

2 Mosebok第29章



1 Och detta är vad du skall göra med dem för att helga dem till att bliva präster åt mig: Tag en ungtjur och två vädurar, felfria djur,

2 och osyrat bröd och osyrade kakor, begjutna med olja, och osyrade tunnkakor, smorda med olja; av fint vetemjöl skall du baka dem.

3 Och du skall lägga dem i en och samma korg och bära fram dem i korgen såsom offergåva, när du för fram tjuren och de två vädurarna.

4 Därefter skall du föra Aron och hans söner fram till uppenbarelsetältets ingång och två dem med vatten.

5 Och du skall taga kläderna och sätta på Aron livklädnaden och efodkåpan och själva efoden och bröstskölden; och du skall fästa ihop alltsammans på honom med efodens skärp.

6 Och du skall sätta huvudbindeln på hans huvud och fästa det heliga diademet på huvudbindeln.

7 Och du skall taga smörjelseoljan och gjuta på hans huvud och smörja honom.

8 Och du skall föra fram hans söner och sätta livklädnader på dem.

9 Och du skall omgjorda dem, Aron och hans söner, med bälten och binda huvor på dem. Och de skola hava prästadömet såsom en evärdlig rätt. Så skall du företaga handfyllning med Aron och hans söner.

10 Och du skall föra tjuren fram inför uppenbarelsetältet, och Aron och hans söner skola lägga sina händer på tjurens huvud.

11 Sedan skall du slakta tjuren inför HERRENS ansikte, vid ingången till uppenbarelsetältet.

12 Och du skall taga av tjurens blod och stryka med ditt finger på altarets hörn; men allt det övriga skall du gjuta ut vid foten av altaret.

13 Och du skall taga allt det fett som omsluter inälvorna, så ock leverfettet och båda njurarna med det fett som sitter på dem, och förbränna det på altaret.

14 Men köttet av tjuren och hans hud och hans orenlighet skall du bränna upp i eld utanför lägret. Det är ett syndoffer.

15 Och du skall taga den ena väduren, och Aron och hans söner skola lägga sina händer på vädurens huvud.

16 Sedan skall du slakta väduren och taga hans blod och stänka på altaret runt omkring;

17 men själva väduren skall du dela i dess stycken, och du skall två inälvorna och fötterna och lägga dem på styckena och huvudet.

18 Och du skall förbränna hela väduren på altaret; det är ett brännoffer åt HERREN. En välbehaglig lukt, ett eldsoffer åt HERREN är det.

19 Därefter skall du taga den andra väduren, och Aron och hans söner skola lägga sina händer på vädurens huvud.

20 Sedan skall du slakta väduren och taga av hans blod och bestryka Arons högra örsnibb och hans söners högra örsnibb och tummen på deras högra hand och stortån på deras högra fot; men det övriga blodet skall det stänka på altaret runt omkring.

21 Och du skall taga av blodetaltaret och av smörjelseoljan och stänka på Aron och hans kläder, och likaledes på hans söner och hans söners kläder; så bliver han helig, han själv såväl som hans kläder, och likaledes hans söner såväl som hans söners kläder.

22 Och du skall taga fettet av väduren, svansen och det fett som omsluter inälvorna, så ock leverfettet och båda njurarna med fettet på dem, därtill det högra lårstycket ty detta är handfyllningsväduren.

23 Och du skall taga en rundkaka, en oljebrödskaka och en tunnkaka ur korgen med de osyrade bröden, som står inför HERRENS ansikte.

24 Och du skall lägga alltsammans på Arons och hans söners händer och vifta det såsom ett viftoffer inför HERRENS ansikte.

25 Sedan skall du taga det ur deras: händer och förbränna det på altaret ovanpå brännoffret, till en välbehaglig lukt inför HERREN; det är ett eldsoffer åt HERREN.

26 Och du skall taga bringan av Arons handfyllningsvädur och vifta den såsom ett viftoffer inför HERRENS ansikte, och detta skall vara din del.

27 Så skall du helga viftoffersbringan och offergärdslåret, det som viftas och det som gives såsom offergärd, de delar av handfyllningsväduren, som skola tillhöra Aron och hans söner.

28 Och detta skall tillhöra Aron och; hans söner såsom en evärdlig rätt av Israels barn, ty det är en offergärd. Det skall vara en gärd av Israels barn, av deras tackoffer, en gärd av dem åt HERREN.

29 Och Arons heliga kläder skola hans söner hava efter honom, för att de i dem må bliva smorda och mottaga handfyllning.

30 I sju dagar skall den av hans söner, som bliver präst i hans ställe, ikläda sig dem, den som skall gå in i uppenbarelsetältet för att göra tjänst i helgedomen.

31 Och du skall taga handfyllningsväduren och koka hans kött på en helig plats.

32 Och vädurens kött jämte brödet: som är i korgen skola Aron och hans söner äta vid ingången till uppenbarelsetältet; de skola äta detta,

33 det som har använts till att bringa försoning vid deras handfyllning och helgande, men ingen främmande får ta därav, ty det är heligt.

34 Och om något av handfyllningsköttet eller av brödet bliver över till följande morgon, så skall du i eld bränna upp detta som har blivit över; det får icke ätas, ty det är heligt.

35 Så skall du göra med Aron och hans söner, i alla stycken såsom jag har bjudit dig. Sju dagar skall deras handfyllning vara.

36 Och var dag skall du offra en tjur såsom syndoffer till försoning och rena altaret, i det du bringar försoning för det; och du skall smörja det för att helga det.

37 I sju dagar skall du bringa försoning för altaret och helga det. Så bliver altaret högheligt; var och en som kommer vid altaret bliver helig.

38 Och detta är vad du skall offra på altaret: två årsgamla lamm för var dag beständigt.

39 Det ena lammet skall du offra om morgonen, och det andra lammet skall du offra vid aftontiden,

40 och till det första lammet en tiondedels efa fint mjöl, begjutet med en fjärdedels hin olja av stötta oliver, och såsom drickoffer en fjärdedels hin vin.

41 Det andra lammet skall du offra vid aftontiden; med likadant spisoffer och drickoffer som om morgonen skall du offra det, till en välbehaglig lukt, ett eldsoffer åt HERREN.

42 Detta skall vara edert dagliga brännoffer från släkte till släkte, vid ingången till uppenbarelsetältet, inför HERRENS ansikte, där jag skall uppenbara mig för eder, för att där tala med dig.

43 Där skall jag uppenbara mig för Israels barn, och det rummet skall bliva helgat av min härlighet.

44 Och jag skall helga uppenbarelsetältet och altaret, och Aron och hans söner skall jag helga till att bliva präster åt mig.

45 Och jag skall bo mitt ibland Israels barn och vara deras Gud.

46 Och de skola förnimma att jag är HERREN, deras Gud, som förde dem ut ur Egyptens land, för att jag skulle bo mitt ibland dem. Jag är HERREN, deras Gud.




Arcana Coelestia#10087



10087. 'And you shall take the breast' means the Divine Spiritual in the heavens, which those in heaven make their own. This is clear from the meaning of 'the breast' as the good of charity, and in the highest sense as the Divine Spiritual, dealt with below. The reason why its being made their own by those in the heavens is meant is that the subject in what follows next is the flesh from the ram and the bread from the basket which were not burned on the altar but were left as a portion for and were eaten by Moses, Aaron, and his sons. By this is meant making it their own, the process of which is described in what follows next. The origin of the meaning of 'the breast' as the good of charity, and in the highest sense as the Divine Spiritual, lies in correspondence. For the human head corresponds to the good of love to the Lord, which is the good of the inmost heaven and is called the Divine Celestial, whereas the breast corresponds to the good of charity, which is the good of the middle or second heaven and is called the Divine Spiritual; and the feet correspond to the good of faith, thus to the good of obedience, which is the good of the lowest heaven and is called the Divine Natural. Regarding this correspondence, see what has been shown above in 10030.

[2] Since the breast because of its correspondence means the good of charity, and the good of charity results from the will to do good, John - who represented that good - leaned on the Lord's breast or in His bosom, John 13:23, 25, by which the Lord's love of that good is meant. For 'leaning on the breast' or 'in the bosom' means loving. Anyone who knows this may also know what the meaning is of the following words which the Lord addressed to Peter and to John,

Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon son of Jonah, do you love Me? He said, Yes, Lord, You know that I love You. He said to him, Feed My lambs. He said to him again, Simon son of Jonah, do you love Me? He said, Yes, Lord, You know that I love You. He said to him, Feed My sheep. He said to him a third time, Simon son of Jonah, do you love Me? Peter was grieved, therefore he said, Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You. Jesus said to him, Feed My sheep. Truly I say to you, When you were younger you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands and another will gird you and lead you where you do not wish. When He had said this He said to him, Follow Me. Having turned round Peter saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper. Seeing him Peter said, Lord, what about him? Jesus said to him, If I will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me. John 21:15-22.

None can know what these words mean except through the internal sense. This teaches that the Lord's twelve disciples represented all aspects of faith and love in their entirety, just as the twelves tribes of Israel did, and that Peter represented faith, James charity, and John the works or good deeds that flow from charity.

The Lord's twelve disciples represented all aspects of faith and love in their entirety, see 3488, 3858 (end), 6397.

The twelve tribes of Israel had the same representation, 3858, 3926, 4060, 6335, 6640.

Peter represented faith, James charity, and John the works that flow from charity, Prefaces to Genesis 18, 22, and 3750, 4738, 6344 (end).

'The rock', as Peter is also called, means the Lord in respect of faith, 8581.

[3] Faith without charity does not love the Lord; nevertheless it is able to teach about things connected with faith and love, and the things that are the Lord's. This was why the Lord said three times, 'Do you love Me?', and then, 'Feed My lambs' or 'Feed My sheep'. For the same reason He says, 'When you were younger you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands and another will gird you and lead you where you do not wish', meaning that in its early stages the Church's faith had possessed the good of innocence, like a young child; but when it was in decline, which is the final phase of the Church, faith would not possess that good any longer nor the good of charity, at which point evil and falsity would lead it. All this is what is meant by 'when you are old you will stretch out your hands and another will gird you and lead you where you do not wish', that is, you will pass from freedom into bondage. 'Girding' means being acquainted with and seeing truths in light that flows from good, 9952, and 'walking' leading a life in accord with those truths, 8417, 8420, so that 'girding himself and walking where he wished' means acting in freedom; and people act in freedom when an affection for truth springing from good governs their actions, 2870-2893, 9585-9591, and they are led by the Lord, 9096, 9586, 9589-9591. But 'being girded by another and being led where he did not wish' means being in bondage, and people are in bondage when evil governs their actions, and so they are led by hell, 9096, 9586, 9589-9591. 'Lambs', which the Lord mentions first, are those in whom the good of innocence is present, see 3994; 'sheep', which the Lord mentions the second and third times, are those in whom the good of charity, and faith springing from this, are present, 4169, 4809. Also three means the whole period from beginning to end, 2788, 4495, 7715, 9198; consequently, since the Lord spoke to Peter regarding the Church from its early stages to when it was in decline, He said three times, Do you love Me?

[4] As regards John's following the Lord, this was a sign of the truth that those who perform the good deeds of charity follow the Lord, are loved by the Lord, and do not leave Him, whereas those whose faith is separated from charity not only fail to follow the Lord but are also angered by that truth, as Peter was then; not to mention many more arcana within the words contained in that passage.

From all this it is evident also that leaning on the Lord's breast or in His bosom means being loved by Him, and that this expression is used in reference to those who perform the good deeds of charity. Much the same is meant by carrying in the bosom, Isaiah 40:10-11, and lying in the bosom, 2 Samuel 12:3.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Arcana Coelestia#4738



4738. 'So that he might therefore rescue him out of their hands, to return him to his father' means so that it might lay claim to it for the Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'rescuing out of their hands' as delivering, as above in 4732, and from the meaning of 'returning to his father' as laying claim to it for the Church; for Jacob, to whom 'father' refers here, represents the Jewish religion which sprang from the Ancient Church, as above in 4700, 4701. What was laid claim to for the Church was the Divine Truth concerning the Lord's Divine Human, for, as stated already, 'Joseph' means that truth specifically.

[2] To know more regarding this truth, it should be recognized that the Ancient Church acknowledged it, as also did the Primitive Christian Church. But there came a time when the papacy so extended its authority that it had control over every human soul; it exalted itself in the way the king of Babel is said to have done, in Isaiah,

You said in your heart. I will go up into the heavens, above the stars of God 1 I will raise my throne, and I will sit on the mount of assembly, I will go up above the heights of the clouds, and I will make myself like the Most High. Isaiah 14:13-14.

Then - at that time - Divinity was taken away from the Lord's Human, that is, His Divine was made distinct and separate from His Human.

[3] The way in which this distinction was decreed in a certain council 2 has also been revealed to me. I saw some people appear on the right in front of me, some distance away on a level with the sole of my foot. They were talking among themselves, but I did not hear what about. I was told that they were some of those who had come together in the council when the decree was made regarding the Lord's two Natures - His Divine one and His Human one. Shortly after that I was allowed to talk to them. They said that those who had the greatest influence in the council and who held higher positions and had higher authority than the rest met together. They did so in a room that was dark, where they decided that both Divinity and Humanity should be attributed to the Lord, the main reason for their decision being that otherwise the papacy could not have remained in being. For if they had acknowledged that the Lord was one with the Father, as He Himself says, no one could then have been acknowledged as His vicar on earth. Schisms were developing at that time, which would have toppled and destroyed the power of the papacy, had they not made that distinction. To strengthen it they also assembled proof texts from the Word and swayed the rest of the council.

[4] Those who spoke to me added that by doing this they were able to have control in heaven and on earth. They knew from the Word that all power in heaven and on earth had been given to the Lord, and this power could not have been granted to any vicar [of Christ] if the Human too were acknowledged to be Divine. For they knew that no one was allowed to make himself equal to God and that that power existed essentially in the Divine, not in the Human unless it was granted to it as it was also subsequently granted to Peter. They said that by doing what they did they were then able to keep the schismatics quiet who were most astute, and were also able to strengthen the power of the papacy. From this it is clear that they invented the distinction they made purely for the sake of having control, and that therefore they had no wish to know that the gift of power to the Lord's Human in heaven and on earth demonstrates that His Human too is Divine. It is also clear that 'Peter', to whom the Lord gave the keys of heaven, does not mean the man Peter but faith rooted in charity, which is received from the Lord alone and is therefore a power that belongs to the Lord alone - see Preface to Genesis 22.


1. The Latin means heaven, but the Hebrew means God, which Swedenborg has in other places where he quotes this verse.

2. Council of Chalcedon 451 AD


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.