject at this point is how the Lord made His own Natural Divine, and in the representative sense how the Lord regenerates the natural as it exists with man and brings it into correspondence with his interior man, that is, with that which is going to live after the death of the body. At that point it is called man's spirit which, when released from the body, takes with it every part of the external man except the flesh and bones. If the correspondence of the internal man with the external has not been effected in the temporal state, that is, during a person's life in the body, it is not effected after that. The Lord's joining of the two together through regeneration is the subject in the internal sense here.

[4] Previous sections have dealt with the general truths which a person ought to receive and acknowledge before he can be regenerated, those truths being meant by Jacob's ten sons by Leah and the servant-girls; then they deal - after he has received and acknowledged them - with the joining of the external man to the interior, that is, of the natural man to the spiritual, which was meant by 'Joseph'. Now in the sequence of ideas the subject is the fruitfulness of good and the multiplication of truth which begin to occur once the rational man has been joined to the spiritual, and in the measure that they are so joined. These are the considerations meant by the flock which Jacob acquired to himself by means of Laban's flock. 'Flock' here means good and truth, as it does many times elsewhere in the Word. 'Laban's flock' means the good that is represented by 'Laban', the nature of which has been stated above; 'Jacob's flock' means the genuine good and truth which is acquired by means of that good represented by Laban.

[5] It is the way in which genuine goods and truths are acquired that is described here. Yet this cannot by any means be comprehended unless one knows what is meant in the internal sense by 'speckled', 'spotted', 'black' and 'white', and therefore these must first be dealt with here. That which is speckled or that which is spotted consists of black and of white. In general 'black' means that which is evil, in particular man's proprium since this is nothing but evil. 'Dark' however means that which is false, and in particular false assumptions. 'White' in the internal sense means truth; strictly speaking it means the Lord's Righteousness and Merit, and from this the Lord's righteousness and merit as these exist with man. This whiteness is called bright because it shines from the light that radiates from the Lord. But 'white' in the contrary sense means self-righteousness or one's own merit. Indeed truth devoid of good has such merit within it, for when any good action performed by a person does not stem from the good of truth that person always desires something in return since he acts for the sake of himself. But when good lies behind the truth that a person carries into effect, that truth is enlightened by the light which radiates from the Lord. From this one may see what is meant by 'spotted', namely truth with which falsity has been mingled, and what by 'speckled', namely good with which evil has been mingled.

[6] Actually visible in the next life are colours so beautiful and bright that they defy description, 1053, 1624. They are the product of the variegation of light and shade within white and black. But although it appears before the eyes as light, the light there is unlike the light in the world. The light in heaven includes intelligence and wisdom, for Divine Intelligence and Wisdom from the Lord manifest themselves there as light and also light up the whole of heaven, 2776, 3138, 3167, 3190, 3195, 3222, 3223, 3225, 3339-3341, 3485, 3636, 3643, 3862. Shade likewise in the next life, although it appears as shade, is unlike shade in the world, since the shade in that life is the absence of light and as a consequence the lack of intelligence and wisdom. So because the white and the black are in the next life a product of light which has intelligence and wisdom within it, and a product of the shade which is the lack of these, it is evident that white and black mean such things as have been stated above. Consequently, since colours are the modifications of light and shade within surfaces consisting of white and black, it is the variegations produced by those modifications that are called colours, 1042, 1043, 1053.

[7] From all this one may see what is meant by speckled, or marked and dotted with black and white specks, namely good with which evil has been mingled, and also what is meant by spotted, namely truth with which falsity has been mingled. These are the things that were taken from 'Laban good' to serve in the introducing of genuine goods and truths. But in what way they are able to serve is an arcanum which can indeed be presented clearly to those who see in the light of heaven because this light, as has been stated, holds intelligence within it, but not to those who see in the light of the world unless their light of the world is lit up by the light of heaven, as it is with those who are regenerate. For every regenerate person sees goods and truths within his own natural light from the light of heaven, because the light of heaven brings sight to his understanding even as the inferior light of the world gives him natural sight.

[8] But all this needs to be taken a little further. No pure good, or good with which evil is not mingled, exists with anyone. Neither does any pure truth, or truth with which falsity is not mingled, exist with him. This is because man's will is nothing but evil, from which falsity is constantly passing into his understanding; for as is well known, he possesses by inheritance the evil that has been accumulated consecutively by his forefathers. From this inheritance he brings out evil into his own actions and makes it his own, adding further evil from himself to the inheritance. But the evils residing with man are of various kinds. There are evils with which goods cannot be mingled and there are evils with which they can. And the same applies to falsities. If this were not so nobody could ever have been regenerated. The evils and falsities with which goods and truths cannot be mingled are ones that are contrary to love to God and love towards the neighbour - forms of hatred, revenge, and cruelty, and consequent contempt for others in comparison with oneself, and also consequent false persuasions. But the evils and falsities with which goods and truths can be mingled are ones that are not contrary to love to God and love towards the neighbour.

[9] Take for example anyone who loves himself more than others and because of that love strives to excel others in private life and in public life, to excel them in knowledge and doctrine, and to be promoted to positions of greater importance than others, and also to greater affluence than others. If at the same time he acknowledges and adores the Lord, from the heart performs acts of kindness to the neighbour, and from conscience behaves justly and fairly, the evil that belongs to his self-love is such that good and truth can be mingled with it. For this is an evil which belongs to a person as his own and into which he is born by heredity. And to take that away from him suddenly would be to put out the fire of life that burns in him at first. But in the case of someone who loves himself more than others and because of that love despises others in comparison with himself, hates those who do not hold him in esteem and so to speak adore him, and therefore enjoys the feelings of hatred that are present in revenge and cruelty, the evil of that love is such that good and truth cannot be mingled with it because they are contraries.

[10] Take as another example anyone who believes that he is pure from sins, and so is cleansed like somebody from whom dirt has been washed away by means of much water, once he has repented and carried out the prescribed penances, or after he has made his confession and heard the confessor declare him free from sins, or after he has been to the Holy Supper. If he leads a new life, being stirred by an affection for good and truth, that falsity is such that good can be mingled with it. But if he goes on leading a carnal and worldly life as before, it is in that case a falsity with which good cannot be mingled. Also, with anyone who believes that man is saved by virtue of believing what is good and not of willing it, and yet who does will what is good and therefore does it, that falsity is such that good and truth can be attached to it. But not so if he does not will what is good and therefore does not do it.

[11] Take yet another example. If anyone does not know that man rises again after death and consequently does not believe in the resurrection, or else if anyone who does know but nevertheless doubts or practically denies it, and yet each one leads a life of truth and goodness, good and truth can be mingled with that falsity also. But if a person leads a life of falsity and evil they cannot be mingled with that same falsity because they are contraries. The falsity destroys the truth, and the evil destroys the good.

[12] And still another example. Pretence and shrewdness which have a good end in view, whether the good of the neighbour, or of one's country, or of the Church, constitute prudence. The evils that are mixed up with them can be mingled with good by reason of and for the sake of the end in view. But presence and shrewdness which have an evil end in view do not constitute prudence but trickery and deceit. Good cannot possibly be joined to these, for deceit which goes with an evil end in view brings what is of hell into every single part of a person, sets evil in the middle, and casts good away to the circumferences. This order is the order itself of hell. And so with countless other examples that could be taken.

[13] The fact that there are some evils and falsities to which goods and truths can be attached may be seen merely from the consideration that so many different dogmas and teachings exist, many of them totally heretical, and yet subscribing to each one there are people who are saved. The same may also be seen from the consideration that among gentiles outside of the Church there is another Church that is the Lord's, and that those are saved who lead charitable lives, even though falsities exist with them, 2589 2604. This could by no means be the case if there were no evils with which goods can be mingled, and no falsities with which truths can be mingled. For the evils with which goods are mingled, and the falsities with which truths are mingled, are wonderfully arranged into order by the Lord. For they are not combined with one another, still less are they made into one, but lie adjacent to and touch one another, so that in fact the goods together with the truths occupy the middle, at the central point so to speak, while the evils and falsities occupy positions radiating outwards to the surrounding areas or circumferences. Consequently the evils and falsities receive light from the goods and truths, and are variegated like patches of white and black created by light radiating from the middle or centre. This constitutes heavenly order. These are the things meant in the internal sense by 'speckled' and 'spotted'.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.