




8 Ni hindi man niya iniwan ang kaniyang mga pagpapatutot mula sa mga kaarawan ng Egipto, sapagka't sa kaniyang kadalagahan, sila'y sumisiping sa kaniya, at nangahipo nila ang mga suso ng kaniyang pagkadalaga; at kanilang ibinuhos ang kanilang pagpapatutot sa kaniya.



Arcana Coelestia#9958



9958. Verses 42-43 And make for them linen undergarments to cover their naked flesh; from the loins even to the thighs they shall be. And they shall be on Aaron and on his sons when they go into the tent of meeting or when they approach the altar to minister in the holy place, that they may not bear iniquity and die. It shall be the statute of an age 1 for him and his seed after him.

'And make for them linen undergarments' means an external level of conjugial love. 'To cover their naked flesh' means to prevent inner desires of that love from appearing when they are foul and hellish. 'From the loins even to the thighs they shall be' means the range of those things [composing that external level]. 'And they shall be on Aaron and on his sons' means safety from the hells. 'When they go into the tent of meeting' means in worship representative of all things of heaven and the Church. 'Or when they approach the altar to minister in the holy place' means in worship representative of the Lord Himself. 'That they may not bear iniquity and die' means the elimination of the whole of worship. 'It shall be the statute of an age for him and his seed after him' means laws of order in the representative Church.


1. i.e. an everlasting law


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#8772



8772. 'These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel' means influx in order that truths may be received within good. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking', when done by the Divine, as influx, as in 2951, 5481, 5743, 5797, 6152, 6291, 8128, 8660. The reason why in order that truths may be received within good is meant is that what is said has regard to the children of Israel, by whom the spiritual Church is meant, and the spiritual Church exists among those governed by good that has truths within it. What is implied by good that has truths within it must be stated briefly. Anyone who knows the way in which good is formed from truths is acquainted with the greatest arcana of heaven; for he knows the arcana concerning the way in which a person is formed anew, that is, the way in which heaven or the Lord's kingdom is formed with him. All Christian good or spiritual good holds the truths of faith within it; for that good is given specific quality by the truths of faith. Good that does not receive its specific quality from the truths of faith is not Christian good; instead it is natural good which does not impart eternal life. The reason for this is that in itself natural good holds merely natural life, life that is not unlike that of animals, who are also governed by good when they are harmless ones. But animals cannot receive spiritual life.

[2] From this it is evident that spiritual life is acquired only through the truths of faith. This life - spiritual life - is acquired first by knowing the truths of faith, after that by acknowledging them, and at length by believing them. When they are merely known they are so to speak at the front door; when they are acknowledged they are in the hall; but when they are believed they are in the room. Thus they pass in stages from the outer to the inner parts of the mind. In a person interiorly there exists good which flows in constantly from the Lord; and there it joins itself to truths, turning them into faith, and then into charity. That good draws truths to itself; for it desires them so that through them it may obtain for itself a specific quality, and in this condition manifest itself.

[3] When therefore those truths have been joined to the good, the person has been regenerated; for the standpoint from which he sees what he ought to believe and what he ought to do is no longer truths but good. This is because he has absorbed truths, and these now reside within him; and he has no interest in truths from any source except those which he can see from his good. He is all the time seeing more truths, which are produced from that good like offspring from their parents. These offspring arise from such a marriage of goodness and truth, which is called the heavenly marriage. Truths which are products of the marriage hold good within themselves, because good gives birth to them. They enter into good in a continuous series, enlarging it and perfecting it; and they go on doing so for evermore. All this too goes to show the nature of the two states that a person who is being regenerated passes through, the states spoken of previously in 7992, 8643, 8648, 8658, 8685, 8690, 8701, and also in 8516, 8539, 8722.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.